Official Cut Off Time Post For VIBES Week 28 Entries CEST 10 AM JANUARY 26th 2025 (Includes My Judge’s Thoughts & The Entry Guidelines For New Participants)



Official Cut Off Time Post For VIBES Week 28 Entries CEST 10 AM JANUARY 26th 2025 (Includes My Judge’s Thoughts & The Entry Guidelines For New Participants)

Any further entries posted Beyond This Post will not be considered for the Top 6 Winning Prize Rewards.

Please remember to get your entries on time within the allotted time slots for each VIBES Week and Remember to...

Make sure your 5% beneficiary is set properly, which can easily be done by just posting through within the Vibes Community click this link here to learn how.

If you still find it confusing I have also made a very thorough post about it here on how to set the 5% beneficiary as a lot of people need reminding to follow this very important rule.

And add a promo video to earn more than 10$ on your Vibes entry. A promo video is an extra video inside your post of you promoting vibes to attract new musicians to our contest. Here is why they are important and how to make one.

Also Remember

1) Double check the quality of your video entry, and PLEASE REMEMBER, ONLY ONE ENTRY Per Participant/Contestant/Person Per Each Vibes Week, unless it is a legitimate Collaboration, for example @username1A enters once by themselves Solo and then, @username1A enters again with a friend or family member on that other person’s account in Collaboration for a different song performance, which counts towards @username2B’s account. (Although abuse of this gray area rule, Or multiple entries posted within a single Vibes Week, Will result in either very reduced Post Reward Upvotes, no support at all, or at the very extreme, disqualification from all future Vibes Competition Weeks)

2) That you didn't forget the very important Intro Stating/Saying the actual Current Vibes Week Number LOUDLY and clearly enough, and your Intro is the same recording as your actual entry with preferably no cuts (keep your intros effectively short) and you didn’t just edit in a new intro into an old video (which is against the rules). Unless otherwise cleared and clarified with an Official Judge.

3) That your video actually plays, is not set to Private, but actually viewable with Unlisted Link or Public, and the video actually plays with Sound with at least 2 minutes of play/performance time with music (or acapella), and that the Sound matches the Visuals in real time perfectly...( avoid latency, lagging sounds or bad editing when matching up vocals to visuals, which is why live performance is the best and preferred to avoid these issues)
Some entries have singing before their mouths are actually open and moving, or instruments played without any hand movements, etc...

4) That the sound quality is good, no distortions or high frequency feedback noise (listen to your own entry with headphones before you post it, get a second or third opinion from someone non biased who will tell you the truth if it's good enough to post or not)
Also, make sure that if you are using a wired or wireless microphone that's attached to your t-shirt or other clothing item, that the microphone is not picking up all the sounds of ruffled movements from your body language and you moving around the mic as you perform.

5) That you performed live and we can visually see your face with decent lighting (if you're playing an instrument, please show your face, hands and instrument) Unfortunately some people pretend and fake their playing...
Also Please Keep in Mind of the Camera Angle that it is Not directed too closely to your face and or angled Up to your nostrils/nose. PRESENTATION IS KEY!

6) That you recorded in a relatively quiet place without wind or distracting loud noises

7) That your backing track instrumental is loud enough for us to hear it, but low enough that it doesn't overpower or block out your singing/rapping voice and or the instrument you are playing

8) Provide lyrics for your listeners whether it is a Cover or an Original and especially if it is in another language, also, translations are a nice consideration too for the community to enjoy

9) Remember that this is a competition with opportunities and prizes and hundreds of participants involved and that you should always give it your very best effort, continue to improve, experiment, grow and not give up

10) That you performed with Passion and No Fear, and didn't hold back anything

11) That this is a welcoming, caring music community to connect with others, collaborate, and to have fun! And while you're having fun, don't forget to tell other talented musician family members and friends to join.


Community Voting Poll will begin soon, us Judges are preparing the Top 10 list now. Thank you for your support, participation, respect for the guidelines and understanding.

