Who Drew That Circle Round The Car

If you come from the region of the world I come from then you might understand this funny story better.

In my part of the world we have this funny and weird belief in the supernatural and how much evil they can be.

an old witch must be responsible

Check this out . When a business is not doing well, it's probably caused by one old haggard witch. When someone is seriously sick, most times instead of going for check up, we tend to sometimes attribute it to being bewitched. And the list goes on. But then what do you expect from people who see cats as descendants of the witches, lol. I believe by now you know the region I am referring to. If you guessed africa, you are right mate.

I come from a well-educated family, if you know what I mean. Still, that does not totally eradicate that African mentality from us. We tend to be too careful for the unknown. Here everything and anything is a suspect. When you pray at night, you can't help but spend most of the time praying against unseen enemies. It is that funny.

So you know, my dad is a hard core traditionalist, even though he is a very strong Christian. According to him, you always have to be vigilant " for your adversary the devil is like a roaring lion seeking for whom to devour". What he means in essence is to always look out for signs of evil before it becomes too late. One funny incident happened one time, each time I play back all that happened then, I can't help but burst out in laughter. It's been a long time but I remember everything just like it was yesterday.

So dad had just bought this beautiful car that meant the world to him. You dare not go close to the car if you had no business where it is packed. He washes it himself despite the fact we would do a better job at washing it for him. He practically adored this car.

his beloved car

One morning, he woke up, got dressed and got ready for work. He went to his beloved car and what he saw left him frightened. He saw his car in the middle of a white circle. Someone has drawn the circle all around the car while we slept. He raised an alarm and everybody had to come down to see it that early morning. The question on everyone's lips was, "what could this mean?". To say the truth I was a bit surprised and shaken to a large extent. Is this some form of witchcraft or what? Being the African man he is, I believe a lot was going through his mind. If I am to guess, I believe he might be thinking his enemies are at work, lol.

With so much fear, dad refused going closer to the car. That morning and the following days he went to work with the public transport. That night and also the following nights, we never slept. It was a compulsory night vigil for the whole family. Guess what the prayer points were? Of course it was about his car and all the enemies fashioned against it. Suffice to say for the next one week, dad never went near that car.

Fast forward to Days later, dad was coming back from work, what he saw left him speechless. Our last born was busy playing inside the purposed 'evil' circle that his car was in. The shock on his face was a sight to see. How is he able to go into the circle and nothing has happened to him? Confusion you say?

naughty by nature

So apparently he (our last born) was the one that drew the circle round the car, in the course of him playing some days earlier. Being a baby at the time, he was so oblivious of what that simple 'artistic brilliance' had cost dad. Well, he is about to find out. For the sake of child rights activists , I dare not tell you the amount of lashes of cane he received that day. It was crazy and brutal. Since that day nobody told him never to go near a car, talk less dad's car. He learnt that the hard way .

Till date I can't seem to get over that incident. I tease my younger brother (the culprit last born) about it now (he is all grown up) and we just have a good laugh.


Omo... African is known by this mehn... why wouldn't the mam fear since the juju in african work 🤣


When you mentioned the white circled drawn line, I knew it was going to be a little child's work 😅😂😂

See how a little boy made grown ups to tremble and fear😅😂😂


Am telling you. It was crazy that period. How are you doing sis.


I'm fine dear.
What about you?


Hahaha Africans and their mentality, they are always too careful if anything that happens, reminds me if a time we woke up to see white paper every where outside our house, not knowing our neighbours child had done it, after the prayer and fasting that day. Only for the mom to apologise for the mess before my husband could calm down 🤣


Lmao.....Nigerians and our weird beliefs. Your dad was scared of some dark powers not knowing your sibling was responsible. This made me laugh


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