DIY floral Quilling Earrings using paper


Hello everybody!!!
I hope you all are doing well and great. I am back in this community after a while with another creative dIY, which is making beautiful earrings by using papers. It is my first experience of making earrings with paper. At first i was not sure whether i will be able to make it good, but at last it came out so much beautiful. And no doubt it have taken my alot of time. Almost i have spent more than 3 hours to make those small quillings. And i hope you all will love it.
Let's get started and let's move forward to the procedure.

Firstly i have taken a red half sheet and marked 0.5cm on each point by using a ruler.

Then i have joined those straight lines. I have drawn almost 42 lines on one half sheet.

And after that i have cut those straight lines and i got beautiful and nice strips.

Then by using those strips i have folded the paper and made rolls and pinched it in a petal shape structure.

Like the wise i have made other rolls as well.

Same as above i have made white also but small in size but in circle shape not in petal shape.

Then i have kept the white one in the middle and kept a red petal around the White one.

Then kept the second one but with the distance.

Same as that i kept another 2 also in a circular form.

And made a flower in a circle form.

After making those flowers I started to keep them in s circle form.

Then i have completed those.

After that i have applied glue to stick them with each other. And also i have applied glue on back whole side to make Earings hard.

After that i made one more roll which i was about to attach with the top.

After that i attached earings hooks with that upper one roll.

Here's the final result of my beautiful floral quilling earings.

Hope everybody love it. I love the final look very much.
I'll be back with another Creative idea soon.
Bye for now.

0.000 NEOXAG


This is beautiful, at first I actually thought it was actually a real earrings but as I looked closer it was a craft made from paper. Wow you have done amazingly well and the result is stunning. kudos to you and well done

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh thanks alot

0.000 NEOXAG

Really beautiful 🥰🌻

0.000 NEOXAG

se ven hermosos, delicados y con un material fácil de elaborar


they look beautiful, delicate and with an easy material to produce

0.000 NEOXAG