Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Card Review - Giant Alpine Skink


Hi all, hope all is well for you. I've been away for quite a while on vacation but now I am back again after a good recharge. Time to get back to some Splinterlands action. I am thankful for being able to share on card reviews for Community Engagement and it will be a great avenue for all to learn more about the Rebellion Soul Bound reward cards. So let's get right on into today's sharing.

Card To Look at Today

Giant Alpine Skink


Card Attributes
Rarity: Common
Splinter: Water
Attack Type: Melee

Card started with Shield and progressively gain Phase and at final stage gains stun. This card for me needs to move to Level 5 asap to get Phase on it. The reason is that when this card have both Shield and Phase, it will become a very formidable tank, able to fend itself against both melee, range and magic attackers. The stun at max level is like a final icing to make it a difficult card to face as it not only defend against you, it can even stun you.

Overall assessment of ability, this is a common card, cut out to be a strong card for most water splinter lineup because of its good stats, good attack and usability.

Stat Growth
Attack: Gains 1 attack at level 2 and maintain all the way till max level.
Speed: Gains 1 speed at level 4 and another at level 6
Armour: Gain 1 armour at level 9
Health: Gain 1 health at level 3, 1 at level 7 and one final one at level 8

Overall assessment of stat growth is that this card gains rather good stats as it levels up. Very good stat line especially on the health and speed. With the stat line it is indeed very suitable for being a tank.

This is the first portion of the review base on stat line and abilities. Now I will put this card up to the test and see how it fare in battle before wrapping up the review based on the battle and finally an overall assessment of this card.

The Battle


Heavy Hitters, Fabfour

Mana Limit: 2

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Kelya Frendul4SummonerMy favourite summoner that gives additional speed and armour. One of the better rare summoners out there.
Giant Alpine Skink81stToday's card of review. I have designed for it to take the tank spot because it is having shield ability which works good on a tank position.
Djinn Oshannus82ndAnother of my ace card. For this match, I put it to 2nd position as a striker instead of having it as an makeshift tank like I always do. So let's see how this card functions even without being at pole position
Swamp Spitter73rdCard that repairs armour and deal good range damage. An awesome card from the chaos legion series soul bound reward cards and still doing real good today.
Igor Darkspear24thA cheap card that can slot into almost any lineup and do great because of its versatility and decent stat line for its low cost.
Total Mana:29

Opponent Lineup

  • Summoner - Kelya Frendul
  • Position 1 - Djinn Oshannus
  • Position 2 - Flying Squid
  • Position 3 - Deeplurker
  • Position 4 - Venari Spellsmith
  • Position 5 - NA
  • Position 6 - NA

Prediction before pressing rumble
Wow, a strong opponent with a level 6 summoner and a much more levelled up lineup that I have to face.

Both of us used Water Splinter and opponent did my favourite Oshannus front line way of battle, let's see having an extra tank will do us good or not.

Let's battle!

Battle Synopsis

Round 1, Game on, Giant Alpine Skink took a lot of punishment but deal a good damage onto opponent Oshannus and helping up open up the way for a 2nd turn clearing of opponent tank. It also endured big hit from Deeplurker and Flying Squid.


Round 2, A good job done by Skink to hold up the line and ensured the wearing down of opponent's Oshannus for us to land the kill. While Skink did not survive this round, it already did what it need to.


Round 3, Not much action this round only to see further wearing down of the Flying Squid by my lineup.


Round 4, Another simple round where Flying Squid was being disposed off with no casualty on my end.


Round 5-7, My barrage continues as I slowly remove card after card as my team took the victory after a hard fought battle.

Post Battle Summary
A nice battle where match was decided after a good exchange and when the 2 tanks took it out on another. Having a normal tank allowed a longer sustainability of my Oshannus to carry the game to the end and bring home the victory.

Battle Assessment of Giant Alpine Skink
Somehow, having Giant Alpine Skink allowed an additional advantage on my end where it helped to trim off Oshannus health and take a few blows from the hard hitting melee attackers from my opponent.

Overall Assessent
Mana is a little high on this card but I do feel it is a real deal. Skink offers a good tank for the modern gameplay for the water Splinter and this tank is offers a large offensive attack which is better than other tanks. I am waiting for enough cards to get this with Phase to test out how much better it can be. Card should be rather easily obtained and I hope I can get it to max and realize its full potential.

If I am to give a score, Giant Alpine Skink gets a 3.2 out of 5 stars.

Wrap Up
I hope you guys enjoyed reading my sharing on Giant Alpine Skink. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or commented to let me know what are you thoughts.

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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