Thoughtful Daily Post Curation Compilation #47


By conveying our deeper thoughts on Hive, we can uplift and support each other across the blockchain. This week we had some wonderful authors visit to share their life reflections, wisdom, and snapshots of their experience on this rock with us.

No matter if they have responded to our weekly prompt, or posted on their own topics, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate thoughtfulness on chain! We hope you will consider taking the time to check their writing out and support their work! You may even make a new friend. ✌️

Today in thoughtfulness....jpg

the dead don't come back by @riverflows

People say the dead are with you all the time. I don't believe them at all. When you are gone, you become the trees and the sky and the cicada song. You are the feathers flapping in black cockatoos in the stunted banksia. You are the space above a black house of Nordic design on a hillside and you are the sun glinting on its mirrored glass

The problem is not the problem | Reflections in my intimate space by @mafalda2018

"Most people spend more time and energy talking about problems than dealing with them". (Henry Ford) Maybe some people think it's one of my crazy things, but it's not. It really sounds like a tongue twister, but for me that problem does not compare to not recognizing that it exists. We ramble and ramble, and if you don't accept that there is a problem, the solution will not come. On the other hand, the controlling spirit of the human being also prevents problem solving

The Games We Play by @trucklife-family

Yesterday was the birthday, of one of my closest friends. I met her a few years ago, here n Spain, whilst I was living in another valley. She came to visit with her partner and two sons and ended up parking up, next to the land I was living on. It wasn't long before we met and hit it off. We both have a very similar sense of humour and she really brings out my playful side, which I had been neglecting for quite a while, before I met her

When Gratitude And Self—Preservation Collide! by @luchyl

I want to believe that you've heard this age old adage that says, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". This is more like a golden rule, a societal norm, which emphasizes gratitude and respect towards those who have in one way or the other helped, supported or provided for us. Doing so could portray the person as an ingrate, disloyal and lacking in self awareness. But I want to ask; What if that same hand turns against you? What if it forces itself into your mouth, trying to choke you, or points at your face in a threatening manner?

Respite & Simple Joys by @honeydue

It's easy to feel worthless when living in a society that tells you worth equates productivity and output. It is, I think, the reason why so many of us get caught up in this rat race, where we feel compelled to make, to earn, and then subsequently to spend. It feels like that's us meaning something, and it fits nicely with this modern focus on individualism all you need to focus on is you. What you do. What you make

Mi Diario: 27 enero 2025 // My Diary: January 27 2025 by @palomap3

Hola querido hiver. Un día más tarde de lo habitual pero hoy, por fin, consigo reunir las fuerzas para escribir. Y para leer. No esperes hoy pensamientos profundos por mi parte, te aviso desde el principio porque esto va a ser un volcado cerebral que me permitirá retomar mi actividad normal con el equipaje ligero, pero no es una página de mi diario al uso. Si quieres abandonar la lectura, hazlo sin remordimientos

[ESP-ENG] Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #28 | Elderly people deserve to be listened to and loved. 🤍 by @naath

Hola amigos de la comunidad de Thoughtful Writing Prompt, espero que se encuentren bien el día de hoy. El día de hoy hablaré sobre una problemática que tiene décadas ocurriendo y que veo con preocupación que no hay ni el minimo esfuerzo por darle una ayuda a las personas de la tercera edad quienes pasan los últimos años de sus vidas con mucha soledad y con nostalgia, siendo niños de nuevo y necesitando el apoyo de sus familias para vivir lo que resta de vida en paz y tranquilidad, pero esto no es lo que suele suceder y es bastante triste ver que una persona mayor se encuentre necesitando salir a buscar algo de comida o para las medicinas porque el dinero de la pensión por vejez no les alcanza como sucede en mi país. Hello friends of the Thoughtful Writing Prompt community, I hope you are well today. Today I will talk about a problem that has been going on for decades and that I see with concern that there is not even the slightest effort to give help to the elderly who spend the last years of their lives with much loneliness and nostalgia, But this is not what usually happens and it is quite sad to see that an elderly person needs to go out to look for food or medicine because the money from the old age pension is not enough, as it happens in my country. En los últimos años de vida, muchos ancianos son dejados de lado por sus familias

When Kindness Hurts by @princessbusayo

Have you ever helped someone and later regretted it? Have you been in a situation where your kindness was met with an unexpected sense of entitlement? Have you ever wondered if helping others was worth the stress it brings to you? These questions often arise when the lines between selflessness and personal boundaries blur, leaving the one who showed kindness feeling burdened rather than uplifted. How do we reconcile the desire to do good with the unintended consequences it sometimes brings?

Loneliness: Beneficial or Detrimental? by @niazi5352

Assalam o alaikum and Hello to all my friends! By the grace of Allah, I am fine. I hope all of you friends will be fine. Today is my second blog in this community. Friends, today I will express my thoughts to you about loneliness

Supporting the Elderly should be our highest priority! - A ThoughtfulDaily Post. by @peacefulsoul

Coming from a culture where we care for our elderly till the last breath; the prompt's question initially seems surprising to me. Then it came to my mind, how our culture is also changing and many old age homes are growing. And I know, we should also think deeply about this so much so that the elderly folks don't have to worry about their last days. . Asians have a culture to deeply values the elderly, respects them, keeps them with our family, and takes turns to give them active care and support

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That’s a wrap for this week! Thank you for checking out our curation compilation of thoughtful posts from the community. Want to help elevate the awesome on chain?

Delegations to @thoughtfulposts help to support the community, as well as giving back liquid Hive rewards in the process!

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