Judge‘s Thoughts for Week 28:

Week 28 was jam packed with new faces and skillsets and talented people. There was a lot of fire 🔥 being displayed this week and it is inspiring to hear and see.

One of the most repeated Cover songs I have had to listen to in the Vibes Contest are “Hallelujah”, “All Of Me” by John Legend, and a few others that are starting to annoy me slowly but surely lol. Only people who truly have an amazing and wonderful voice can help me to enjoy these repeatedly covered songs and I also think people who have been in the contest for awhile should try showcasing more variety. I know not everyone is an original songwriter, but I find it strange that somehow the winners from previous top 6 winner’s announcement, get their songs covered in the following weeks. But if you know you don’t sound better than the ones who did it before you, just pick something you are more comfortable with.

Sometimes I feel like people think they will be upvoted more or considered more for covering the Winning songs from the more recent weeks but it actually has the opposite effect. I understand that in some cases some people just pick whatever song they like and they didn’t choose it because of the top 6, maybe they didn’t even see or update themselves of who won the past 1-3 weeks, but I would say to you, do your due diligence and pick something fresh and new.
Either way, I think we are making big progress on growing and expanding the contest and the level of competition, and week 28 has shown more originality, and diversity.

Let’s keep it going, and please people, some comments on some entries look kind of crazy. Someone will give a really bad performance , hit all kinds of crazy off key notes, and either sing half heartedly or the audio is just absolutely terrible. And then I see their friends and family saying it was an amazing or fantastic performance and they are in love with their voice. Often times I see these comments coming from people who have won before and I don’t think there is anything wrong with encouraging someone but we don’t have to lie to anyone because we don’t want to hurt their feelings.

People seem to respect it more when you tell them what they can improve on rather than to just tell them they did a fantastic job. Because then they won’t aim to get better. This is still a competition.

They will be content and complacent if they received unwarranted praise and compliments for a performance that was clearly a disaster to listen to. I would hope many of you focus on improving your sound quality and recording quality, improve your presentation skills, and focus on delivering the music in Live Performance style, with no playback, lip syncing or editing of your voice to appear as live performance.

Just be natural and show your real true talent, I respect that the most, Marica also respects that the most, we are live performance judges and anyone can sound good with autotune and some pre-production editing. Performing live will always be a top priority for this contest, especially as we continue to grow it will make the judging process that much easier. I would take a natural live skilled performer over a crazy epic music video lip sync performance any week.

Anyway, these are my thoughts for Week 28. I really appreciate all of you who participate and follow all the rules. If you see someone is missing something, like they forgot to say the Vibes Week Number (which shows it is a current new video) or maybe they forgot to set the 5% or they are missing a valid promo video less than 1 month and they are not a newcomer, please remind them, we are all a community, and we want to see everyone elevate and succeed, plus it saves me time from reminding as I am judging through the few hundred entries now. Thanks in advance.”

I am glad and thankful to be apart of the best online music competition on Web3. I wish this were a full time position. I could truly do this job as a passion. My favorite part is performing alongside with you all and rewarding the winners in multiple ways possible. With Vibes, everyone is a winner 😎

@Verbal-D Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge

7.956 NEOXAG


You are a judge indeed and I like how you’ve said so much and I must say I have similar thoughts too especially this part.

Let’s keep it going, and please people, some comments on some entries look kind of crazy. Someone will give a really bad performance , hit all kinds of crazy off key notes, and either sing half heartedly or the audio is just absolutely terrible. And then I see their friends and family saying it was an amazing or fantastic performance and they are in love with their voice. Often times I see these comments coming from people who have won before and I don’t think there is anything wrong with encouraging someone but we don’t have to lie to anyone because we don’t want to hurt their feelings.

