Living in Trust



In the knots if the now, we’re able to wonder and wrestle what’s on our focus now but we don’t see how
The moments you feel scattered, confused and unclear, those unexpected road are lined up with fear
This sorrow and this fall is where silence calls you, we even ask and plead you with questions so unendingly constant
But answers are seem far where these pieces are unsolvable, trapped inside the loopholes of this puzzle…

If only we could zoom out to take a step away from fragments of life that we couldn’t understand
Each loss is a triumph that ever moment is ascended, these thread in a tapestry of your life’s dream
In the puzzle of chaos, we make no sense just alone where the whole world brings beauty all once it is shown
Those pain, and even joy and other unforeseen ways are just brushstrokes of life that is part of a bigger picture…

Step back and see how the life goes, through those valleys of sorrow and through the peak it glows
Each twist is current of steam, leads onwards through this landscape of a dream yet to come
I’m the heartache of troubles, the shadows are also your own loss, sharp part of you that is bitter and even makes you cross
You still wanted to be wilded, as this burden to bear are too likely to plan with care…

On the moments of bitter, we are being chiseled with a certain purpose, but later wall becomes right
Who writes these stories, those twists and turn are places of lessons you needed to see and keep
Is it fate, or chance or something that’s beyond important, yes it is guiding your every heartbeat
Zoom in into your inner soul, these life events are perfectly crafted, a masterpiece timelessly like gold…

Perspective from those quiet fear
Life is so uncertain
Life is never random
All was perfectly crafted


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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