LOH#100: My task is to save a person from falling apart


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Hello, again Ladies of Hive Community! Another concept came up and this week, I would like to submit my entry regarding the question about Mental Health. I know many of us can relate to this conversation so I hope you will read my blog post. Many thanks to @trangbaby for initiating the questions this week.

Do you know how to be an effective advocate for your beloved one or friend when they're dealing with a mental health issue? Do you know how to respond, whom to contact for help? Have you ever been faced such a challenge?
As a result of the statewide lockdown and the increasing sickness during the pandemic, I experienced sadness and severe anxiety. I can state that over two years later, my fears are still present. I'm just grateful that I had a safe haven to retreat to when I needed help from others or when I was experiencing difficulties. It might be stated that blogging and photography have been my major hobbies throughout this period, which makes me extremely pleased because it has given me many things for which I am sincerely thankful, like virtual friends, trade expertise, financial stability, and more.
Como resultado del cierre estatal y el aumento de enfermedades durante la pandemia, experimenté tristeza y ansiedad severa. Puedo afirmar que más de dos años después, mis temores siguen presentes. Estoy agradecido de haber tenido un refugio seguro al que retirarme cuando necesitaba ayuda de otros o cuando estaba experimentando dificultades. Se puede decir que los blogs y la fotografía han sido mis principales pasatiempos durante este período, lo que me complace mucho porque me ha brindado muchas cosas por las que estoy sinceramente agradecido, como amigos virtuales, experiencia comercial, estabilidad financiera y más.

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Despite my despair at the time, I realized that it's important to offer inspiration and words of support to other people. Many of my friends who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic had to fight their own fights on their own. Sadly, I just heard about the suicide of someone I knew. At first, I didn't believe it. We weren't very close, but we still had a connection, which is why I was so devastated by her passing. After hearing the news about her, I learned to greet all my acquaintances and friends as politely as possible.
A pesar de mi desesperación en ese momento, me di cuenta de que es importante ofrecer inspiración y palabras de apoyo a otras personas. Muchos de mis amigos que se vieron afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19 tuvieron que luchar sus propias batallas por su cuenta. Lamentablemente, acabo de enterarme del suicidio de alguien que conocía. Al principio, no lo creía. No éramos muy cercanos, pero aún teníamos una conexión, por eso estaba tan devastado por su fallecimiento. Después de escuchar las noticias sobre ella, aprendí a saludar a todos mis conocidos y amigos con la mayor cortesía posible.

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I place a lot of importance on a simple greeting to other people. They could want to help the others as well, but they're simply bashful. For me, it is preferable that you try to talk at least in a way that allows you to give them some time. Perhaps even a simple "hello" or "how are you" means a great deal to them. Not that challenging, will it be? For the benefit of others, I am a Human Resource student. Being a good listener to potential workers is one of our skills. Being an advocate for those with mental health conditions is crucial to me because I am aware of how challenging it is to experience this kind of condition. Many individuals, in my opinion, are in desperate need of guidance and support, which we, even as common members of society, may be able to provide in some modest manner.
Le doy mucha importancia a un simple saludo a otras personas. Podrían querer ayudar a los demás también, pero simplemente son tímidos. Para mí es preferible que trates de hablar al menos de una manera que te permita darles algo de tiempo. Tal vez incluso un simple "hola" o "¿cómo estás?" significa mucho para ellos. No es tan desafiante, ¿lo será? Por el bien de los demás, soy estudiante de Recursos Humanos. Ser un buen oyente para los trabajadores potenciales es una de nuestras habilidades. Ser un defensor de las personas con problemas de salud mental es crucial para mí porque soy consciente de lo difícil que es experimentar este tipo de problemas. Muchas personas, en mi opinión, necesitan desesperadamente orientación y apoyo, que nosotros, incluso como miembros comunes de la sociedad, podemos brindarles de manera modesta.

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Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

There are things you can still do in a way that you can if you want to support others who are depressed but are hesitant to do so.

  • When you recognize that your family member or friend's grief is not normal, a mere tap on his shoulder may allow him to relieve the anguish he is experiencing. Ask him how he is doing and how his studies or job are doing. Since there are other depressed people who also struggle with trust difficulties, even within their own families, you should first comfort him rather than pressure him to share his problems.

