From Passion to Profession; turning your hobby into a career

Hello great Hivers, it's another beautiful day with an interesting prompt to write on.

CAREER: A career is an occupation or a profession or a job people do to earn a living.

HOBBY: An hobby is what you enjoy doing in your leisure or free time.

Nowadays, most people end up taking up a career they do not have interest and passion in. Some may be as a result of parental pressure, some parents push their children to choose a career they do not love, most parents do not consider what their children love and are passionate about, all they want is for their children to go into a big profession with a big name. They want their children to be Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, politicians etc all because of their selfish reasons.

I had a friend who loved music and wanted studying music in school, but her parents stopped her from doing what she had passion for, they wanted her to study law in school, they even refuse to pay her fees because she is into music as a career. As a teenager trying to find the right path she had to drop from music school and she obeyed her parents to study law , she found it so difficult to study because that was not what she loved doing, she would always cry all the time, looking sad. She finally put in her effort to please her parents, after completion of studies in law school she took the certificate to her parents, she told them she only went ahead to study law but honestly, she does not have passion for it. She told them she was done with what they asked her to do but now she wants to do what she loves and have passion for, she handed the certificate to them and went ahead to do music, her parents couldn't stop her anymore because they saw the zeal she had for music and they regretted why they forced her to do what she did not have passion for.


She finally did what she had passion for and she is living happily now and making money from her hobby. This alone taught me a lesson, that I should always follow my heart and not what anyone says.

Some people today go into a career because of peer pressure, I almost fell into this category of people, when I was about making a decision of what to study, my best friend wanted studying law and I also wanted doing same because we we're friends and we always wanted to be together, so I thought it was wise to also take up a course she was doing. But thanks to my school Counselor who helped me to find the right path.

Some people go into a career because the pay is high and all they are after is money, this is not a good one because they end up prioritizing money rather than value.

Most people do not even know what they want, probably they like they way bankers dress and so they want to be like them, I once asked my course mate why she choose to study medicine and surgery, she told me frankly that she choose it because she admired the scrub and would love to wear the scrub. I was speechless because this isn't a tangible reason for choosing a career like medicine and surgery. I tried to talk sense into her but she refused to listen so I had to let her be. But honestly, so many people are in this category and trust me it's not a good reason at all.

Taking up your hobby as a career is a beautiful thing, it brings joy and a sense of fulfillment and it requires a deep understanding of your hobby.So many musician, writers, dancers, athletes, today all started doing it as a hobby and turned it into a wonderful career.


Discovering your passion is the very first step to take. What do you love doing in your free time? What are you passionate about? How do you feel when you do what you love? Why do you love doing it? Just reflect on these questions and give yourself honest answers

No one is perfect, you need to go beyond doing it as a hobby, dedicate your time to it and learn more, learn from people who are better than you are. Be committed and dedicate your time to it, you need to be proficient in your craft if you truly want to transform it into a career.


After discovering and growing your skills, showcase it to the public, do not hide what you can do, from there you can start earning from it. For instance you are a writer, create a blog and showcase your writing styles and skill, share your stories and articles, you could be a freelancer or a copywriter. If it's playing football, engage in football activities , if it’s making hair, make peoples hair beautifully. If you're musician, attend music concerts and festivals, connect with other musician and industry professionals. By all these people get to know you for what you can do.
And importantly, be good in whatsoever you do, aim for the best and never stop learning.

This is my entry for the mayinleo daily writing prompt

Thank you for reading.

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