Mojo's Life - Yesterday was one with huge milestones!



Making huge progress here!

I already shared the progress during the past weeks and I have to say that I was surprised that we managed to make progress every day. After all, this was not a tiny kitten anymore but already (probably) a few month's old kitten when we rescued her. My boyfriend was a bit afraid that we'd not be able to turn this cute new friend into a hooman lover as we have done in the past with other kittens, simply because you read everywhere that it's impossible after X weeks and we aren't sure how old Mojo is.

Our daughter the cat whisperer

Remember when I wrote that our daughter meowed and all the kittens came out to check what was going on? Like in the story about the Pied Piper of Hamelin. It worked every single time when we went to visit the cats where Mojo was hanging out before we took him home. It was very cool to see that she managed to get them all curious and I have been amazed by how she's handling this new furry friend so far. Although we have to tell her every once in a while that enough is enough and now leave Mojo alone as he clearly wants to rest, overall, she's been amazingly good at communication with him. And vice versa, we've seen Mojo developing a serious interest for her and following her around when he's awake and she leaves the room. Whenever she say's something, Mojo answers, lol. It's adorable to see how they interact.

Mojo September 16 2022 (8).jpg

The magical feather

Do you see that she's finally decided she can chill at this spot we bought for her? She only slept on the bottom part until a few days ago. But some huge progress was made. Our daughter is playing with Mojo every day, so are we, but she starts her day by giving him fresh water, food and then it's playtime. Most days, this meant that she was rolling some ball (before we had these, it were paper balls lol) and Mojo racing behind the ball like madness and sliding through the room as we have a tile floor. It's amusing to see to say the least. We already knew that Mojo loved sleeping on this purple feather as I showed you last week, but today I can say that she seems to have accepted us as her hoomans and let's us pet her all day long when not playing or sleeping.

Mojo September 16 2022 (15).jpg

Purring and total surrender

When I heard the first purring sounds coming from her on Friday, I was 100% confident that Mojo would not take too long anymore before accepting our hands to pet her. I accidentally touched the head and neck a few times at first when she came to cuddle me while I was petting her with the feather and I noticed she did not bounce back or got spooked. I kept repeating this every once in a while to make her get used to it and in the evening she has spent hours with us on the couch demanding attention and showing us some love too. It's actually unbelievable how much has changed over the course of a day.

It got better!

This morning she was sleeping on the chair in the living room where I placed an unused mat on to lay on because it was there one of the first days (I washed it and didn't put it back in the bathroom) since then she seemed to enjoy laying there so I let her have it as it also means she won't scratch the chair (which is not ours). I greeted her like we do every morning and pet her with the feather, she immediately meowed back and started purring and walking towards me.

The best thing happened tonight though, she was again with us on the couch and I petted her a few times a few minutes in a row without her getting stressed or fed up, it seems like she accepted this and started to enjoy it now. At some point she fell asleep while I was doing it and when she was dreaming I comforted her and she opened her eyes, she saw that I was touching the back of her head and neck but allowed me to continue and fell asleep again! I must have been doing it 10 or 15 minutes in a row and she totally surrendered. It was a huge step forward!

Relief for the itch is near

As we were suspecting her to have some fleas, I was hoping that this moment would not take too long anymore because I want to give her the drops in her neck to get rid of them. I just had no clue how to do this when she didn't allow us to touch her until now and therefore we decided to just clean everything thoroughly every day and hope it won't get out of hand before we are allowed to help her with this issue. I don't want her to be all traumatized and having a stranger doing this to her so it seems that I will be the one helping her with this issue on Monday (tomorrow the vet is closed).

This was definitely the best week since Mojo lives here and we are all totally in love. It was meant to be! I can't really see how the next week will top this one, but who knows. Updating again in a week! Happy Caturday!


Mojo's beautiful smart n kind. never late to turn a cutey like this to a hooman lover. we do even with years old ones. depends on your vibes n how catty(positive meaning) u r. 😼


They say it's hard with a kitten that's past a few months of age but this is my first time trying as we had kittens from birth in the past so it may be depending on your determination and cat-loving vibes indeed. We are both real cat people, so I honestly didn't even doubt it.

Thanks for stopping by, have a good Sunday!


I love cat people so I'll come here again. happy Sunday 4u2


Oh my gosh! This is so amazing to see and read about! I am so happy for Mojo and you and your family!


Thank you so much for stopping by again, I really enjoy the journey so it's nice to share it every week.



And it is lovely to read it! I couldn't wait to click on your post when I saw it in my feed. I can almost hear the purrs 💜


The purring is so nice, I really really missed that! So relaxing :)



Yes! Kitty purrs are definitely something I miss dearly. All I have is snoring from my dogs, and occasional gas attacks 🤣


Yaaaaaaay for Mojo (and your family)!


Yay indeed, huge steps! Everyone has had some nice moments of long petting now and it's going great :)

