How I Had a Fun-filled Day With Family and Friends.
Even with the challenges in life, there must be something to be grateful for each day.
Those positive things we experience ought to be acknowledged as well. We should appreciate them.
Spending time with family has been a great opportunity to have fun, share ideas, and talk as well.
As usual, each day, we always make out time to remind ourselves of the basic principles guiding us through something we call Morning Text. Afterwards, we start our activities for the day.
But as the first day of the week being Sunday, it was a day of worship. Therefore, we had to go to our place of worship as a family.
After spending time there, we took some pictures. Here are the pictures i took with my sister, parents and my little friends.
With My Sister
My Parents
With my little friends
After taking the pictures, we headed back home to continue our respective activities for the day.
I must say, each time spent with family is worthwhile and memorable.
Even as a small unit, family is the basic unit of the society and should be valued as well.
I'm glad to share this little experience i had with you all.
Thanks for reading through.
From @ugoglory