How Cycling Can Help Ease Nigeria's Fuel Crisis


Hello great cyclist, I hope you are all doing well today. Actually I experienced something very striking today while going through my usual daily activities, I boarded a public bus and some minutes later the bus suddenly stopped and the driver immediately noticed that the fuel in the bus had just finished, thank God we were close to a fueling station, the driver had to move the bus inside the fueling station to buy fuel, to my greatest surprise I discovered that the price of fuel have geometrically increased from what it used to be to a thousand naira for a liter. I was indeed amazed at the sudden increase that I became speechless.


Nigeria as a country is blessed with abundance of natural resources including crude oil yet we are still struggling with high fuel cost, The constant fluctuations in global oil prices, coupled with the country's reliance on imported fuel, have resulted in a significant burden on the average Nigerian citizen, it has greatly affected so many sectors of the economy, the transportation sector, the cost of transport is now very exorbitant owing to the high cost of fuel, not only the transport sector, it have resulted in an increase in the prices of food in the Nation.

However, amidst this chaos, a simple yet effective solution that can help ease the cost of fuel in Nigeria is cycling. cycling is not only for sports or for fun, it is also meant for transportation, I really suggest utilizing the bicycle as a means of transportation in this present time will ease the cost of transportation in Nigeria.

Moreover cycling has numerous benefits compared to other means of transportation, the advantages of cycling over other means of transportation includes:

1.FUEL SAVING: This is a very predominant advantage of cycling over other means of transportation, Cycling does not require any form of fuel to work and this makes it a better alternative and helps individuals to save money rather than spend on buying fuel all the time.


lets take an instance, if just five to ten percent of Nigerians cycled to work or school, it could lead to a significant reduction in fuel consumption, resulting in lower fuel costs, a reduction in fuel demand could lead to lower fuel prices, benefiting all Nigerians.

2. MAINTAIN A HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT: Unlike other means of transportation, Cycling will contribute to a healthier environment because it does not emit carbon to the air and this will really help to control air pollution.

3. CYCLING IS BENEFICIAL TO THE HEALTH: cycling is a great form of exercise, it results in numerous health benefits, research has also proven that cycling helps to improve the over all well being of a person and people who cycle barely have chronic diseases like heart diseases and diabetes etc

4. ECONOMIC BENEFITS: with cycling Nigerians can save up some money that would have been used to purchase fuel, if we can utilize our bicycle sometimes it will really help to save some money that would have been used to pay for transportation fare.


5. REDUCED TRAFFIC CONGESTION: Another benefit of cycling is in the aspect of traffic congestion, cycling can help reduce traffic congestion in Nigeria thereby helping to curb the rate of accidents in the country.


I really suggest the idea of utilizing cycling not only as a sport but a better way to ease the the high cost of fuel in our present economy. .

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