Goodbye Forever | Creative Nonfiction Prompt #51


Photo by Michael Jasmund on Unsplash


I was twenty-three years old and it was the first time I had moved in with a partner. My parents never found out and I don't think they ever will. It was the first time I was open to the possibility of having a stable relationship, plus he made me feel really good.

His name was Hector; he was twice my age, but very charming and attractive. He worked as a professor of plastic arts at the university where I was studying, he made beautiful portraits for dogs, which he sold by order over the internet. He had clients mostly in Europe and the United States; his talent was not only recognized locally, but internationally.

He was a very intelligent man, he liked to read fiction books about vampires, werewolves, and other types of fantastic beings; that was another hook that attracted me to him. However, like everyone else, he had his insecurities, despite being an interesting man, he had complexes with his age since he was only attracted to young guys.

It was very complicated to have a first date with him, as he thought that, if I saw him in person, I would no longer like him, as the photos he sent me were from when he was in his thirties.

"Well, I've always liked guys older than me," I told him by text to soften him up. "Guys my age are dumb." He sent me a smiley emoticon over the chat where we were chatting. I reiterated that it was no problem, that it was just planning to get to know each other, and if we didn't like each other, that was fine.

I didn't get a response for hours and I got worried. I thought he didn't want us to see each other. When I was ready to close the doors of my heart again, he replied with "yes" to me, proposing and asking to meet at such and such a time at a coffee shop near my house. I smiled from ear to ear and answered him immediately.

The day of the date I got nervous, I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for him while eating a cinnamon roll. It was my first time going on a date with a man much older than me, I didn't want him to think I was a dumb, naive guy who didn't know anything about life.

When he walked in the door of the coffee shop, I recognized him right away; he didn't look that different from the pictures I saw on his profile. He, upon seeing me, immediately turned to me. I suddenly noticed the clarity of his eyes; it was not discernible in the few photos I saw. His bushy beard with gray lines and his manly manner were the things that attracted me the most. We ordered several coffees, and the conversation became very long until the night came and unfortunately, we had to say goodbye.

That was the beginning of beautiful, then came more dates, either in public places or at his house. Our relationship became so intense that one day he asked me to move in with him. That proposal petrified me, I really wasn't sure, since my dad was the one who paid the rent, but since I really liked him and I wanted to try, I said yes.

After a few days, I gradually moved out. I had to get used to living with someone again because I had spent a long time living alone. Living together was very good at the beginning, we had forged our routine and we even took turns making meals. I learned a lot of things with him; like not being so selfish.

But one day, without either of us expecting it, something changed the course of our relationship. He got a gray spot on his left foot, said it was bothering him, and went to see a doctor. To both of our surprise, the diagnosis was not favorable; it turned out to be a cancer spot.

Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

Having such an illness in those chaotic times in Venezuela was the worst thing that could happen to you, due to the deficiency of medical supplies and the high costs. I tried to cheer him up, but I only received rejections and scoldings from him.

Why? I just want to help him, I said in my innocent young mind. I felt as hurt as he did, but he didn't seem to see it. He was absorbed in his situation, that he had forgotten about me and that I wanted to support him. He pushed me further and further away until he reached a point where he felt that I was nothing to him.

One day, his face became clouded with hope again. A friend suggested he go to Peru to start his treatment as soon as possible. He scraped together as much money as he could for the ticket and only gave me a cold farewell at the end. We were still in contact, however, I could not avoid the feeling of abandonment.

I felt as if our relationship was ending, he didn't see it that way because he thought more about his health than anything else, and I understood that, that's why I kept quiet and swallowed my feelings so I wouldn't feel like I was a hindrance. My self-esteem was diminishing until he took the plane to Lima. I didn't know how to feel, the only thing I thought about was that I would never see him again.

The days during his absence I dreamed about him a lot; I visualized him next to me in bed, staring at me with his huge caramel-colored eyes, which changed to a faint green when they were very exposed to the light. I loved playing with his beard, rolling the hairs between my fingers.

Having such vivid dreams, I would wake up rudely in the wee hours of the morning and have a hard time going back to sleep. I would go to class drowsy, and tried several times not to pay attention to my state, but it got to a point where it became very obvious.

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept at all," a classmate once asked me when she noticed my physical state. At that instant, I stroked my face ruefully and went into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. Sure enough, I looked tired; haggard, with pronounced cheekbones and an elongated face.

I was like that for a while until I decided to turn my life around. I resigned myself to the fact that Hector would never come back and that our relationship was finally over. I sealed my heart with nuts and bolts and didn't open it again for some time after that.

I removed Hector from the social networks where we talked the most to get through my grieving process faster. I focused on the important things and completely forgot about the dating world.

