What forgiveness is to me.
Forgiveness is a major issue that we all need to cultivate in our lives, It's not easy at all, but it's an important thing that we must embrace for our own peace of mind and progress.
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For me, I don't find it too hard to let go and forgive people who have wronged me in life. It's part of my nature and upbringing from an early age. My mother always taught me, "To be unforgiving is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
What that proverb means is that when you hold grudges and hatred in your heart, you're only torturing and poisoning yourself with bitterness. The person who wronged you is still moving on with their life as normal, while you're still wallowing in a mood of vengeance. That's why it's better to free your mind from that baggage by forgiving.
It's not to say that it's an easy road at all times. Some offenses people commit against you are real dangerous situations that can cut your soul deeply! Like when a relative you trust betrays you completely or swindles you out of your life savings. It's not an easy matter to let it go just like that.
But even in those terrible betrayal situations, I've always tried to reason that unforgiveness is a double punishment that I don't need to inflict on my body and spirit. The initial problem has already happened, so I don't need to add stress and bitterness on top of it.
So when I decide to pardon, it always comes with an inner calmness and a sense of closure. It's like I've successfully released that heavy baggage from my mind. My chest feels relieved and lighter immediately. It's freedom for the mind and emotions.
That's what forgiveness means to me to let it go and move on with my life free of grudges or toxic malice towards anyone who has offended me. Whether they deserve it or not, I'm doing it for my spirit to have peace and joy.
I won't lie, it's not always easy though. Sometimes it's a real struggle to get to that point of sincere forgiveness, especially for the worst kind of offenses like abuse, violence, trauma, and unjust wickedness.
But patience, wisdom, and maturity usually guide me to reach the point where I say, "Okay, I've completely freed this person from my mind and heart." That's when I finally closed the chapter and moved on.
Experience has shown me that the more I hold on to pain, anger, or hate for anyone, the more I distress and stress my own life. It's always better to heal, pardon, and move forward where better doors are open.
Another proverb that resonates with me on this matter is, "To be unforgiving is like carrying a heavy stone in your bag wherever you go." Do you see the physical and mental burden you've put on your body just because you're not ready to let it go?
That's why I'm always open to the idea of forgiving whoever has wronged me, even if they don't ask for it. As long as my heart has completely found peace and closure, I'm ready to push on with positive vibrations.
Not everyone will understand this way of life, though. Some people will say I forgive and forget too easily. They'll complain that I should "get angry" sometimes and demand better treatment from those who offend me often.
But I'm not sorry at all! I don't have the energy or patience to harbor grudges, malice, and hate for anyone. What will that kind of negativity add to my life? Nothing except trouble and stressful living.
It's something I've taught myself - to always strive to cultivate more compassion, wisdom, and understanding for those around me who have committed wrongful actions in one way or another. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean justifying or excusing bad behavior!
It's just simply to let it go, heal, and move on with my life without allowing the poisonous seed of anger, resentment, or unforgiveness to grow in my soul. That energy I gain from practicing forgiveness is gratefully channeled into more positive, productive, and peace of mind areas in my life.
At times, it even opens my eyes to see my own mistakes, apologies, and need for grace from other people too. I'm not a saint at all; I'm a human being.
This is my entry to the Hive Ghana prompt
True. The person you are keeping grudges with is just there moving on with his or her normal life and you are battling with anger and lack of peace. So its preferrably if we can inculcate the act of forgiveness.
Yes it is just like my pastor says ,that one will just be killing himself on what the person isn't thinking
Thats true
Thank you
Like you said, it is good to let go so that you can heal, this is powerful my dear
True, it's easier to forgive than hold grudges. Hold grudges is really stressful.
Like it's work on another level.
Your mom really taught you a good lesson that is necessary to live a good life, because as she rightly pointed out unforgiveness can really eat you up while the other person goes on to live a normal life.
Popped in from #Dreemport.