#BeerSaturday - Buccaneer: A pirate who seduces and makes you fall in love

There are loves that are consolidated by hearing a song, listening to a poem or receiving an invitation to go out. There are others who find happiness in a conversation, an inviting dinner or a blind date.

tasty beer

In all these cases there are common denominators: music, dance, food and drink. Within that drink there is one that is fundamental for our country: Beer.
In my case it is a pact of love that I have with it. It does not dominate me, but it traps me; it is not essential, but it is necessary; it does not drive me crazy, but it pleases me. Among them all, there is one that is my favorite: Buccaneer Beer.

I don't know if it's its mystical name or the beauty of its staging. What is certain is that its bitter taste and its 5.4 degrees of alcohol make it an excellent party companion and a favorite friend in my celebrations.

Although several beers are produced in Cuba, such as Cristal, Mayabe, Cacique, among others, the name of the factory where all Cuban beers are produced is Buccaneer SA. All of them, except the newly created Parranda, have life in this factory, which shows the importance that Buccaneer has at a commercial level.

buccaneer beer

This beer has a characteristic flavor that has its origin in the manufacture of the Czech Republic with the incorporation of barley and rice in the manufacturing process. However, an essential element in the production of this and all Cuban beers is the quality of the water used, which gives it a characteristic flavor and gives it a unique international seal.

In my case, I have always had it with me whenever I could. She breathes with me, dances with me and has been my eternal companion for advice. Her manly name makes her masterful, before her eternal rival and companion called Crista, but one thing is certain: Buccaneer is the pride of Cuba and Cubans.

the author and the beer

In many Cuban activities, this beer is preferred over any other. It is true that Cristal occupies the preferred place among an important part of the population, mainly because of other elements that we will explain in another publication, but this beer is for many the confirmation that not all piracy is bad.

Note: The photos were taken with my Samsung J2.


Hola se puso buena la cosa. A mí de Bucanero lo que más me gusta es la malta. El otro día vi por la televisión la fábrica con la nueva cerveza Parranda y me pareció interesante que las botellas son plásticas y pretenden pagar a los consumidores que las devuelvan vacías en un ciclo de reciclaje. Pues nada disfrute su bucanero pero no se pase. Jjjjjj


Como están los precios es muy difícil que podamos pasarnos, al menos yo que soy un trabajador de a pie no hay manera que el salario me alcance para esos lujos. Por mucho que me guste la cerveza sólo los días de celebraciones es que puedo darme estos gustos.
Lo de la cerveza nueva es así como dices. En la propia etiqueta dice que por cada botella que se devuelva le entregan 0.10 MLC a quien lo haga.
Muchas gracias por ller y comentar la publicación. Feliz semana. Salud y saludos.


Me he reído con mi texto, en el mensaje anterior, parece que la borracha soy yo permítame arreglarlo. Jjjj


No hay problemas con eso. Entendí perfectamente. Salud y saludos.


Looks like an interesting !BEER


In truth it is a beer that, at least to me and to many we like for its flavor, its consistency, not being a soft beer nor very strong. It is my favorite. Thank you very much for sharing. Cheers and greetings from Cuba