After several years, Hector and I got back in touch, but this time only as friends. I always assumed that he had resigned himself first, and since everything was already clear, we decided not to talk about it again. As strong as that situation was, closing my heart and making it as hard as metal was the best thing I could have done, but I knew that sooner or later I had to loosen the nuts again.



Tenía veintitrés años y era la primera vez que me había mudado con una pareja. Mis padres nunca se enteraron y creo que jamás lo harán. Fue la primera vez que me abrí a la posibilidad de tener una relación estable, además de que él me hacía sentir muy bien.

Su nombre era Héctor; me doblaba la edad, pero era muy encantador y atractivo. Trabajaba como profesor de artes plásticas en la universidad donde yo estudiaba, hacía hermosos retratos para perros, los cuales vendía por encargo por internet. Tenía clientes sobre todo en Europa y Estados Unidos; su talento no solo era reconocido localmente, sino de manera internacional.

Era un hombre muy inteligente, le gustaba leer libros de ficción sobre vampiros, hombres lobo y otro tipo de seres fantásticos; ese fue otro gancho que más me atrajo hacia él. Sin embargo, como todo el mundo, él tenía sus inseguridades, a pesar de ser un hombre interesante, tenía complejos con su edad, ya que a él solo le atraían chicos jóvenes.

Fue muy complicado tener una primera cita con él, pues pensó que, si lo veía en persona, ya no me gustaría, pues las fotos que me mandaba eran de cuando tenía treinta años.

“Bueno, siempre me han gustado los hombres mayores que yo,” le dije por mensaje para suavizarlo. “Los chicos de mi edad son muy tontos.” Él me envió un emoticón de sonrisa por el chat donde estábamos conversando. Le reiteré que no había problema, que solo era planificar para conocernos, y si no nos gustábamos, no pasaba nada.

No recibí respuesta por horas y me preocupé. Creí que en definitiva no quería que nos viéramos. Cuando me dispuse a cerrar de nuevo las puertas de mi corazón, él me contestó con “sí” a mí propuesta y pidiendo que nos viéramos a tal hora en una cafetería cercana a mi casa. En mi rostro se dibujó una sonrisa de oreja a oreja y le contesté inmediatamente.

El día de la cita me puse nervioso, estaba sentado en la cafetería esperándolo mientras comía un roll de canela. Era la primera vez que tenía una cita con un hombre mucho mayor que yo, no quería que pensara que yo era un chico tonto e ingenuo que no sabe nada de la vida.

Cuando entró por la puerta de la cafetería, lo reconocí de inmediato; no se veía tan diferente de las fotos que vi en su perfil. Él, al verme, inmediatamente se dirigió a mí. Noté de súbito la claridad de sus ojos; no se podía discernir en las pocas fotos que vi. Su barba poblada con líneas canosas y su forma de ser varonil fueron las cosas que más me atrajeron. Pedimos varios cafés, puesto que la conversación se hizo muy larga, hasta que llegó la noche y lamentablemente tuvimos que despedirnos.

Ese fue el inicio, después vinieron más citas, ya sea en sitios públicos o en su casa. Nuestra relación llegó a ser tan intensa que un día me pidió que me mudara con él. Aquella propuesta me petrificó, de verdad no estaba seguro, ya que donde vivía mi papá era el que pagaba la renta, pero como él me gustaba mucho y quería intentarlo de verdad, le dije que sí.

A los días me fui mudando paulatinamente. Tuve que acostumbrarme de nuevo el vivir con alguien porque había pasado mucho tiempo viviendo solo. La convivencia fue muy buena al principio, habíamos forjado nuestra propia rutina y hasta nos turnábamos para hacer la comida. Aprendí muchas cosas con él; como por ejemplo no ser tan egoísta.

Pero un día, sin que ninguno de los dos lo esperáramos, algo cambió el curso de nuestra relación. A él le salió una mancha gris en el pie izquierdo, decía que le molestaba y fue a verse con un médico. Para sorpresa de ambos, el diagnóstico no fue favorable; resultó ser una mancha de cáncer.

Tener una enfermedad así en aquella época tan caótica en Venezuela era lo peor que te podía pasar, por la deficiencia de los insumos médicos y los altos costos. El estado de ánimo de Héctor comenzó a decaer, intenté animarlo, pero solo recibí rechazos y regaños por su parte.

¿Por qué? Solo quiero ayudarlo, decía en mi mente de joven inocente. Me sentía tan dolido como él, pero él parecía no verlo. Él se hallaba ensimismado en su situación, que se había olvidado de mí y que quería apoyarlo. Él me apartaba cada vez más hasta llegar a un punto en que sentía que ya yo no era nada para él.

