
'You are a promising young man, with a bright future do not succumb to your friend's advice, my darling' Jace's mother advised him.
'What future? I do not see any promising destiny mother. I feel so frustrated I am 32, I have no properties to my name, I barely make enough money to keep us going, I cannot boast of a pair of nice shoes, my clothes are tattered, so I ask again mother, what future? ' Jace lamented.
'All the sorrows may last for the night but joy comes in the morning' she stated, leaving Jace to his thoughts.
Jace, worked with a transport company which was his only source of income which enabled him tend to his family's needs.
One sunny afternoon Jace received a call that he should report to work immediately because one of the company's vehicle was stolen and Jace was accused by his colleagues without investigation and was relieved from his duties, he received a sack letter from his boss the next day.
After Jace lost the job, life became tougher for him and his family, considering that he was the bread winner of the family, he lost his father at the age of 17, he has three younger siblings who looked up to him for their basic needs.
Jace's pressure only increased from his family and he had to result to doing menial jobs like bricklaying, offloading and onloading of goods from huge vehicles just to feed his family at least.
A certain day Jace and his mother was at home when his younger siblings came back from school and were all complaining about being mocked and laughed at because of how tattered and unkept they looked, they couldn't even mix up with people at school because their flaws were always amplified at every given opportunity.
This broke Jace down, he was so angry at himself and blamed himself for everything the family was going through. He kept asking himself where the light at the end of the tunnel was? , will tommorow ever come? He pondered.
Maybe he wasn't meant to experience a 'soft' life. Maybe he was paying for his late father's sins, maybe he was meant poor, all these thoughts largely occupied his thoughts.
Jace managed to finish his university education with so much hardship and finished with a good grade point and an honourary distinction but couldn't secure a well payed job with his certificate good enough to keep his family together and happy.
For how long will this agony last?


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I can realize what Jace is going through even though I am not going through so much hardships but have already seen a glimpse of it. Let's pray and hope that none get to go through so much shit, may we all overcome these hardships.


Jace passed his university with good grade, is the satisfying thing. I hope he would find a good job in future.
