Three Things I Hope to Experience in My Lifetime

Hello my great people of hive, I hope you had a splendid day today.
I feel greatly delighted to share my wishes and dreams in this great community.

I know people do say “ if wishes were horses, beggars would ride’’ that is actually very true, everyone has dreams and wishes but no matter how beautiful our wishes may seem to be, no matter how we keep building castles in the air, those dreams and wishes will not come true without our deliberate and intentional effort to make it work.

I have several wishes and dreams but I'd love to share just a few of them here.

Right from childhood, after loosing my beloved friend at a tender age, I made up my mind to be a medical doctor to save lives as well as providing solutions towards the health of people. I have always had that in mind and whenever I go to the hospital I do admire the young doctors on their scrub.


It is one of my greatest wish to be a medical practitioner, not just like every other doctor but one who can proffer solutions to save humanity and lives at all cost. I know I admired the doctors on their scrub but I know it is not just about the scrub.

There's an inner joy and happiness that beams out from within whenever I go to the hospital to volunteer in helping patients. Each Time I see patients in the hospital lying helplessly both the rich and the poor, all their wish is to be alive and healthy like every other person.

When I see patients give up the ghost it makes me weep, it drives the passion in me and it makes me yearn to Pursue my dreams. I'm glad I have already started my journey into the medical school, and I hope my wishes and dreams come true.

Learning to play the musical instruments specifically the saxophone and piano is what I have always desired and wished for a long time, I love music and I have always wanted to see myself express my emotions through musical instruments.


Initially I registered for a musical class but my mum delivered of a baby three days after I did my registration, as the first child I needed to be of help, in cooking, assisting, running errands and every other chore in the house till my mum was strong enough to do every other thing.

After some time I wanted going back to continue but I was given admission in school and my first year had been so stressful, I needed time to get aquatinted with the system and to start well.

I started the work- school life and it has not really been giving me enough time to learn the instruments. Being in a medical school requires so much time and dedication but it can't stop me from exploring other things I have passion for, and so I started learning them online while I practice sometimes in church.

I'm still in the learning process and I cannot wait to find myself flow perfectly with the musical instruments. It's a wish I have always longed to achieve but with time I know I'll do better with the musical instruments.


Finally I wish to travel to different countries in the world, it is a long conceived dream that I hope would someday come true. I love traveling and exploring and that has made me yearn to explore different countries in the world.

I just wish to explore places, learn new things from different people, learn other cultures and languages and interact and make friends with people from different parts of the world.

I just wonder how other countries look like, I have been hearing of snowfalls, different cuisine , infrastructures, art and craft from different places and I wish to feel and know what it feels like to experience snowfalls which doesn't happen in my country.


If I had any other alternatives aside being a medical practitioner I would choose to be a Globe- Trotter someday.

I really wish to achieve all my dreams someday, I know it's possible it's just a matter of time.

This post is in response to the Hive Naija weekly prompt
Thank you for reading
I love,I care 🤗🥰

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations to your mum and you big sister, traveling to different countries is something I wish to experience too myself cause I don't see myself living in this nation forever. Amazing wishes you have there!!!!


smiles! thank you for stopping by I am glad I have seen someone who also wishes to travel to different countries, I hope all our wishes come true someday


I’d say if you walk diligently towards those, it’s something you can still achieve. They are realistic and achievable.

May I ask what site you got your pictures from?


Yes that's absolutely true. I got the pictures from pixabay sites
