RE: How many weeks do you think powerdown should be?

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I know of no non-economic incentives for commercial spam. Personally directed spam, such as during a dispute between parties may have other incentives, such as deep and abiding butthurt. There may be other mechanisms potential to reduce such non-economically motivated spam, but I submit that is a tiny fraction of spam and in the vast majority of cases commercial spam that draws flags is quickly and completely dissuaded by the ability of flaggers to completely eliminate any rewards from spam ops.

Just as DV's censor spammers, they censor everyone else that is flagged, too. DV's are taxes because they return rewards to the pool that had been directed to creators exactly as taxes are taken out of your paycheck and returned to the government before you receive it. On Hive everyone with stake can tax anyone to the limit of their stake. Such economic disincentives are a very common mechanism that oppressive governments employ to censor speech, such as fines, and seizing bank accounts, and debanking people that is becoming more and more prevalent. When they are tied to specific speech they often work very well to silence that speech, on Hive and elsewhere. Canada seized bank accounts of people that donated to honking truckers in the attempt to end the Freedom Convoy there, and as I recall that did end it.

Trump has promised John Deere, for example, that if they move their factories to Mexico, they will pay a 200% import duty for their products sold in the USA. Since such taxation is a strong disincentive to do business in ways that are so punitively taxed, when many creators on Hive have been taxed 100% of their earnings, they are similarly discouraged from publishing on Hive. I have provided some such punitively taxed users 5% of my author rewards for years in order to provide them some economic return for their posts that couldn't be taxed to nothing. I have just learned about @commentrewarder, which enables authors to share their author rewards with commenters they upvote on their blogs, which also provides non-taxable income, and am trying that out.


Downvotes are not taxes. Taxes take what is yours. Downvotes adjust the potential payout, which is not yours until it actually pays out. This can be abused, but calling it a "tax" does not make sense.


Just like your rewards, your paycheck isn't yours until you cash it, and it's adjusted through taxation. Just like taxes, DV's return your money to the rewards pool from whence it came, even though people assigned it to you with their upvotes, just like employers assign you pay for your efforts. Taxes and DV's operate identically, only on Hive everyone can tax you.

The only difference is pedantry.


You're still trying to make a comparison that doesn't work. Government takes from what you were paid. Votes (up and down) set the post reward. There is no confiscation and no threat of violence for noncompliance.


You're conjuring up differences where there are none in practice. There's no threat of violence for your paycheck. The government taking your money is no different than Hive DV's. No goons with firearms at the ready stand in the payroll office threatening the paymaster.

It's the exact same effect. It produces the identical result: your money gets taken away. On Hive everybody can tax you to the limit of their stake. That is the effective difference, and that makes Hive much, much worse because that taxation can, and often is, 100% of your earnings.

No vote is the opposite of an upvote. DV's are taxes.


"There's no threat of violence for your paycheck."

You have never had any kind of dispute with the IRS. The end result is always "comply or die." There is no comparison to downvoting.

Until HIVE payout, the rewards are not your money. After payout, no one can skim off the top of your locked earnings. I don't deny there are downvote abusers. We also have vote farmers and AI spammers abusing upvotes. The claim that there is a tax effect from a downvote still does not actually make sense.


You're conflating filing taxes with receiving paychecks. You can have that same confrontation with the IRS over your social media earnings, and this reveals the mixing of apples and oranges in your violence argument. Deductions from your paycheck operate exactly as do DV's.

Regardless of these discussions, the real world has acted to reject all the sophistry and pedantry that tries to obfuscate the catastrophic effects of unrestrained taxation on commercial activity Hive enables social media to become. User retention is worse on Hive than any other surviving social media platform. The market doesn't care about what you say it should do. It responds to market forces, and has rejected DV's as unacceptable parasitism by the rich on the poor. There are literally thousands of farewell posts from the folks that have left. You can read them yourself.


No, deductions from a paycheck are not equivalent to downvotes. The payout period is a week where users can vote up, down, or not at all based on their subjective opinion of the content in question based on whatever principles they choose, an then after payout, that final sum belongs to the author and curators. In contrast, if I agree to accept $X/hr in wages, government elbows in and demands $Y/hr under threat of further theft, kidnapping, or murder for noncompliance. You can dislike downvotes, but there is no comparison to taxes no matter how you try to argue it.


"The payout period is a week where users can vote up, down, or not at all based on their subjective opinion of the content..."

