When You Decide To Set Your Boundaries | Putting A Stop To It


At some point, one of my weakness is helping people as long as I'm financially capable to do so and at times people do caution me about it saying it is a bad thing in some situation especially when they know I hardly say No to people (I don't really know how to), it was really easy to get stuff from me and at some point, people started taking advantage of that loop hole, even though I noticed, I still fall for them. There is this common thing about people, if you are looking good then it shows you are financially ok ( even if you are not) and that is a green light to start sending bills your way, I know how I had to reduce how I do attend service in my childhood church or find every possible means not to be seen.

There was a stage when I decided that enough is enough, I was at home one day when an unknown number called me, normally I hate calls and I don't pick unknown numbers but I just decided to pick this particular one without reason and the lady was trying to describe herself as my mum old time customer and I was like hope all is well, next thing was crying tone with this story that somehow I believe and at the end she needed help, I didn't even ask my mom and just request for her acct number then sent her some money and that was it, she didn't call for like 2 weeks then she called again and this time with another number using the same story line but somehow I could remember the voice and logic especially when she started crying again, guess it was her requesting for another money I cut the call that day because I wasn't in good mood that day but she kept calling so I just block the line, surprising she started using different line but this time saying my name directly, after blocking series of line, I got fed of and remove my sim from my phone.

There was a day I was discussing with my mom and my sister was there, then she mentioned someone called her asking for money from her after crying then I started laughing because I immediately knew it was that woman, so somehow she play the trick on both of us. There was a time also I decided to go offline completely on whatsapp because billing was too much ( it was really choking), anytime I upload a status and they sense I was online, bills will follow, I had to off my read receipts and last seen, when ever someone send a message on bills and you aren't my family member or close friends that I know such bill is really urgent and will be able to pay back, I will read it but the sender won't see the blue tick and if you see me face to face and ask if I didn't see your message, I will say use because I have lot of unread messages on my phone and If they need confirmation I will show you the number of unread messages.

Someone once told me if you are really kind in helping people especially if it isn't a loan they have to pay back (it is like giving them fish to eat) and they will always come back to collect more fish until you have o fish to give anymore then they move to the next person. You can't help everyone, they will always have other options available
