
Time management is one of the essential tools deemed necessary by anyone who wishes and aims for success, anyone who wants to achieve a desired goal or aim in life be it a student, an entrepreneur etc ought to manage his or her time effectively.

Everyone has twenty four hours in a day, be it the rich, the poor, the young, the old etc we all have twenty four hours to effectively utilize and get our desired result or goals in each day. Most people wile away every second, every minute and every hour they have while some utilizes it effectively. For you to be an effective wealth builder you must master the art of time management.

Productivity on the other hand is your ability to have more output with a little input. It also mean your ability to earn and gain more with your little effort. I remember when I was in secondary school while reading to prepare for my final year examination, my teacher will always see “read smarter and not harder, work smarter and not harder”

Then I never really understood what he meant by saying those words but it remained in my mind, it was later on that I realized that it is not just about working harder or longer it is your ability to be smart and optimize resources to achieve desired outcomes. Anyone who wants to achieve success or amass wealth should learn to work smarter and be productive.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor or a professional your ability to effectively manage your time and maximize productivity determines how well you desired financial goals will be accomplished.
The following are ways to effectively manage your time and be productive as a wealth builder:

1.PLAN AHEAD: you can’t just wake up in the, morning and be productive in your day without planning ahead. To plan ahead means to define and set clear and achievable goals, this act helps one to stay focused and know what exactly you need to achieve within a set time frame. A quote says “if you fail to plan you plan to fail” having a set goals and plans helps you to prepare your mind mentally even before carrying out an action. Every great wealth builder has to learn how to plan and set clear goals ahead.


2.PRIORITZE YOUR TASK: putting things in order of priority is also an essential technique for financial managers. You know what is important or urgent at every interval and so you intentionally place things in order of importance and urgency. Focus on first things first and that will drive to greater productivity.

3.PRACTICE THE TWO MINUTE RULE: I learnt this from David Allen, the two minute rule states

If you face a task that can be done in two minutes or less you should do it immediately rather than postponing it or adding it to your to-do list.

This principle may seem very easy but most people fall into a trap of compiling work that could be done within two minute or less, just do it you don’t need to create excuses for the little work that ought to be done immediately, keeping it longer consumes our time and reduces our productivity.

4.LEARN TO SAY NO: the letters NO can either pave way for our productivity or mar our chances of success, as an entrepreneur, an investor or a wealth builder you must not do everything, the fact that it is working does not mean it is good for you, have discernment enough to know what works and what can’t work for you. You do not have to do everything, invest in anything, start up anything.


Learn to say no to task that drains your time, energy and effort rather invest more time to things that are productive for you. For instance an entrepreneur who just started up a business and is able to make more profit from the very start, he thereafter proceeds to buy a car, well buying a car is not a bad thing but it is not just necessary at the moment instead reinvest your profit and keep amassing more profit.

5. NEVER STOP LEARNING: learning is a continuous thing, the moment you stop learning you stop growing. Every great man or woman have given their time to learning, it is in the place of learning that you grow to become the wealth builder you so desire to be.

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I remain @utibeabasi

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