So during the time when your pay for your content is withheld, the taxing authorities on Hive - everyone with stake - can devise such tax as they choose. There is a difference of course, between government and anyone with Hive stake, towards which you now venture, but your paycheck from your employer is also withheld for weeks after you have earned that pay, and the government taxes it according to it's devices before you get it and get to spend the remainder. You can pretend that goons with guns threaten your employer or you to force you to comply with their demands, but no one ever did that. You comply out of convenience. Of course Hive is different, being online, from other commercial activities, so how taxes can be employed on Hive is different than how they are applied to hourly wages or salaries, just as different as upvotes from curators are from hourly wages and salaries. The mechanisms are quite different between creating content on Hive and making things in a factory, but insofar as earning in either way is concerned, DV's are the taxing mechanism that can exist on Hive most comparable to taxes levied on other kinds of production. Taxes are what they most resemble when you compare economic activity on Hive and in other commercial activity. They don't resemble any other economic aspect of commercial activity more than they do taxes.

If you get paid for creating content there is no regular pay period, no pay scale, so these things aren't comparable to earning a salary or hourly wage, but those differences don't alter the fact that DV's are taxes on your earnings that return them to the rewards pool.

Curation is upvoting content, or not upvoting content, rewarding creators for their content or not rewarding creators for their content. DV's are taxing content and censorship because they very effectively suppress speech on Hive. That's their purpose. They are the mechanism on Hive that controls spam, scams, and plagiarism by eliminating rewards for those activities, for content that features those harms to the community, and they control it very effectively by eliminating the economic rewards of spamming, scamming, and plagiarizing people on Hive with punitive taxation. It's just like the threat Trump just made to John Deere, that the US would impose a 200% import duty on their products if they moved their factories to Mexico. Punitive taxation and other economic deprivations (like seizing bank accounts, as Canada did to people donating to honking truckers to end the Freedom Convoy) are widely used by oppressive governments to control people subject to them, just as Hive does to spam, scams, and plagiarism, and censors the speech on the platform by driving DV'd creators off it.

Of course, thousands of people have been flagged off the platform since 2017 by censors that zeroed out their rewards on every post (which continues today), exactly in the way punitive taxation eliminates John Deere importing tractors from Mexico to the US.

You're pedantry is well noted. I don't have to like it, but it's as real as death and DV's, er... taxes.


You can keep repeating false information as much as you want. It will not make it true.

Post payouts ARE NOT your money. If they were your money you could have taken the money before 7 days run out. You cant because its NOT YOURS.

DVs ARE NOT taxes.


You can repeat the same about paychecks. Pedantry is pedantry.


No you cant.


Yes you can. It's not yours until the taxes have been taken out.


Dude... its not yours. Changing the whole system so it is yours is fine to propose, but as it is now, the post payouts ARE NOT yours.

Now.. heres slope to sit on and slide if DVs are removed.

  1. You remove ability of downvotes to affect payout.
  2. self voting is incentivized to 100% of your voting power. Will happen, has happened in the past. Everybody just votes themselves. It is their stake after all.
  3. Voting system is thus useless and we can simply, without any significant difference remove the author reward pool entirely and attach the 10% curation APR to simply staking Hive. Voting content is gone.

We were close to there years ago when downvotes werent free but existed. This is even worse and would kill the reward pool entirely.


"...the post payouts ARE NOT yours."

Neither is your paycheck until the gummint has DV'd it.

The rest of your post is what iffing the worst that can be coded. Code is king. None of that crap is potential unless the code enables it. We've seen what unrestricted censorship via unrestrained taxation by anyone for any - or none - reason results in. It eradicates user retention.

There's no reason to even discuss it. We've discovered the best way to destroy user retention, and it's unrestrained taxation.

Now, tell me how that rally car replaces >1m users that have been driven from the platform by unrestrained taxation.


Neither is your paycheck until the gummint has DV'd it.

Post payouts arent your paycheck. I dont even know where to start to dismiss this nonsense. The decentralized nature of reward distribution? The fact that post payouts are subject to votes and downvotes. That theyre not set in stone or agreed upon in advance in any way whatsoever between anyone that commits an action to affect them. That youre not obligated to provide any agreed upon work. That there is no social, legal or anything that would constitute a contract between parties in any way?
Post payouts have no relevant similarity whatsoever to "paychecks". The only similarity is that $$$ is a factor somewhere in the equation. You might as well compared post payouts to throwing nickels into a wishing well.

The rest of your post is what iffing the worst that can be coded. Code is king. None of that crap is potential unless the code enables it.

And if code is king then you are not entitled to your post payouts. Its not yours until its in your wallet. See. Code is king as you say.

We've seen what unrestricted censorship via unrestrained taxation by anyone for any - or none - reason results in. It eradicates user retention.

