
Hello great hive users, it’s another amazing day with an amazing topic to write about.
Procrastination is what everyone must have encountered, it is one of the habitual and common human experience, when it comes to procrastination, everyone has a story to tell.

I love the way Wikipedia defines it,

It defines Procrastination as the act of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so.

Procrastination is a voluntary act that inhibits our productivity and progress, despite the fact that we know the consequences of yielding to procrastination many people still struggle to overcome the urge to postpone tasks and delay important decisions with the excuse that there is still time.

People procrastinate often because they feel they still have enough time when there is no time, they end up utilizing their time for something else rather than doing what they ought to do.

Some people just enjoy their comfort zone and find pleasure in postponing things which is not helpful, some people get distracted while some are just lazy to do what they are supposed to do, they feel very comfortable and relaxed and end up delaying or postponing their task.

This habit is very deadly and is a personal enemy to man, if you can overcome procrastination then I’ll say you have overcome your first enemy.



I started learning how to overcome procrastination from my mother, when I was younger, each time we finish eating and I’m asked to wash the dishes, I’ll simply tell her that I want to rest for awhile, after resting I felt so reluctant washing the dishes I will end up leaving the plate till the next day. One day my mum had to flog me for keeping plate till the next day , she told me “ it’s either now or never, that there is no perfect time for anything” after the serious beatings I received from my mother I learnt my lessons the hard way.

I also remember how I got a C grade because of procrastination, it all started when I met my friend who had lots of Korean dramas in her phone, me being a great fan of Kdrama could not resist the urge, I had a GST examinations the next day, I utilized my whole time watching Korean drama having the mind-set that I still had time to study, because of how interesting the movie was I had to watch till 3:00 am in the morning, I didn’t read my books, I told myself I’ll read before 6am .

After watching all the episodes I decided to study but I was already too tired and feeling sleepy so I couldn’t study the whole night, the next morning I went to the exams hall and I barely answered the questions, after the exams I regretted my actions but I had to wait patiently for the result. When the result was out and I checked, behold it was a C, as an A student I felt so bad with myself for allowing an action like Procrastination to rub me off my good grades. Since then I made up my mind to overcome procrastination.


Just like we form habits, procrastinating consistently creeps stealthily to become our daily habits which is very deadly and should be tackled immediately. The following are some ways to overcome procrastination:


1.Develop a Growth Mind-set: everything begins with the mind, if you have control over the mind you have control over everything that revolves in your life. Don’t always think you have time, remember we all have 24 hours in a day, tell yourself “it’s either now or never, the best time is now”. Always have a growth mind-set.

2. Join The 5am club: plan your days in advance, wake up 5am in the morning and map out a plan for your day, do not let things take you unawares. This approach helps one to be focused and to manage time effectively.


3. Set Short Term Goals: have goals of things you want to achieve at the end of the day, let your goals be time bound, do not set goals that are not realistic, let them be real. Make your task short and attainable and carefully write them out.

4.Time Management: all great achievers are time managers, manage your time properly and effectively, set time for everything you do. First identify your most important task for the day and allocate specific time to work on them.

These are some ways to overcome procrastination, if you try these few strategies consistently, you will end up building barriers against procrastination.

This post is in response to the mayinleo daily prompt

Thank you for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The C- grade must have made you feel so bad and you learnt it the hard way here . Salute your mummy for me, she did a good job flogging you 😃😅


Gosh! That feeling ehhnn,😩
But thanks to God I turned a new leaf


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