Carving out Time for Thought...



From what have forgotten now is the depth of wisdom that cannot be stolen from us, no moments have been stolen either, somehow
Even the scraps of tired minds are never the leftovers of our busy days, but what contemplation is needed in freshest hour
When mind is clearer in spirit and at the peak of it’s mental power as we let work and mundane tasks awaits
When we chase the life of our deepest pursuits, the rest falls right and fair as we chase life’s deeper states as our purpose begins to unfold…

Why must we treat the gift of philosophy so small, as something slight letting the world intrude while feeding into your inner mood
For life will pull us every way possible but as we think deeply, in silence vast, it is where our soul is shaped to last as we push our philosophy aside
As the path gets busier, we learn to abide we chase the breeze where life is easier even neglecting the roots of our past as we cannot bear the noise of the present
As every moment it has what it needs to let them come, letting all the world around us spin and dive right in to be taken by some lesser power…

Yet you ask yourself what matters more: to live a life unexamined or pause until to reach for the question, the answer to think and explore
Let make the a sacred vow to guard your values and philosophy as you wait for the time to run from needed deeper thoughts despite of daily race
As we get tired but still we’re in our prime years, fresh and bright, we still honour wisdom thus even we fall, we fall in light
No matter how strange the feeling is, we thought the other task is to let life flow as smoothly as possible, with more purpose as it lightens the way…

For each wisdom gained from quiet hours, as we inform each choice we make, the life lived truthfully is a gift we give to philosophy
The best hours that we spend is we practice day by day, the deeper the life, the deeper the wisdom guides our peace filling our heart and mind
As the world becomes more meaningful, each task is infused with thought still philosophy is not separated from the life we daily lead
We can reflect on higher laws, the world will see and we have grown thoughtful constancy, demands that we pause and strip away its disguise as we live with much sharper eyes as we rise anew.

A life well balanced as fulfilled
Time devoted pure and clearer
Deeper thought yet be found
Sacred task doesn’t come in haste


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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