Its not taxation. DVs arent even applied across the board or in any structured way or are they targeted or consistent nor are there rules/laws that theyre bound by. literally nothing in common with taxes.... i mean the taxation angle is just silly. Not even if I give you the benefit of colorful exaggeration can you call DVs taxation.

There's no reason to even discuss it. We've discovered the best way to destroy user retention

Downvotes are a non issue. I actually know what the issue is. Your crusade over bullshit is misplaced and a waste of time. Im actually trying to fix the faults while youre ranting over nonsense without any useful input. And you could be providing useful input. Youre not a dumb guy.
The battle is in locating fixable issues and creating pressure on those that are at the root of the problem, that can most easily commit an action to fix the issues.
You spew nonsense akin to conspiracy crap you find on web2 while the problem is in specific individuals with names and faces that just suck. That dont know better and found themselves in a position where their skillset doesnt align fully with the requirements of their position in a decentralized system that has specific needs. And thats common because wer all faulty humans.
There is no faceless cabal conspiring to benefit itself at the expense of the community. If anything is true its that theres an anti-cabal of sorts where most dont even talk to each other as much as they should.

Now, tell me how that rally car replaces >1m users that have been driven from the platform by unrestrained taxation.

This is just a ridiculous statement. Words strung together.
"How does the sparrow replace the helmet shot off by a melon in a hail storm."

None of what you said here has anything to do with each other. You can criticize the rally car. Fine. You can criticize retention. Fine. You can criticize downvotes (still not taxes). But none of that has any relation to each other in any way that you presented it.


"I dont even know where to start to dismiss this nonsense."

You can start by fixing your head. The upvotes other people assign to content creators is stake they own and have a right to assign where they want. The folks that receive those upvotes then own them. If you don't like the content, don't assign rewards to it. That's what's fair and just and everyone knows it.

DV's are taxes that steal what others pay to content creators, just like taxes on your paycheck steal your pay from your employer. They're identical in effect and mechanism.

You're wrong and you should change your mind and become right.

"DVs arent even applied across the board or in any structured way or are they targeted or consistent nor are there rules/laws that theyre bound by."

There is code that determines how and how much DV's can be. There are multiple parties that do structure DV's. There are many people that have been consistently DV'd after being targeted and their rewards eliminated permanently. Many have left the platform after being so targeted and have posted regarding that targeting and consistent punitive taxation that drove them away. Anyone that has any stake can DV any content, but that doesn't mean that some don't specifically target and consistently eliminate all their victims' author rewards. You are making false statements you know to be false, because you're absolutely wrong, and true statements will not support your position. You resort to insults and ad hominems because that's what people that are losing arguments do, when facts do not support their position.

"Code is king as you say."

And we can observe the abysmal user retention that extant DV code has caused. My point is not that code can't code such things, but that the extant code allows unrestrained taxation of author rewards that has caused an exodus of people that came to this platform to earn rewards and were taxed by all manner of flaggots until they abandoned it, because the unrestrained taxation censored Hive worse than Twatter, Fakebook, and Youtool. They went back to their 2gen social media because Hive was worse.

DV's are a lot of why Hive is worse. You refuse to acknowledge that DV's have destroyed Hive's user retention for seven years, and refuse to answer my question of how many has the rally car brought in. You claim I 'spew nonsense' but simply won't answer my questions because the answers are obvious and prove you're wrong. You haven't provided one iota of factual argument to support your position. All you've done is insult me, ignore my questions, deride my arguments and claim to be fixing everything. Not one relevant fact in a sea of false statements, insults, and self important bloviation has come from you in this discussion.

It's not this or that individual that is causing Hive to fail. Those individuals can only harm Hive because Hive code allows it. It's Hive's code that is causing those individuals to harm Hive. Society is people, and some people, as you point out, suck. Hive is a social media platform, and therefore should be coded such that people that suck can't tax earning of Hive creators to the limit of their stake. Allowing people that suck to do things that suck to people that post content here is idiotic - not a non-issue.

"There is no faceless cabal conspiring to benefit itself at the expense of the community."

After seven years the majority of stake is still held by a couple dozen whales, and because Hive is a plutocracy, those whales completely control the witnesses and therefore govern Hive. You can say 'No, U!' all you want, but because those whales have the majority of stake and stake isn't widely distributed across Hive users, Hive isn't decentralized and isn't resilient against external censorship. Those whales, like Pavel Durov, can be threatened by external actors and compelled to take actions that degrade Hive. Centralization of stake is a security risk. DV's decrease the stake content creators get for their posts, and decrease the distribution of Hive by returning the Hive others assigned to creators to the rewards pool, where - surprise! - whales get ~90% of it. DV's concentrate stake in the wallets of the down voters.

