Adapting to Modern: Prepare to Get More Rebellion Soul Bound Reward Cards Part 2


Welcome back to another new post on Adapting to Modern where I look at how I crossed over from playing in Wild Battles till today on Modern Battles, sharing with the community the struggles, the strategies and things I do to move towards playing in Modern. With Rebellion Soul Bound reward cards coming live, there is an increased of Rebellion Soul Bound reward cards seen, so as I've started to review the reward cards last week, let's continue to look at 2 more of the Soul Bound reward cards.

Rebellion Soul Bound Reward Cards

Compared to last week where it is so rare to encounter players using Rebellion Soul Bound cards, but this week, I am meeting more players that are using Rebellion Soul Bound cards which seems to be a good sign of adoption of these cards. I myself have yet to redeem any chest yet since the release but will do soon prior to the season end before a refresh happens.

Let's continue from last week where we reviewed 2 of the common Fire Splinter cards and look into 2 rare Fire Splinter cards.

Drybone Megaladon


First up is the Drybone Megaladon. This card resembles the Chaos Legion Water Splinter Diemonshark card. With 3 damage at level 1 and good accompanying armour and health, I think if you do not have a decent tank, this will be a good addition or candidate for tank. But personally, I would say this card will only shine when it hits level 4 when there is retaliate ability unlocked and when it even have a stronger stat line. To make it even sweeter, at max, this card will get thorns which will be great to complete the package. For me, this card there is an additional goodness to it when you wanna hide something from the front line but do not have reach. Hiding a Septic Slime is great so while this card tanks, Septic Slime strikes from position 2 and stuns opponent's tank. Let's monitor if there are any other applications as we play on.

Continuum Seer


Next up is Continuum Seer. From the stat line and mana cost, I know this is a card that I need to get a piece of it soon. Reason being that this is an amazing card for Little League. And in little league, there is a high chance that we will face magic attack cards especially from Death and Earth. With backfire and phase in place, this card will likely be a beast. Missing it in melee, range or magic form will see something coming back to you. In Little League, Fire tend to get bullied, but with this now being added, faith is restored for Fire Splinter for Little League. This card also grows in speed and attack as it level up, further boosting the damage returning and also the damage it can dish out. Certain something that will elevate most decks.

I really like the Continuum Seer as it definitely has more utility than the Drybone Megaladon, easy to fit into lineup and great for Little League. For Drybone Megaldon, my take is that, there are many more stronger tanks that are available in Fire Splinter. So for this card to truly takeover any others, it must be the flank ability that it possess which will enable some synergy with cards that can stand at the 2nd position to give it its greater value.

Wrap Up
I do think there are definitely nice and useful cards out of the pool of Soul Bound reward cards added. So let's continue to battle, clock more Glint, then start putting the cards into greater utility be it in ranked or even during brawl. I will continue to research and look at the others card and will share another 2 cards in the next post.

Let's continue to grow and find path in modern as we journey on playing Splinterlands.

See you next time!

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Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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