Soccer In The Rain .


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Happy weekend Actifit Family! I hope everyone is staying active and keeping fit in every way possible ? For me I don’t get to slack on my routine physical fitness exercises. It is more or less a part and parcel of me .

Saturday mornings most especially for me is for playing soccer with my guys. As early as 8am I get my ass on the football field . It's an activity I'm always looking forward to and today won't be an exception. I started my day with my routine physical fitness exercises which includes push ups, sit-ups and lifting of dumbbells. I proceeded to the pitch after my routine fitness exercises.

It's usually a 5-aside set gameplay with 10 minutes interval. Teams are usually selected at random using a ballot system . This is always fair and square as everyone gets a team to play for . Today I happened to be in team D .

Today's football was accompanied with much rainfall but surprisingly we the boys weren't deterred. We played in the rain till it stopped . It wasn’t an easy one if you were just a spectator and not playing , the cold weather the rain brings might get to you . That won't be the case if you're on the pitch playing, you hardly won't feel the cold while the rain is dropping heavily. However gameplay was a bit difficult because of the slippery and waterlogged ground.

Despite the rain today, our enthusiasm wasn't dampened, and we played through until the weather cleared up. Playing in the rain added an extra challenge with the slippery ground, but it made the game even more exhilarating. Here's to staying active and embracing every opportunity to keep fit!