Can I prove they actively conspire? No. Are they? Yes. They certainly understand these things and act in their own interest.

You're being disingenuous when you deny that DV's are the main issue that has caused Hive abominable user retention. Thousands of them have said that's what drove them off the platform. Major influencers with large audiences say so to their audiences and that poisons the market for Hive instead of brings people in to earn for posting. I do not believe you don't know this is happening. DV's absolutely censor people by driving them from the platform because they were designed to do that to spammers, scammers, and plagiarists - to whom and only whom they should be applied for that purpose, and for which they work admirably. They also work great to shut people up you don't want posting, and they've done that to >1m users that came here to earn for their posts and got taxed off.

"...Im actually trying to fix the faults..."

LOL You're certainly getting paid well to. How many new users have your fixes brought to Hive? How many new users has the rally car brought to Hive? It's not a ridiculous question. It's a ridiculous scam.


The folks that receive those upvotes then own them

Yes and when someone Downvotes the creator now owns downvotes as well.

There are many people that have been consistently DV'd after being targeted and their rewards eliminated permanently.

Sure. Unfortunate sometimes, most times not unfortunate at all and quite beneficial to Hive.

DV's are a lot of why Hive is worse.

DVs are a fairly dormant tiny aspect of Hive that exists to maintain health of the ecosystem and it does it extremely well. Entitlement and human behavior that can be shitty at times dont have an effect on that at all.

It's Hive's code that is causing those individuals to harm Hive.

No. Code is not harming Hive. Its keeping Hive healthy. DVs are given by choice of individuals that own stake. Or do we want to strip away all personal responsibility and blame a faceless tool which DVs are.

but because those whales have the majority of stake

Im sorry you cant buy more stake. get investors in. 100mil USD marketcap is peanuts in this market.

Can I prove they actively conspire? No. Are they? Yes.

No you cant prove it but you continue to say it though. And theyre not conspiring. Quite the opposite actually. Hilarious actually.
Can I prove it? No. Will I still claim it as a fact? Yes. 🤣

You're being disingenuous when you deny that DV's are the main issue that has caused Hive abominable user retention.

I dont deny it, im calling it absolute horseshit that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Our retention sucks because our frontends are outdated, the censorship resistance narrative is dead, UX is bad on all levels, the crypto market offers other alternatives, we have no faces that are relevant in the wider crypto market here, and the earning potential here doesnt justify dealing with the steep learning curve for individuals based in high income regions. Thats why we mostly get poor people here in it for a few dollars. Willingness to Deal with bad UX is directly proportional to desperation and inversely proportional to wealth.

I went through close to 1000 people in the last 4-5 months ive onboarded and I have their feedback. I have feedback from people I simply couldnt onboard. Because of their feedback the Peakd wallet is now redesigned for example.
Those that left, in dealing with new users, left because of terrible UX, complexity, lack of algos, not having easy offramps.
But DVs are an issue.🤣 You guys experience a downvote and thats all you ever see or are aware of.

You're certainly getting paid well to.

The only thing I was paid for is organizing Hivefest. The cabal allowed me to organize it. 🤣
You know how that went? I told people id do it. And that was it. No cabal my dude.

How many new users have your fixes brought to Hive?

Should be coming close to a 1000 (might be 600-700 that have been actively posting and many others i cant really track) that i personally brought in the last 4-5 months and generated millions of impressions on social media doing it.

How many did you bring in? And I was paid you know how much? Just as much as you.
And ofc I also set up the 1 million dollar deal between Splinterlands and the DAO, which i was paid nothing for doing. If marketing for SPL works you can partially thank me for their new users.

Im just a guy, community member like you. Anyone can do it. Getting paid as much as you are for doing these things.
What the fuck have you done lately?

It's a ridiculous scam.

No. You may not like the car but its an actual car that exists. Ive seen it in person. Its definitely not a scam.


"...the creator now owns downvotes as well."

Just like you own what's left of your paycheck.

"...quite beneficial to Hive."

You're delusional. You want to live in an echo chamber in which only the voices you approve can be heard. This censorship has destroyed Hive's user retention and prevented it's token from gaining the value a vibrant community would give it.

"...fairly dormant..."

Now that we're down to <10k actual users, perhaps ~3k actual people here now, there are a lot fewer flags flying. Most of the market has already been destroyed. However, such censorship remains ongoing, and I personally donate 25% of my author rewards to encourage such authors to continue to post on Hive, to it's benefit.