  • When a friend or family member is having major mental issues, such as hallucinations or psychotic episodes, it is best to keep sharp items or things away from him so that he does not injure others. This necessitates thorough psychometric testing and analysis. Contact a professional right away.

  • And when a person with mental health issues begins to discuss his issues, pay close attention and avoid looking bored or annoyed by what he has to say. A sad person needs empathy, not just pity.

Hay cosas que aún puede hacer de una manera que puede hacer si desea apoyar a otras personas que están deprimidas pero que dudan en hacerlo.

  • Cuando reconoces que el duelo de tu familiar o amigo no es normal, un simple toque en su hombro puede permitirle aliviar la angustia que está experimentando. Pregúntale cómo le va y cómo le va en sus estudios o trabajo. Dado que hay otras personas deprimidas que también luchan con dificultades de confianza, incluso dentro de sus propias familias, primero debe consolarlo en lugar de presionarlo para que comparta sus problemas.

  • Cuando un amigo o familiar tiene problemas mentales importantes, como alucinaciones o episodios psicóticos, es mejor mantener los objetos punzantes o las cosas alejadas de él para que no lastime a los demás. Esto requiere pruebas y análisis psicométricos exhaustivos. Póngase en contacto con un profesional de inmediato.

  • Y cuando una persona con problemas de salud mental comience a hablar de sus problemas, preste mucha atención y evite parecer aburrido o molesto por lo que tiene que decir. Una persona triste necesita empatía, no solo lástima.

Anyways, this is my entry for this week. I hope you learned a lot. I am no expert in handling people with this illness but I have a sister who is currently a Psychometrician so I know a little about how to handle people with this illness as well. Lastly, I would like to invite @bluepark, @eybyoung, @jane1289 and @ruffatotmeee to join this challenge. Good luck ladies!! 🤗🤗

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Thanks for invite sis. I learned so much from this post. I'll try to write my entry though I am a little hesitant since this is such a sensitive issue and really nees some expertise on the topic.

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There is also a second topic in this challenge sis. I think you really have something to share. ❤️

0.005 NEOXAG

Nacheck ko na sis. Parang mas amdali nga yong topic and interesting din. 😀

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It's hard for me really to communicate with people having a problem. I just wanted to give more time and private space, also I don't know how to start a conversation with them, but still I always look at them, waiting for them to confess everything.

I have this friend before where I could feel his coldness in everything, just like that. I gave all the open time to him, until he cannot resist anymore he confessed. I don't know what to say just a simple huh indeed. I am not good in comforting other people who was falling. I hope I will have it soon.

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Sad to hear about it, some people are just like that. They resolve their own issues privately.

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These days, it is easy to miss and not notice other people's suffering unless we know how to recognize the signs. Thank you !LADY for sharing your thoughts :)

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They shouldn't be pitied either.. Because the more they would think negatively..
I've been there.. I never like being pitied.
They are ears that are willing to listen and minds that wouldn't judge..
Thanks for the invite !LADY

0.000 NEOXAG

Exactly ate, some depressed person have personalities din at ayaw nila kinakaawaan sila. The more they do daw, the more they feel suicidal.

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The more they feel hopeless and useless

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0.000 NEOXAG

True to Fren, there is stigma in this world na naiinavalidate ang feelings ng individual so we need to stop it, I'm so proud of you

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Ikakahiya ako ng ate ko pag di ako marunong umunawa ng tao eh. Kudos din sau kasama yan sa role natin as HR. ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Saludos, el covid 19 alteró el estado emocional de un universo entero, los problemas de salud afectan la salud mental del que está enfermo y de su entorno lo importante es brindar el mayor apoyo posible y si es necesario buscar ayuda con un especialista en el área

0.000 NEOXAG

Depression is a no joke. Kapag talaga dapat may napapansin ng kakaiba sa kaibigan maganda yong ipardam na sa kanila na they are not alone. Mejo mahirap lang talaga sila ehandle kaso very fragile sila no aigooo.

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Prestar atención, dar tiempo de calidad, acompañar son cosas muy importantes para personas que están pasando por una enfermedad mental.


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