How Worship Songs Strengthen My Faith

I have always enjoyed worship songs because they have formed a huge part in making me grow spiritually and develop a relationship with my Lord. The power of worship songs is that it makes me to remember God’s faithfulness despite all the happenings in my life. Some of these songs even have the lyrics declaring the characteristics of God including love, mercy and grace which is always inspiring me to remember how God has been faithful in my life.


I know worship songs as a gift for comforting during the troubles or the bad moments for me personally The songs, their tunes and lyrics are bringin the hope and the security from the God and the feeling, that I am not alone. It helps me to go on through the trials of my faith journey when in some of the weakest moments singing these songs has provided me with comfort and encouragement.

Worship songs also builds unity of the believers since they sing as a group. These songs help blow spirit of unity and oneness when sung in church or any other gathering among people. It makes us hold on to the faith more as we undergo the common experience of worshipping as a faith community. During the worship songs we stand or sit as a congregation and help and encourage one another in our divine ways.


these songs of worship act as prayer and an interaction with God for me, and when I engage in these songs, I am singing to God and hence offer him my praise, thanksgiving and requests. Worship through song is as effective way of opening a line of communication between God and myself thus strengthening the relationship that exists between the two. This benefits me on three aspects; first, it enriches my spiritual life and second, it strengthen my rel
