The power of mindset

Do you know who you are? Many of us don't. Some people think we are names people know called us or the ones given to us at birth by our parents. Well, that is not who we are. The names we are called are just our identity.

Do our names have anything to do with what we would become in the future? Well, the answer could be yes or no, depending on the context in which you look at it.

I do say we are products of what we think about. If you see yourself as a rich man, you will surely become one. As long as you put your mind to it and work towards actualizing it. And if you think otherwise, you will never become successful as you won't see yourself achieving anything.

Our race, parents, and where we come from might affect who will become in the future if care is not taken. If you have unsuccessful people around you, and you don't leave them, you will soon become like one.

If you have no creative thinker around you. How will you be influenced? I do say that when will come to this world, we are like a blank slate with nothing written on it. But as we come into contact with people; our parents, neighbours, and others in the society. We are informed and influenced. Without this, a kid will know nothing or become nothing. That is why it is even written in the Bible that there is nothing new under the surface of the earth; what you want to become is someone's history.

what innovation is new that someone had not started before? I agree with the saying that no man is not embodiment of knowledge. There is nothing like Mr Know-All or Mr Perfect. You can never be perfect in all fields of knowledge. Can you?

We shouldn't limit ourselves to what is happening in our community only. We should endeavour to seek knowledge and pray for divine wisdom to guide our ways. You never know a thing unless you learn and teach a thing and relearn it over and over again.

I believe if we are all privileged to choose our race, the colour of our skin, or our parents, I think many of us might not have much problem, but, since we have no power to choose, then, we have to strive and make things work by discovering ourselves and work towards making it a reality. However, being born into a well-to-do family doesn't guarantee you make it in life. However, you do have an advantage over a humble background. You have all the resources at your disposal

Also, being born to a 'privileged' family and having a humble background doesn't necessarily mean you will become poor. It all depends on your mindset. It depends on you and your approach to life and happening around you.

Many of us are limited by our community, I have a short write-up to back this.

There was an eagle raised amongst fowls, he bread and wine together with them, to the extent that he lost his eaglehood. Until one day, he saw another eagle, a giant one, on the tree about to fly. He looked at himself and said what differentiate him and the other eagle. He could fly, but I couldn't. Since that day, he started flying with another eagle in the sky.
Until we find ourselves; where we are going, where we come from, what it takes to get there, and how soon we will never go to achieve a thing.

Proctor said, "We can measure ourselves on three grounds: that is, we live simultaneously on three places of understanding; spiritual creature, intellectual and physical body. But many lack awareness of who they are. Some categorised who they are by the amount of money or property owned.

To understand ourselves, we need to ask questions about our thoughts and how they work. Success starts with a mental picture. To change your mindset, decide what you want, write it down, and read it often. Avoid negative thoughts.

Also, what we need to know about ourselves is more than the physical body. What we see in the physical body is nothing but the physical manifestation of the highest side of our personality. The question we need to keep asking ourselves to know more is how the non-physical aspect of our life works. What happens when I think and where do thoughts come from? How are things made, and how can I improve? Before anything could be done, we must have painted the picture of it in our minds.

To know ourselves must answer those questions.

The non-physical aspect of our life, which is our subconscious mind, is where the pictures are being made before we can build a replicate of it in our world.

Read good books in your field. Learn from those who have succeeded. Don't ask someone who earns little for advice on making millions. You have great potential if you use your mind effectively. Your true self is your inner self, not your physical body.

The button line is, 'You can learn to do anything, and you have phenomenon power if you can use your mind as you use your body. Your true self is your inner image and not the physical body.'

Remember, nobody is a failure. Once you can change how you think about life. Stop seeing yourself as a failure, forget about what people think about you. See yourself moving forward, achieving excellence exceptionally, and do not limit yourself by what you see around you


We are who we think we are. Many people think about impossibility and that's why many things become impossible for them.

I think many people know the power of their thoughts but only a few are able to use it to their advantage.


You are right. It is one thing to know the power of your thoughts, and it is another thing to utilise it to the fullest.


Exactly. If we can't handle our thoughts it'll be hard to make use of it to the fullest.
