Earn from engagement (CommentRewader)


13 days ago a new service/feature was introduced to bloggers on Hive with this post "Introducing CommentRewarder - A new service to reward comments".

Even from just the title of the post alone I fell in love with this idea. That's because, whenever I get burned out from writing posts and take a break, I usually shift my focus over to engaging more with posts that other people create. But this doesn't mean I don't earn rewards anymore, Hive is amazing for it's ability for content creators AND commentators to earn.
And it just got a whole lot better for commentators.

Earn from engagement

Like with every social media setting, authors/creators of content earn the bulk of the rewards generated by the platforms and that is completely fine, afterall content creators are the people who give meaning to social media and drive engagement to their respective platforms. On a typical media site creators earn 100% of the revenue (if not factoring in what the platform earns/takes), but on Hive not 100% is earned by the creators, but a smaller portion can be earned by people who engage with creators, either through upvoting or commenting.

Earning is appealing

If you are the person engaging on Hive content, then upvoting caps your earnings to how much Staked Hive you have, but commenting typically limits your earnings to how much Staked Hive the creator who you are engaging with has.
This makes it more appealing to engage with content creators with larger stakes than those with smaller stakes, even if smaller stake content creators might be producing better/more interesting content.

I don't want to call out any content creators or commentators who are using this appeal to drive engagement to their posts, but I will call out myself. Yes, I'm definitely guilty of this practice of engaging with creators who I know I can get a nice upvote from, rather than with those content creators who can't reward me with an upvote.

What's CommentRewarder

And this is where @commentrewarder comes into play.
Essantially what CommentRewarder allows creators to do, is share their post rewards with people who engage with their posts. No need to worry about your upvote strength being too low to get over the 0.02$ threshold limit to reach payout to reward people who comment on your posts, your content rewards will do the work for you.


How to use

CommentRewarder is really easy to use, you just need to add @commentrewarder as a benefactor from your post (Minimum 3%, but no upper limit) and then upvote comments under your post. CommentRewarder system will then use the rewards it gets from your post and share it amongst the people who you have upvoted in your comment section.

You can also use your upvote strength from 1%-100% and CommentRewarder will also split the rewards by how you have allocated your vote strength across comments.

Check out this post for more information about how CommentRewarder works

Benefits of using

As I said before, it's more appealing to engage where you can earn. With CommentRewarder enabled on your posts it will make it more appealing for people to come check it out and write a GOOD comment on it to earn your upvote to get share of the rewards.

Yes you are sacrificing a % of the post rewards, but ultimately if you give up let's say 10% of the post rewards, but thanks to more engagement you get 20% more upvote value on your post, then everyone on your content is a winner.

Also on PeakD you can spot posts with CommentRewarder enabled by the logo behind post payouts.

My thoughts

I think this is an amazing idea and I plan on using CommentRewarder on my posts. I'm thinking of sticking to 5%-10% range for comment rewards, since this specific post is about CommentRewarder itself, I will put it on 10%.

Let me know what you think about CommentRewarder and I will make sure that all great comments find themselves an upvote :)

Thanks for reading my post!


Some great points in here. Another cool thing is that curators such as myself can throw bigger votes on posts with CR enabled as we know the creator, whether big or small, is sharing the rewards with the comments. For instance I noticed my recent reblog of @hiddenblade received so much engagement hivebuzz mentioned it was the post with the most yesterday. Which lead me to vote it a bit higher with ocd since I saw 80% of the rewards were gonna go to the commenters.

we're really excited to see people using it and how it'll change distribution of hive in the future hopefully mostly for the better!


This is great idea! I love it.


@tsnaks, I paid out 0.224 HIVE and 0.043 HBD to reward 2 comments in this discussion thread.
