Jeremy yap designed on canva
Does having a talent automatically mean you will be successful? NO that's not true, many people in this life have multiple talents which they either put to good use or make become a liability. Having a talent doesn't license you to be a big man or a woman, I must tell you today without working hard to achieve certain goals in life, one would remain in one spot. exactly one spot I say.
Let me give this instance, there is this guy that does fix up our generator whenever it is faulty, we knew him from our previous area, ( the place we lived before we moved) this guy does repair the generator perfectly we do not allow any other person to come and fix it, not that we despised other mechanics, whenever we try to use other mechanics, the generator doesn't work fine for up to three months, but this guy does this thing so well, sometimes I wonder if he uses jazz, but it later we found out that he has been fixing generators ever since he was very young, without being taught by anyone, he didn't go to the school or anything or go for an apprenticeship for any anyone, he was given this gift free of charge, but his problem is he drinks, smoke, and fornicate, even when he has a wife and children, he doesn't know the essence of the gift he has.
Whenever the generator has a fault and we call him to come to fix it up we have to wait for 2-3 weeks before he comes to do it, most of the time we have to go to his house by taking a bike to pick him up very early in the morning.
What I am trying to say is this guy has the talent but he is not working hard to be successful, he has the gift but isn't utilizing it in the right way, I am sure that the way we always have to go check on him in the house before he can come to fix the generator, is the same way other people would be looking for him to do their things. in essence talent without hard work is dead, just faith without action is dead.
There are so many people in life that are supposed to so successful with the kind of gift that God gave to them, but because of lack of motive, laziness, and most times not enough motivation to boost them to their destined right place, they tend to become stagnant.
Don't get me wrong here, having talent is good, but what are you doing to be successful with that talent? take myself, for example, I have loved baking ever since I was little, and because I loved baking I always stood wherever I saw anyone doing something similar, my first cake was baked without supervision, and it came out great, as I got older I still went for classes for one year, where I was taught not only baking cakes but also all thing pastry and cookings, that still adds more value to me as a person, to say I have the talent of baking a very delicious cake, yes I do, but I don't have client, am I successful in the baking I am into NO, I am not successful in it cause I don't have equipment which other people who have become successful in baking have. some times I bake for family and close friends, cause they know I bake, I have been reluctant to advertise myself outside, cause I am afraid of getting a large job that would need me to have that equipment, well it is not so easy I know, but I haven't been putting so much hard work with my talents.
Not that I don't want to, but because I don't have my equipment, that mechanic has all he needs to be successful, but he is just being lazy, so TALENT DOESN'T MAKE YOU SUCCESSFUL, HARD WORK DOES
This is my entry for hive learners contest week 37 edition 1 find link to the contest here
Thanks for reading
Designed on canvas
my dear that one thing people don't understand if dem try get small talent, boom they will carry shoulder up and think talent is the only thing to be successful but, rather it is an added advantage to everyone
Asin sometimes I wonder if they use their brain for thinking at all.
I tire o
Hard work over talent everytime. It's an undeniable fact
Many don't seem to understand this and when pride takes over the loose it all.
Hard work, diligence keeps on at the top
Thanks for sharing
You get the point.
Thanks for stopping by.
You welcome❤