I wasn't able to stem the flow when hundreds of thousands were being driven from the platform, but I am doing what I can today.

"Have more money"

Nice burn!

"100mil USD marketcap is peanuts..."

It is and Hive has earned it's decline to wherever it has plunged from it's early heights when it debuted as Steem in 2016, because it has utterly belied it's claims of censorship resistance and potentiating mom and pop bloggers to be able to post and earn here. Hive has failed miserably to fulfill it's promise to the market, and that's why we are today somewhere below 200 in the crypto rankings, from once being in the top ten.

"I dont deny it, im calling it absolute horseshit that has absolutely nothing to do with reality."

That's completely self-contradictory, and denial of reality. You believe in some kind of lala land where a rally car can attract bloggers to a social media platform at a cost of $M's, while censoring hundreds of thousands of people that came here and started posting has nothing to do with user retention and growth today. That's just denial of reality.

"...our frontends are outdated, the censorship resistance narrative is dead, UX is bad on all levels, the crypto market offers other alternatives, we have no faces that are relevant in the wider crypto market here, and the earning potential here doesnt justify dealing with the steep learning curve for individuals based in high income regions. Thats why we mostly get poor people here in it for a few dollars."

All those things are consequences of expelling that influx of users we had by censoring them, especially the censorship resistance narrative. Creators are increasingly censored elsewhere and desperate for platforms that allow free speech. They started coming here in 2017 and were censored off the platform. We had a shot at capitalizing on that shot of market share, but that market growth is a threat to the oligarchy and their control of governance. Sun Yuchen proved that. Hive remains just as vulnerable to concentration of stake assuming control of governance, and the whales extract their ROI because they have the majority of stake.

That's why Hive censored that market away, and why it stays nice and controllable today.

However, lots of influencers and market leaders in alternative media came here back then, looking for an uncensored home. Hive was growing and attracting investment interest. People with plenty of money ventured the learning curve and did so because the offer was good: free speech and the opportunity to capitalize on content because of it. However the delivery fell short. Even as the whales flagged away the market, Steem was captured when @ned capitulated to the oligarchy, took the money, and ran.

1a1v, oracles, and non-plutocratic governance of Hive threatened the oligarchy's control of governance and disproportionate command of inflation. They had a bird in the hand and didn't care about the flock in the bush.

New users that come here do so despite the reek of censorship that Hive continues to generate. They're not the market leaders we poisoned against the platform back when it was Steem, that came here and would have made it great but for the deathgrip on governance profiteers kept. That's what happened and that's where we're at, and you're sucking at that teat today.


while censoring hundreds of thousands of people that came here

Youve either lost your mind or just trolling at this point.

All those things are consequences of expelling that influx of users we had by censoring them, especially the censorship resistance narrative.

Yes. Unintuitive onboarding process and outdated platform design are consequences of Dvs.😂

New users that come here do so despite the reek of censorship that Hive continues to generate.

Censorship? What in the world are you talking about?

You obviously have no idea how anything works. You see downvotes everywhere. Assigning all blame for losing users in a complex system to 1 tiny aspect of it is shortsighted and clueless.

So Hive is a plutocratic hellhole, with a cabal of malicious actors that censor people and steal their money?

Ive no ide what youre even doing here. You should leave and gtfo.
If I hated the place I spend so much time on like you do, id leave already.

and you're sucking at that teat today.

Haha. Oh you can go fuck yourself. 😂


"Unintuitive onboarding process and outdated platform design are consequences of Dvs."

Not having a vibrant economy makes investment in infrastructure impossible. The onboarding process, as unwieldly as it was, brought in those hundreds of thousands of users. The DV's gave them the boot, and the reek of censorship makes any onboarding process - no matter how slick and easy - futile. They're not coming back, and they told their friends about us.

You can't actually look at their ragequit posts. You would have to spend days mocking them for misnaming DV's as the reason they quit before you could get back to abusing me instead of making a reasonable case economic suppression isn't censorship, when it's one of the most common means of censoring people in the world.

"What in the world are you talking about?"

I'm sorry, I thought you were fluent in English.

Here's a definition: Censorship refers to suppressing or controlling information, ideas, or artistic expression by an authority, such as governments, organizations, or individuals.

DV's are censorship. Double tapping to the back of the head is censorship. Governments do it, downvoters do it, spooks do it too. Censorship is any suppression of speech, and taking away peoples' money definitely suppresses their speech. That's why Canada seized the bank accounts of people that donated to honking truckers to end the Freedom Convoy, and why spam, scams, and plagiarism are censored by downvotes, just like ordinary content creators are.