Un día, su rostro volvió a empañarse de esperanza. Un amigo le propuso irse a Perú para iniciar su tratamiento lo antes posible. Reunió todo el dinero del pasaje como pudo y solo me otorgó al final una fría despedida. Todavía estábamos en contacto, sin embargo, no pude evitar la sensación de abandono.

Sentí como si nuestra relación estuviera terminando, él no lo veía así porque pensaba más que nada en su salud, y yo eso lo entendía, por eso me callaba y me tragaba mis sentimientos para no sentir que era un estorbo. Mi autoestima fue disminuyendo hasta que él tomó el avión hacia Lima. No sabía como sentirme, en lo único en que pensaba era que ya no lo volvería a ver.

Los días durante su ausencia soñaba mucho con él; lo visualizaba junto a mí en la cama, mirándome fijamente con sus enormes ojos color caramelo, los cuales cambiaban a un verde tenue al estar muy expuestos a la luz. Me gustaba mucho jugar con su barba, enrollando los cabellos entre mis dedos.

Al tener esos sueños tan vívidos, despertaba bruscamente en la madrugada y me costaba mucho volver a dormir. Iba a clases somnoliento, intenté varias veces no prestarle atención a mi estado, pero llegué a un punto que se volvió muy evidente.

“¿Estás bien? Te ves como si no hubieras dormido nada,” me preguntó una vez una compañera de clases cuando notó mi estado físico. En ese instante, me acaricié el rostro con pena y me metí en el baño para verme en el espejo. Efectivamente, me veía cansado; ojeroso, con los pómulos muy pronunciados y el rostro alargado.

Estuve así por un tiempo hasta que decidí darle un giro a mi vida. Me resigné a que Héctor jamás volvería y que nuestra relación estaba por fin terminada. Sellé mi corazón con tuercas y tornillos, y no volví abrirlo durante un tiempo después.

Eliminé a Héctor de las redes sociales por donde más hablábamos para poder superar más rápido mi proceso de duelo. Me enfoqué en las cosas importantes y me olvidé por completo del mundo de las citas.

Después de varios años, Héctor y yo volvimos a tener contacto, pero esta vez solo como amigos. Siempre supuse que él se había resignado primero que yo, y como ya estaba todo claro, decidimos no hablar del tema otra vez. A pesar de que fue muy fuerte aquella situación, cerrar mi corazón y colocarlo tan duro como el metal fue lo mejor que pude haber hecho, pero sabía que tarde o temprano tenía que desajustar las tuercas de nuevo.


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22.339 NEOXAG


A very well written text, emotional, intimate, in which the sorrows of life are present, but in which there is also the antidote to everything: time. Greetings, @universoperdido

Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros.
Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.

0.000 NEOXAG

Many thanks friends. For your comment and support.

0.000 NEOXAG

Life will always throw a stone at love. I admire the love you both shared, it is not easy separating from the one you loved. But at least Hector would have carried you along instead of making you feel like you don't you matter, maybe he felt you were too young to share his burden. Nice story 👍

0.000 NEOXAG

Maybe that crossed your mind. I think if he had told me I would have felt a little better, but there was not enough communication. Thanks for reading me.

0.000 NEOXAG

It's never easy trying to balance the challenges life throws at you.

0.000 NEOXAG

It's true.
Thank you very much for reading me and for your comment.

0.000 NEOXAG

How difficult some relationships can be. Sometimes the age difference does matter. Sad that you had to release your heart like that, but the important thing is that now you have opened your heart again. Love is always worth it. Regards

0.000 NEOXAG

You're right, friend. Love always comes, no matter what happens. Thanks for reading me!

0.000 NEOXAG

What an intense story! @universoperdido Love and life are always at war with each other and things spiral out of control. Fate can be unpredictable, and it's really easy to lose our loved ones when we are going through something devastating.

0.000 NEOXAG

That's right, there will always be terrible things or circumstances. Sometimes things go well and other times not so well, but everything in life has a solution. Greetings and thanks for reading me!

0.000 NEOXAG

Heart breaking! Ending relationships are never easy. I guess his fear got the better of him, cancer can be a monster and take over peoples lives with the kind of fear it evokes.
Glad you've healed, I truly hope you find the right person when you open your heart again.
Have a beautiful weekend.

0.000 NEOXAG

That's what I thought. Unfortunately, fear got the better of us and it was something irremediable. Thank you very much for your comment and for reading me.

0.000 NEOXAG

Such a very sad, poignant story. It must’ve been very hard for you to deal with your partner’s illness and withdrawal. Fortunately, you coped and he lived on to meet you again, although the circumstances had changed. Interesting writing.

0.000 NEOXAG

It was quite difficult, that's right, but in the end I was happy for him that he overcame the illness. Thanks for the comment and support!

0.000 NEOXAG