Pull Out Your 3 (EP19) by Bernard Arandilla | TWS Skateboarding


Welcome back to another episode of 'Pull Out Your 3'. Today I just wanted to share with you how Bernard Arandilla pulled out three tricks in a single row. Those tricks are Frontside 180 over a can of paint, Fakie Backside Bigspin, and Nollie Backside Shuvit. Doing a Frontside 180 over an object is not so easy to do because you need an amount of energy to get a higher pop to go through over an object and Bernard perfectly landed that trick over to a can of paint. But before he wrapped all those tricks he failed a couple of times like I said before doing a skate line is not an easy thing you need more patience, time, determination, commitment, and of course focus.

Trick Highlights

Bernard failed to land his Frontside 180 over a can on his first run. The reason he failed to land it is that by the time he landed the board into the ground, it wasn't completely full 180 degrees; it was around 160 degrees maybe. That's why he accidentally put a lot of pressure on his right shoulder, and he fell to his board.

After he failed to land his Frontside 180 over a can on his first run he tried it again. Bernard perfectly landed his Frontside 180 over a can on his second run and he pushed his board to add more speed. Without any hesitation, he pulled out a Fakie Backside Bigspin but he failed to land it.

After he failed on his skate line on the first and second try he never wanted to stop and he wanted to do it again. Just like the first and second run Bernard pulled a Frontside 180 over a can first and he perfectly landed it.

Unlike the second run this time he also perfectly pulled out his Fakie Backside Bigspin.

I knew he was not done that's why I pushed his board a little bit and without any hesitation, he pulled out a Nollie Backside Shuvit and he perfectly pulled out those three tricks in a single row. Bernard wanted to wrap all those tricks full of determination and commitment.

I also made a GIF format to see how Bernard Arandilla landed those 'Three Tricks In A Row'.

P.S.: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

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