Like you’ve said, it is good to encourage people but being truthful to them will help them even grow better than lying to them. Most times, I just choose to keep quiet if I know what I’d say might be take the wrong way but it’s funny when I read through other’s comments. 😶

Well, well, it will hopefully get better from here but that is if people read through this post and know where they need to do better. Good luck to those who do. 🤭

0.006 NEOXAG

Thanks for your insightful comment. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and siding with this perspective. If people enter a judged competition they should expect to be judged. I am not a Simon Cowell or anything like that, but if I hear something atrocious, I want to say something, but commenting on hundreds of entries telling people what they did wrong is time consuming enough lol

But I think in the coming weeks, I will try and showcase a bit more constructive criticism, but only to those who I think could really appreciate it, others clearly don’t care about any presentation factors and just submit their entries quickly, but if they don’t care about their entry or its sound quality or the volume levels, then I also won’t give much care or thought when reviewing their entry. It works both ways and they get what they put out.

1.712 NEOXAG

And that’s what I appreciate about knowing someone like you. It has been a motivation on every side to always want to do better.

Although, it hurts sometimes to be told the truth but it is only then that we know that we really have to do better.

It will be nice to always get your constructive criticism and any advice you have too. 🤲

0.000 NEOXAG

Constructive criticism really is important, especially in a space such as this where personal vocal growth is promoted.

0.001 NEOXAG

I totally agree. There is a way to give constructive criticism in a respectful manner. Doing such for the benefit of others to grow is indeed an artform.

0.000 NEOXAG

Hi verbal!. i have been able to see the evolution and impact of your service as a curator/educator and uplifter for artists for at least 8 years, i bet is not an easy task and i cheer up your empathy and destilation of the feedback procces not only for you but to encourage others to take on those shoes aswell of what content curation actually means.... to put on perspective this contest and take it as the oportunity to polish the different key aspect of a blog, for me it means a whole complex procces and that's why you don't see me posting every week altough that i know music to play, but i'm trying to find my soul and i know that if i make of the procces of videoperformance something mechanical it will lost all the meaning to me.

so i try to push forward into the extra value of my post, like if people entered on my store to buy groceries but they got a bottle of wine for free... and that's what i like to see in music posts, i want to see the cosmic piano being played, beyond the octaves of sound to color, literature and it's melt into something where i cannot diferentiate one from the another, where does the music started?

0.006 NEOXAG

This is a reminder of the guidelines and rules of this music competition. Unfortunately, some people are after the rewards for their entries without making an effort to read through the rules to follow them. Hopefully, they will find this post and take some time to read and digest.

Also Please Keep in Mind of the Camera Angle that it is Not directed too closely to your face and or angled Up to your nostrils/nose. PRESENTATION IS KEY!

It's worth being in bold text, lol. This needs to be constantly said, I don't know how many nostrils with different sizes we have seen in this community, lol. PRESENTATION is KEY.

I would love and prefer honest feedback on my entries with suggestions on where to improve other than friends commenting "beautiful", "Amazing", "You killed it",... lol, when there are areas I need to work on. Constructive criticism or feedback is important to help us grow.

Unless people are just here to make money and not to improve their vocals and musical talents for the future, then this competition will make no sense to them outside the financial rewards. It is an avenue to grow, connect and support each other as singers/artists.

Verbal D, you do a lot for us in this community and God will bless you abundantly. I agree that we can assist in reminding other contestants about the rules when we find out they missed any to ease off the stress and save you time in judging other entries.

We are growing and heading to week 30, and I can't wait to see Vibes being the Virtual X Factor, AGT or American Idol. It would be amazing.

Oh, I have dropped a blog post in your comment, lol. Have a wonderful Sunday and a new week ahead. God bless you. 🙏

0.001 NEOXAG

There’s a nice humor to the judges’ thoughts and I must say it’s a really good one. You keep coming up with creative ways to make the community better. One more thing I appreciate is your honesty always. These are issues that should’ve addressed long ago, even in hive generally. It might not be as bad as giving false compliments but many times I try to find something else positive about entries apart from the vocals 😂. It might have encouraged them, of course I’ve seen people get better through active participation but it’s even better to give ideal suggestions on how to get better. It’s refreshing to have guidance and the community at large can help with that. It feels good to know this community sincerely cares about intentional growth.

