
Writing about myself again on hive feels like I am making another introduction post about myself,😁 okay, it is a nice topic from the desk of the hive learners contest, find the link here

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As I thought after I saw the topic yesterday, I was like this is easy it's something about myself, but since yesterday whenever I put on my pc to write something, I keep coming blank, which makes me realize there is no easy way of writing even if it's about the simplest or easiest topics.

My childhood

When I was a child, I was the quiet one, I didn't like anything that would warrant me being beaten by my parents or elders so I always had ways to leave the scene that could cause me trouble, but having siblings that were more than your power would always not want you to escape the wrath of an angry parent @jessicaossom was a PAIN in my neck at childhood, she was the soldier in the family, even though she is a girl, she is always wanting to prove how powerful she was as a child, which always landed us both in trouble. You see I can't talk about myself without @jessicaossom not being involved because we kinda did everything together until I was 12 years old when I went away to stay at a family friend's place in another state.

As a child, I was very thin which got me the name "I", which brings me to introduce myself with my full name, My name is IMAOBONG CHARITY OSSOM now IMAOBONG CHARITY ADEWALE, according to my marriage certificate, Yes I am an Akwa-Ibom married to a man from Oyo state and I am 24years old and a mother to two beautiful kids, a boy, and a girl. So the name treasure came about when I joined a church my mum usually attends, and the pastor told me I am treasure, let's just say the name stuck, why? because I had actually been looking for ways to change my English name, cause when whenever I gave my English name to someone they would immediately refer it to a bus stop at oshodi in LagosπŸ™„, so I stopped giving out the name charity, even though that is what is on my certificate, I have the mind to go for a legal changing maybe when I am done with everything school. let me not bore you with that story😜.


I am a baker, a good one at that, just that I don't have very good equipment yet to move me to the next level, but I am hoping on God for a miracle, I cook food on the side as a side hustle, but presently I am short of customers, I am currently in an OND program at YABATECH, which will last for two years before I go ahead to HND program which will also last for two years plus an IT program for one year after the OND.


Loving and caring

I tend to care a lot about people even though I might not have known them for a long time, I get some people that say I have a motherly nature, which is true, cause I always want people to be okay and not be in pain

An Adviser and a great listener

According to @constanceitohan who is my friend I can give advice when someone needs it and I am still able to listen, someone once called me an amebo (poke nose) jokingly which made me laugh and I tend to call myself a talkative because I can talk when we are close to each other, but not when I am given a podium 😎

What makes me different and unique in my own way?

I am different and unique because I am a selfless person, I always want the best for people, who are not even my family, and I always want to do something for them that would leave an impact on them, Apart from other people telling me I am nice, I know I am and those who get to know me, knows I am more than a nice person, I have this love in my heart towards people, my mum once said my name "imaobong" which means love, is what is affecting me, cause I always want to be there for people.

why do I think I am the best there is?

I believe I am the best there is because even after being hurt by people who I love, I still continue to love them, there is always a place in my heart that still cares for them and still wants to look out for them .

I am LOVE and I TREASURE people

Thanks for stopping by.
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0.432 NEOXAG


I know little about you even before now and I'm happy to even know you more. You have been a wonderful and kind person.

You always want everyone closer to you to make money and you will teach them everything they need to know, without hiding anything.

Thank you for being a selfless human, I wish you all the best in life as you continue to impact lives.
Nice to meet you @treasuree , you are amazing!!!

0.006 NEOXAG

Awwwn thank you sirπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° see me blushingπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜

0.000 NEOXAG

My own best friend turn sister,I love you my baby grandma

0.006 NEOXAG

Thanks my beautiful and lovely friend.πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

0.000 NEOXAG

Reading how you partially changed your name made me to remember how two of my sisters were smart on changing their names on certificate without anyone knowing hahahπŸ˜‚. I love their smartness ehh, because the English names that my parent gave them didn't entered at allπŸ˜‚.

You have a good personality πŸ‘

0.005 NEOXAG

Didn't enter?πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£

0.000 NEOXAG