But, you knew that. You're just posing for your benefactors so the money keeps flowing in, because that's what you do.

"If I hated the place I spend so much time on..."

You do. You're preventing it from attaining it's potential, which is transcendental. You should have a look at my back catalog where I describe how Hive can replace government. I don't. I see it's potential and want it to attain it.

You project your volatile emotional mess into my head, but it doesn't belong there. You hate, rage, rant, insult, curse, and utterly fail to make coherent arguments or to be capable of reason at all.


An unstake (power down) is scheduled to happen in 24 hours (~4,504.659 HIVE, remaining 12 weeks)

Received: 2,313,498 HP
@blocktrades 2,313,441 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
@drax 5 HP Sep 1, 2024

Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4502.341 HIVE
6 days ago
Started power down58,560.565 HP
(99793944.302947 VESTS)
13 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7318.996 HIVE
16 days ago
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23 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7309.809 HIVE
Sep 7, 2024
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Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 24, 2024
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Aug 17, 2024
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Aug 10, 2024
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Aug 3, 2024
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Jul 27, 2024
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Jul 20, 2024
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Jul 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7269.056 HIVE
Jul 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7264.567 HIVE
Jun 29, 2024
Started power down95,278.448 HP
(162365443.299664 VESTS)
Jun 22, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Jun 5, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14633.721 HIVE
Jun 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14625.415 HIVE
May 27, 2024
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May 20, 2024
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May 13, 2024
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May 6, 2024
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Apr 29, 2024
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Apr 22, 2024
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Apr 15, 2024
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Apr 8, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14560.143 HIVE
Apr 1, 2024
Started power down192,345.916 HP
(327779581.808452 VESTS)
Mar 25, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16041.485 HIVE
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16032.945 HIVE
Mar 11, 2024
Started power down212,156.692 HP
(361539424.824836 VESTS)
Mar 4, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Started power down209,841.631 HP
(357594293.715841 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Dec 5, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote13463.479 HIVE
Dec 5, 2023

Sent to alpha-4,317.000 HIVE
3 days ago
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24 days ago
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Sep 6, 2024
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Sep 2, 2024
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Sep 2, 2024
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Sep 1, 2024
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Sep 1, 2024
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Aug 29, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,453.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 21, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,123.000 HIVE
Aug 15, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,367.000 HIVE
Aug 7, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,141.000 HIVE
Jul 31, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,545.000 HIVE
Jul 24, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 22, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 21, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,710.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 14, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,176.000 HIVE
Jul 9, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024

Sent to itzchemaya-15,000.000 HIVE
15 days ago
Sent to hivefest24-3,518.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
alpha - ithildin - y2guealsj70cw5rkrrbbph
Sent to hivefest24-3,546.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
blocktrades - ithildin - e9e3qh1kl1uecne2am6tzv
Sent to valueplan-141,243.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Loan of Hive to valueplan
Sent to nahupuku-2,232.000 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024

Sent to gogreenbuddy-0.172 HBD
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-327.485 HIVE
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.912 HIVE
Jan 9, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.772 HIVE
Dec 28, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.155 HBD
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-497.127 HIVE
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.356 HIVE
Dec 9, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.217 HIVE
Dec 1, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.851 HBD
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.354 HIVE
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.288 HIVE
Nov 14, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.221 HIVE
Nov 2, 2023

Received: 567,425 HP
@blocktrades 567,410 HP Aug 16, 2020
@windkc 15 HP Jan 4, 2023




Posted using Bilpcoin


An unstake (power down) is scheduled to happen in 24 hours (~4,504.659 HIVE, remaining 12 weeks)

Received: 2,313,498 HP
@blocktrades 2,313,441 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
@drax 5 HP Sep 1, 2024

Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4502.341 HIVE
6 days ago
Started power down58,560.565 HP
(99793944.302947 VESTS)
13 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7318.996 HIVE
16 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7314.448 HIVE
23 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7309.809 HIVE
Sep 7, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7305.210 HIVE
Aug 31, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7300.676 HIVE
Aug 24, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7296.088 HIVE
Aug 17, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7291.498 HIVE
Aug 10, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7286.901 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7282.522 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7278.123 HIVE
Jul 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7273.654 HIVE
Jul 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7269.056 HIVE
Jul 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7264.567 HIVE
Jun 29, 2024
Started power down95,278.448 HP
(162365443.299664 VESTS)
Jun 22, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Jun 5, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14633.721 HIVE
Jun 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14625.415 HIVE
May 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14617.135 HIVE
May 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14608.857 HIVE
May 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14600.599 HIVE
May 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14592.337 HIVE
Apr 29, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14584.183 HIVE
Apr 22, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14575.955 HIVE
Apr 15, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14568.048 HIVE
Apr 8, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14560.143 HIVE
Apr 1, 2024
Started power down192,345.916 HP
(327779581.808452 VESTS)
Mar 25, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16041.485 HIVE
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16032.945 HIVE
Mar 11, 2024
Started power down212,156.692 HP
(361539424.824836 VESTS)
Mar 4, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Started power down209,841.631 HP
(357594293.715841 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Dec 5, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote13463.479 HIVE
Dec 5, 2023

