Casting The First Stone-Book Review.


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Growing up, I wasn't too interested in reading books as I found them quite boring at the time but then, I always saw my sisters burying their heads in one story book or the other. They even borrowed some from their classmates and would spend the night reading them to give it back to their owners. I suddenly became fascinated by this and so, my sister recommended some reading platforms for me. I would always use Wattpad, lightreader or z-library to read my story books. I enjoyed reading fairy tales, high school romance and poetry. I found using these platforms more interesting than actually reading from a hardcover book which I thought always looked boring. That was until I found a hardcover novel which I fell in love with.

It was like love at first sight because I saw this novel with my cousin and normally,I wouldn't even bother trying to look at it as it was hardcover but what got me attracted to it was the cover. The way the images looked, I thought I had to read it and that was a very good decision I made.

Casting the first stone is an amazing novel that was written by Kimberla Lawson Roby. Having the picture perfect life, perfect daughter, perfect husband who was a pastor and having the perfect career, but was it really so for Tanya Black?

Tanya and Curtis were dating when he told her about how God called him to become a minister. Curtis spoke with so much passion that Tanya knew he meant it. He proposed to her and of.course she agreed. To her, Curtis was different. He was a decent person who didn't go wild like other college students did. He was the definition of perfect, well at least that was her thought until eight years into their marriage.

Curtis became so selfish as he let his success get to his head. He had a large congregation and would continuously extort money from church members, preaching every Sunday to them to give more to God. Tanya always felt so embarrassed when she would listen to her husband making all this demands. She felt bad as most of the members are giving more than half they earn and then she would look at her husband in disgust as he had a very big watch locked around his hand. Not only did Curtis become selfish, he also became a distant father and husband. He barely had time for his family which was a continuous issue which would always bring up fights between him and Tanya.

Curtis always had excuses for his actions. It was either he had to attend a prayer meeting, an emergency meeting or a member of the church was I'll and he had to pray for them. Tanya was getting tired of these excuses and it was really irking her as she had started hearing rumors in church of how her husband was having an affair with Adrienne, a deacon's wife in the church. Tanya was putting efforts into her marriage as she was trying to save image so as not to divorce her husband.

True to the rumors, Curtis was actually having an affair with Adrienne and he rented a condominium outside town so as to carry out his sexual escapades with her. Adrienne was not the only woman Curties was having an affair with. He was also having an affair with Charlotte who was also a church member. Tanya tried so hard to put her marriage together but it all seemed fruitless. She tried threatening Curtis with divorce and he tried to persuade her not to divorce him as he knew if she did, it would destroy his image and ministry.

Tanya later found out that indeed, Chrties was cheating on her. She found the opportunity to go through his secret drawer and she saw letters and receipts of flowers he always sent to Adrienne. She felt devastated. She would always go to her friend Nicole when she had problems and Nicole advised her to find happiness for herself and suggested a jazz club to her. She went to the jazz club and there, she found a man who gave her happiness. Happiness Curtis has never been able to give her in all their years of marriage. The only blessing she had in her marriage was her beautiful daughter, Alicia.

Tanya later divorced Curtis. The church found out about his relationship with Adrienne and Charlotte and Curtis lost everything he had built within years. He lost his wife and child and became devastated. He later gave his life to Christ and started from square one to preach the Gospel.

I would love to say more about this amazing novel but I would leave you to read it and fall in love yourself. This book serves as a lesson to people who are in high places that feel they can take advantage of others. This book also shows a lesson of faithfulness. I feel some important themes in this novel are love, dedication, loyalty, affection and determination. I wish for all of you to try out this amazing novel and fall in love as I have already.

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Feels like you've told the whole story already 😅

Albeit the story sounds good, I don't think I'd dabble. It's kinda giving me nollywood vibes this 😅

Well done

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Thanks so much for the comment! It's the drama for me also

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