Also, being “natural” is something I have struggled with, singing for an audience gives me the nerves even if it’s a camera 😂😂. But once you can nail that element, it gives a really cool flow and very nice outcome. That’s a good advice and yeahh, we will keep learning.

0.001 NEOXAG

Well said @verbal-d . This is a judged contest, I couldn't agree more. I feel people are just after making quick money without necessarily wanting to put in a great effort, I guess they're comfortable with just any amount gotten. Afterall with vibes everyone is a winner 😁, but then we all need to do better. Constructive criticism is a way go grow, well for those who listen.

0.001 NEOXAG

It is your good heart and concern for growth that has made you point out these things as an individual and not even a judge now. I believe that the community was built for people (us) to learn and unlearn, now that you have addressed this issue I hope it helps people to see and understand better the power of a sincere comment.

0.001 NEOXAG

Thank you very much for the update Sir
The highest part that got me was your thoughts about week 28, because it gives me more insights on how to get better.
You also spoke about "not wanting to tell someone the truth because we think it'll hurt their feelings"
I think that was the word for me, and I am going to work on it too... Thank you Sir 🙂

0.001 NEOXAG

You're very welcome. Thanks for chiming in and speaking your part. We should all do better in this aspect for sure. We shouldn't be afraid to help those whom we care about, so we should just be mindful of How we say something. How would we want someone to tell us the information we are trying to share to someone who could improvr in a specific area in their performance. This is a good question to ask ourselves before we write direct and blatant comments to criticise people now lol

0.002 NEOXAG

Indeed Sir, we should definitely mind how we correct another person.
We Are One 🙇

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks so much for the careful Observation and Feedback:
be Ur natural self, Do your best , Do Quality, Be Honest with your comments.
Thanks Verbal D, will work more on this hopefully people would too.

0.001 NEOXAG

Yes I agree. You're very welcome. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Everyone should be themselves, choose the songs they truly love, aim to grow and improve and share respectful honesty amongst each other. I would love to witness it more. Not only coming from me or a few others. But generally everyone who should thoughtfulness and consideration for their musical peers, because the end result is, we all grow and continually inspire one another to higher levels of creativity and performance and musical experience, which further enhances and legitimizes the skill and talent being displayed in the Vibes Contest.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks for the update

0.000 NEOXAG

You’re welcome 😎

0.000 NEOXAG

Maravilloso hermano, tus. Palabras nos dan inspiración y certeza de un proyecto que muestra un camino hermoso lleno de gente como tu, conectados con amor, conciencia y mucha creatividad y pasión musical.

Dios nos bendiga a todos infinitamente y nos permita seguir creciendo de la mano.

Un abrazo hermano.

0.000 NEOXAG

Everything is very well explained. Improvement is always the way, not an option. I appreciate this kind of publication because I can evaluate myself personally and keep growing. Sometimes, there are so many videos a day that it's hard for me to watch them all because of work and other responsibilities.

Although I know that there is a lot of talent in this community, I agree that there is no need to lie about the listening and viewing experience. In the same way, I always expect sincerity from my listeners because it is not about feeling praised but about continuing to do better.

Thank you always for the opportunity you provide in this space, the good vibes, and the motivation to continue making and consuming good music.

0.000 NEOXAG

week 28 is really very competitive, lots of great talent has emerged, I'm sure you @verbal-d are a great judge, what a great community

0.000 NEOXAG

Están muy buenas esas aclaratorias, realmente el saber la falla es saludable , para mejorar, hay mucho camino por recorrer aun

0.000 NEOXAG

Gracias por los lineamientos juez.

0.000 NEOXAG

Wow, gracias por aclarar lo de los comentarios, realmente es necesario, de hecho hasta yo quiero que me corrijan porque sigo practicando para mejorar porque aquí hay mucho talento y eso me motiva a tratar de se mas competitivo que para ser sincero, necesito ponerme los patines por los increíbles talentos que hay! gracias por este aporte y ya estoy hablando con amigos que tienen un talento increíble para motivarlos a registrarse y participar en esta gran competencia!

0.000 NEOXAG