
Hello dear Hive community, it has been a long day, and so far it has been an easy one, as a mother, wife, and hiver, it's really not easy adding up this together, but we all surely do find ways to go about it.

Designed on canva

To the main reason I got the inspiration to write this particular post, here's why and I hope you read til the end, hopefully, it helps us who onboard people to hive.

I joined Hive on January 20,, 2022 and that means I have been on this blockchain for about a year and nine months, I have always said that in my first 6months on Hive, I didn't know what I was doing or what was the benefit of my being on hive and I would say that I have just been playing for those few months until I had the motivation around August/September, then I was always bothered low curation, not know what to write about and at some other times how I would schedule my time to fit with hiving. And then I was able to sort all this out by not bothering about the low curation, I made sure I did the needful and scheduled some time to hive.

It was after this period I understood what hive really meant and I can say that I actually did follow the procedures of being an active member of the blockchain.
After a while I decided I tell some of my friends about hive, there were two of them as at that time and was happy teaching them all I knew about the blockchain and whichever one I didn't know or understand, I would direct them to few of the friends I made on the blockchain the understood the platform so well.

I started my journey of onboarding newcomers to the blockchain because I felt that people should know that there is really a platform that one can benefit from and I have always said this to them while explaining about hive to them, "Hive is not a get rich quick platform" I have always rung this as a stern talk to them before I go ahead to onboard them.

The first few people I boarded are actually doing well which I am proud of and while some have left their account for months without a thing being done to it because they expect to have huge earnings on them in a short period, well, that's not possible in hive, it is not that kind of platform.
I am actually happy that the few ones who see the benefits of hive are really doing well, which brings me to my main points for this post

Onboareders should always make sure that those who they onboard fully understand what Hive stands for

The few mistakes I have made and which I don't want to repeat is talking about hive to someone who thinks they can start earning from when they start, this has become an issue to me because I always want to check up on those who I bring in and make sure that they are getting the basis of posting and engaging on hive.

A newbie I boarded made a mistake which I didn't notice in time because of my tight schedule, this brings me to this point for those who onboard newbies, always make sure your newbies are doing the right thing, they should know when to wait for instructions and also should let you know if there ever was a problem in their hiving activities

We all know mistakes are bound to happen so a lot of things should be put in place for these newbies, which brings me to another point for on boarders Equip your newbies with the right tools, like myself I have Google documents and Grammarly installed on my phone and laptop, and so I make sure that my newbies have this also on their phone a before I know they help me in effectively creating a better content for my blog.

I have this mindset that if a lot of people understand the concept of being on hive they wouldn't want to leave, but there's an adage that says "You can only take a horse to the river, but can't force it to drink"

This adage is true, but also feel that checking up on those who feel that they can't benefit from here should be done, it might give them the motivation one day to be a part of the hive community fully and also take part in active engagements.

I have never regretted being on Hive I will say that over and over again, hopefully, some of those who I have boarded see this post and maybe get motivated again.
I do hope they really can.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 180 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


I think most of us faced difficulties in understanding the Hive platform and it's quite natural and current time newbies also face it but compared to us they are lucky because now there are many people to guide them and some programs are ongoing to teach them about the Hive blockchain.
Expecting money is quite natural but for that doing the wrong thing is not supported and everything takes time because success doesn't come overnight. It's our responsibility to teach a newbie with better guidelines.


You get my point. Thanks
It wasn't easy for me as a newbie, but now recent newbies are very lucky as to the many programmes going on to educate them more. Like the newbies initiative the hive learners do.
And I have made this a point,"hive isn't a get rich quick platform."
