From High School to Campus Life: How I Adapted to a New Level of Independence //LOH #190

Hello! My great and wonderful ladies of hive, I hope you had an amazing day today.

“CHANGE” is an inevitable aspect of life, just like the saying “change is constant” I have grown to realize how true this statement really means. My gradual transformation from childhood to an independent adult is indeed a hallmark of change. Everyone has encountered changes in at some point in their lives.


My conversion from a high school girl to an independent campus lady is something I had found difficult to adapt but I am glad I finally did. After gaining admission into the university my joy new no bounds, I felt so happy that I would finally be a big girl, stay on my own, have freedom to do whatever I wish to do whenever I want to do them without my parents scolding me, I felt like I was a free bird who is set to fly on it’s own.

Three days before I resumed school on campus, I felt happy and sad at the same time, I could not figure out why I had the mixed feelings, I guessed it was because I will miss my parents and siblings when I get to campus.

The D day finally came, I put my belongings into my box, get myself prepared and waited for my dad to drop me off like he used to in my high school days, but that never happened instead he gave me transport fare to go to campus by myself. That was how it all started, I felt sad at first but I said to myself “I am a big girl now” I entered the bus and finally arrived at school.

As soon as I stepped in to the hostel, I couldn’t help but feel a mixed of emotions. I was about to embark on a new journey on campus, everything felt so different, beginning from the lectures we had, the lecture hall which was very different from my high school.


I do hear that campus is a free place and no one compels you to study, no one canes and disciplines you that was an amazing news, it was freedom indeed but still I missed my parents the more, I felt so lonely I did not have any friend or relative to talk and catch fun with, I missed the comfort of home and I wondered if I had made a mistake by leaving home.

My first lecture on campus is one I would never forget, the course title was GST111, the class was to commence by 8am, I woke up early and prepared for the class, I did not know the venue I toiled round the campus, we had three big campuses, I kept asking people for direction till I finally arrived the venue.

I arrived the venue by 7:45 , it was a big hall and large number of students were struggling to go in to secure a good seat, I did not struggle but I had to wait till they all entered, entering into the hall, a 1000 capacity hall was all filled up with no left over space or seat. Ahh! I regretted, I wished I had also struggled to enter in and equally secure a good space, as I turned I saw students sitting on the ground, I had no option but to keep my book on the floor and sit on the floor just to listen to the lecture. The lecturer came in and started lecturing, he finished within one hour, when a student asked him question he gave it up as an assignment for us to go back and read.

This was unlike my secondary school where I could sit comfortably in a well relaxed classroom to learn, I was sweating so much that I could not wait for the lecturer to leave the hall.
I had two classes that day, after my classes I went to the cafeteria to buy food, after buying the food I missed home so badly because the food was so small and I wasn’t satisfy. I did not want to spend much because I had to manage the little pocket money I had.


After two weeks, I got acquainted with the normal school stress, made new friends , I was able to utilize my money wisely. With time I became so independent, I could strategize and manage my time wisely, I was able to take care of myself without having to call mum and dad all the time, I also learnt to speak up for myself without fear or pressure. I built good relationships with people and establish a new family on campus.


That was when I learnt that true freedom is not being free, it is your ability to handle responsibility and embrace challenges and opportunities.

It was indeed a hard start but right now I can boldly say that I am proud of the person I have become, I am proud of the challenges I have overcome and the lessons I have learnt and I am proud of the independence and self-confidence I have developed and I am excited to see what the future holds for me.

This post is in response to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #190

Thank you for reading
I love you all

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You definitely have to be proud of yourself because having independence an confidence aren't something that easy to come by.


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Campus life is no joke but sure you will adapt well with it. Stay safe and be good!


Cool write up, we have nothing to do but to embrace growth which comes with responsibilities


Being able to cope in a new environment where things are different and make you uncomfortable is a form of growing up :) It's great that you adapted to your campus life sooner. Thanks for sharing !LADY ❤️
