Granny once said, "Love rules all,"
But forgot to warn me it could lead to a fall.
When Love calls, follow with care,
I took the plunge, now I’m lost in despair.
You lured me with words sweet as honey,
A temptation wrapped in promises, glittering like money.
Your laughter echoed, a siren's song,
In the depths of your charm, I believed I belonged.
I ignored the warnings, thought I was wise,
Blindly I wandered, chasing bright skies.
Now shame has settled, like clouds on my heart,
A heavy reminder of love’s cruel art.
Where shall I hide this face of pain,
When all I feel is sorrow and shame?
Each tear is a testament to trust betrayed,
A heart once open, now heavily weighed.
Love deceived me; I took the bait,
Not all Love is kind—some come wrapped in hate.
The echoes of laughter now twisted in spite,
Love's gentle embrace turned into a fight.
I won't end my life; I’ll heal from within,
Through the cracks of my heart, new strength will begin.
I’ll sift through the darkness until I find light,
And seek the truth Love cannot hide from sight.
O reader, hear this solemn plea,
Let patience guard your destiny.
For lust may mimic Love, but it's a façade,
And chasing such shadows can lead to fraud.
Wait for Love true; let no heart die,
Don’t rush the moments that quickly pass by.
The Voice of Truth cries—heed its earnest call,
Choose wisely, lest in Love you fall.
In the garden of hearts, let trust be the seed,
Nurtured with kindness, watering the need.
Understand that healing takes time and grace,
Through every storm, we can find our place.
So if Love knocks gently, think twice before you greet,
For the dance of passion can sweep you off your feet.
Embrace the journey with open hands,
And let wisdom guide you as your faithful guide.
In the tapestry of life, weave carefully each thread,
Every choice we make can shape where we’re led.
So honor the lessons that love can impart,
For, in the end, it’s the wisdom of the heart.
The image used is mine.
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