Sent to alpha-4,317.000 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to beeswap.fees-1,828.540 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,461.000 HIVE
10 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-20,000.000 HIVE
12 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,573.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-5,000.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to alpha-5,008.000 HIVE
24 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,473.000 HIVE
Sep 6, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-100.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,560.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,453.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 21, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,123.000 HIVE
Aug 15, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,367.000 HIVE
Aug 7, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,141.000 HIVE
Jul 31, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,545.000 HIVE
Jul 24, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 22, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 21, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,710.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 14, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,176.000 HIVE
Jul 9, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024

Sent to itzchemaya-15,000.000 HIVE
15 days ago
Sent to hivefest24-3,518.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
alpha - ithildin - y2guealsj70cw5rkrrbbph
Sent to hivefest24-3,546.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
blocktrades - ithildin - e9e3qh1kl1uecne2am6tzv
Sent to valueplan-141,243.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Loan of Hive to valueplan
Sent to nahupuku-2,232.000 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024

Sent to gogreenbuddy-0.172 HBD
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-327.485 HIVE
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.912 HIVE
Jan 9, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.772 HIVE
Dec 28, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.155 HBD
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-497.127 HIVE
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.356 HIVE
Dec 9, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.217 HIVE
Dec 1, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.851 HBD
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.354 HIVE
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.288 HIVE
Nov 14, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.221 HIVE
Nov 2, 2023

Received: 567,425 HP
@blocktrades 567,410 HP Aug 16, 2020
@windkc 15 HP Jan 4, 2023




Posted using Bilpcoin


An unstake (power down) is scheduled to happen in 24 hours (~4,504.659 HIVE, remaining 12 weeks)

Received: 2,313,498 HP
@blocktrades 2,313,441 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
@drax 5 HP Sep 1, 2024

Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4502.341 HIVE
6 days ago
Started power down58,560.565 HP
(99793944.302947 VESTS)
13 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7318.996 HIVE
16 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7314.448 HIVE
23 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7309.809 HIVE
Sep 7, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7305.210 HIVE
Aug 31, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7300.676 HIVE
Aug 24, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7296.088 HIVE
Aug 17, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7291.498 HIVE
Aug 10, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7286.901 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7282.522 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7278.123 HIVE
Jul 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7273.654 HIVE
Jul 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7269.056 HIVE
Jul 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7264.567 HIVE
Jun 29, 2024
Started power down95,278.448 HP
(162365443.299664 VESTS)
Jun 22, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Jun 5, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14633.721 HIVE
Jun 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14625.415 HIVE
May 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14617.135 HIVE
May 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14608.857 HIVE
May 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14600.599 HIVE
May 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14592.337 HIVE
Apr 29, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14584.183 HIVE
Apr 22, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14575.955 HIVE
Apr 15, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14568.048 HIVE
Apr 8, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14560.143 HIVE
Apr 1, 2024
Started power down192,345.916 HP
(327779581.808452 VESTS)
Mar 25, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16041.485 HIVE
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16032.945 HIVE
Mar 11, 2024
Started power down212,156.692 HP
(361539424.824836 VESTS)
Mar 4, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Started power down209,841.631 HP
(357594293.715841 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Dec 5, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote13463.479 HIVE
Dec 5, 2023

Sent to alpha-4,317.000 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to beeswap.fees-1,828.540 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,461.000 HIVE
10 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-20,000.000 HIVE
12 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,573.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-5,000.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to alpha-5,008.000 HIVE
24 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,473.000 HIVE
Sep 6, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-100.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,560.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,453.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 21, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,123.000 HIVE
Aug 15, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,367.000 HIVE
Aug 7, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,141.000 HIVE
Jul 31, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,545.000 HIVE
Jul 24, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 22, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 21, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,710.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 14, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,176.000 HIVE
Jul 9, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024

Sent to itzchemaya-15,000.000 HIVE
15 days ago
Sent to hivefest24-3,518.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
alpha - ithildin - y2guealsj70cw5rkrrbbph
Sent to hivefest24-3,546.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
blocktrades - ithildin - e9e3qh1kl1uecne2am6tzv
Sent to valueplan-141,243.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Loan of Hive to valueplan
Sent to nahupuku-2,232.000 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024

Sent to gogreenbuddy-0.172 HBD
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-327.485 HIVE
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.912 HIVE
Jan 9, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.772 HIVE
Dec 28, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.155 HBD
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-497.127 HIVE
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.356 HIVE
Dec 9, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.217 HIVE
Dec 1, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.851 HBD
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.354 HIVE
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.288 HIVE
Nov 14, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.221 HIVE
Nov 2, 2023

Received: 567,425 HP
@blocktrades 567,410 HP Aug 16, 2020
@windkc 15 HP Jan 4, 2023




Posted using Bilpcoin


An unstake (power down) is scheduled to happen in 24 hours (~4,504.659 HIVE, remaining 12 weeks)

Received: 2,313,498 HP
@blocktrades 2,313,441 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
@drax 5 HP Sep 1, 2024

Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4502.341 HIVE
6 days ago
Started power down58,560.565 HP
(99793944.302947 VESTS)
13 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7318.996 HIVE
16 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7314.448 HIVE
23 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7309.809 HIVE
Sep 7, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7305.210 HIVE
Aug 31, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7300.676 HIVE
Aug 24, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7296.088 HIVE
Aug 17, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7291.498 HIVE
Aug 10, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7286.901 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7282.522 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7278.123 HIVE
Jul 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7273.654 HIVE
Jul 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7269.056 HIVE
Jul 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7264.567 HIVE
Jun 29, 2024
Started power down95,278.448 HP
(162365443.299664 VESTS)
Jun 22, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Jun 5, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14633.721 HIVE
Jun 3, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14625.415 HIVE
May 27, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14617.135 HIVE
May 20, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14608.857 HIVE
May 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14600.599 HIVE
May 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14592.337 HIVE
Apr 29, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14584.183 HIVE
Apr 22, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14575.955 HIVE
Apr 15, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14568.048 HIVE
Apr 8, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14560.143 HIVE
Apr 1, 2024
Started power down192,345.916 HP
(327779581.808452 VESTS)
Mar 25, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16041.485 HIVE
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16032.945 HIVE
Mar 11, 2024
Started power down212,156.692 HP
(361539424.824836 VESTS)
Mar 4, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Started power down209,841.631 HP
(357594293.715841 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Dec 5, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote13463.479 HIVE
Dec 5, 2023

Sent to alpha-4,317.000 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to beeswap.fees-1,828.540 HIVE
3 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,461.000 HIVE
10 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-20,000.000 HIVE
12 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,573.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to hiveswap-5,000.000 HIVE
17 days ago
Sent to alpha-5,008.000 HIVE
24 days ago
Sent to alpha-4,473.000 HIVE
Sep 6, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-100.000 HIVE
Sep 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,560.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 27, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,453.000 HIVE
Aug 22, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Aug 21, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,123.000 HIVE
Aug 15, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,367.000 HIVE
Aug 7, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-2,000.000 HIVE
Aug 1, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,141.000 HIVE
Jul 31, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,545.000 HIVE
Jul 24, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 22, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 21, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to alpha-4,710.000 HIVE
Jul 17, 2024
Sent to hiveswap-10,000.000 HIVE
Jul 14, 2024
Sent to alpha-5,176.000 HIVE
Jul 9, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024
Sent to themarkymark-1,000.000 HIVE
Jul 3, 2024

Sent to itzchemaya-15,000.000 HIVE
15 days ago
Sent to hivefest24-3,518.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
alpha - ithildin - y2guealsj70cw5rkrrbbph
Sent to hivefest24-3,546.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
blocktrades - ithildin - e9e3qh1kl1uecne2am6tzv
Sent to valueplan-141,243.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Loan of Hive to valueplan
Sent to nahupuku-2,232.000 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024

Sent to gogreenbuddy-0.172 HBD
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-327.485 HIVE
Jan 20, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.912 HIVE
Jan 9, 2024
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.772 HIVE
Dec 28, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.155 HBD
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-497.127 HIVE
Dec 26, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.356 HIVE
Dec 9, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-248.217 HIVE
Dec 1, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-3.851 HBD
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.354 HIVE
Nov 17, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.288 HIVE
Nov 14, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.221 HIVE
Nov 2, 2023

Received: 567,425 HP
@blocktrades 567,410 HP Aug 16, 2020
@windkc 15 HP Jan 4, 2023




Posted using Bilpcoin
