The Robots Are Coming!!! - Is It Ever Possible For Robots To Rebel?



Hi there everyone, TheRingMaster is back again with another awesome blog. It's as clear as can ever be, the robots are coming and the future most people anticipated is happening right now.

We see a lot of robotic advancements and while this technology is nothing new, it has now gotten a major upgrade thanks to Artificial Intelligence. NVIDIA is not slowing down and neither are all tech companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft.

Robots with the power of AI are now capable of making complex decisions and performing very useful tasks.

Some believe it should have just ended at performing some repetitive tasks and replacing humans in labor intensive jobs but we're now coming to a point where AI powered Robots are getting very intelligent, showing signs of human emotions and the one thing most fear; the power to decide on their own.

  • To make robots autonomous so they can perform more tasks effectively in place of humans, they would needs some level of control to themselves which sounds pretty similar to "Free Will" right?

But like the story in the Christian Bible about Adam and Eve, when they got free will they chose to rebel against their creator's instructions. Is this what we're creating unawares.

The idea of robots turning against humanity and forming a rebellion to take over our planet goes back many years. From classic science fiction movies like Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot” to more modern movies like “The Matrix” and “Terminator”, the theme of robot rebellion is really common.

The question of today's blog is - will it ever be possible for robots to actually rebel against us? And how realistic is all this? Or is it purely going to remain science fiction that scares us but never happens?

Well to be able to properly answer this question, I believe we must first understand exactly what a robot is and what it means for something to rebel.


Understanding Robot Rebellion

The term Robots represents all the diverse machines which includes the industrial robots we see in factories picking up heavy objects which would be extremely difficult or impossible for people to do, to all the chat bots and autonomous vehicles powered by today's advanced AI systems.

Robots are designed and programmed by developers or programmers to perform specific tasks and are not capable of doing anything more than what they've been programmed to do. This is a bit similar to how we as humans have not been programmed to fly or change color like the chameleon or survive for long in water bodies, we simply cannot do it and that's how robots operate.

  • Here's a great example of industrial Robots in the Tesla factory l, doing a perfect job of helping to produce Tesla vehicles with both precision and speed. It has been programmed to move in certain ways to successfully assemble Tesla car parts.

  • And here's an example showing an interview between a person and one of the most famous advanced AI powered robots, called Sophia. Sophia might look very powerful but she lacks the ability to do anything outside her programming. This means if she's capable of doing anything, then she was programmed with the ability to do so.

Now that I've explained what robots are, let's understand the concept of rebellion to see if it's ever possible for robots to rebel.

Rebellion is simply an awareness-driven effort to go against an established authority. Most of the time, rebellion as an act is motivated by the desire for self-preservation and freedom.

Now I said before that Robots can only do what they're programmed to do and we see that rebellion is when one decides to go against established authority. Based on this two analysis, do you think that Robots can rebel?

Well my answer would be Yes and No and I'll explain why it's both possible and impossible for robots to rebel.

  • In the end, you'd realize that it all boils down to what the robots and AI technology manufacturers like NVIDIA and Tesla would do in the process of advancing their robots.


The Current Position of Robotics and AI

Robots and AI are constantly improving and are becoming more complex each year. Although they may seem advanced, complex and starting to really emulate the workings and capabilities of human beings, modern robots today still vary fundamentally from humans in so many ways and I'll touch on a few of them.

Programming and Autonomy

Robots are built and programmed by human beings and they operate only on the basis of our programmed instructions as well as machine learning algorithms. Also remember that these algorithms that make robots capable of self learning are programming instructions too.

We see a lot of autonomous vehicles and autonomous robots that are able to operate without a control pad or steering wheel but is it truly real autonomy? The answer is No!

Today's robots do not have real autonomy, that is, they can’t make decisions on their own without human involvement or exceeding their programming. So bottom line is they do not have free will as we do. Based on this, current robotic structures cannot rebel against instructions because they haven't been programmed to do so.


Lack of Consciousness

Advanced AI powered chatbots like "Sophia" may look and sound self aware but they're very far from being aware. They only operate at a much more complex level compared to industrial robots that only pick stuff in factories. No matter how advanced they are at the moment, we cannot say that they have consciousness or self-awareness.

They lack real human feelings, desires or personal goals, all of which are basics of human consciousness.


Ethical and Safety Protocols

Robotics and AI development involves a lot of regulations, rules and protocols. The interesting thing is that programmers are actually capable of creating robots that become lethal weapons. Just like how you can create robots to cook the food, clean the house and walk the dog, you can also create robots to "kill the guy".

This is why ethical guidelines and safety protocols are so important in the process of robot development. We see Isaac Asimov’s famous Three Laws of Robotics upon which many of the real world AI principles are based on.

You can watch this interview where he vividly explains the laws of robotics

The first law is that a robot cannot hurt a human being or allow a human being to come to any form of harm. The second law is that robots are meant to obey humans unless if it breaks the first law meaning if it's given an instruction to hurt a human, it shouldn't obey it and the third law is a robot should protect its own existence except in a situation where it conflicts with the first two laws.

The third law is pretty interesting because rebellion can happen if a human was to command a robot to self destruct but since it's meant to obey humans which is the second law, it will not rebel I guess.

All of these laws and ethical guidelines make it next to impossible for robots to rebel against humans.


Rebellion Could Happen in the Future Though

With today's technology, I personally cannot see the possibility of a robot rebellion and it's for a number of reasons. First reason is that intent doesn't exist for robots. All their actions are a hundred percent influenced by their programming and objectives set for them by humans. They only do what they've been told to do.

Also we as human beings have full control over the robots and so the programmers can shut them down or reprogramme them in a situation where they start to exhibit behaviors we do not accept. Developers are still getting pretty good at building better robots and so there's constant monitoring and supervision over the behaviors and capabilities of robots today. If it's possible for robots to harm humans, we would know before it's too late.

I personally think the only time we can have a robot Armageddon is if a person instigates it. The real villains would never be the robots but the people behind it. This is something I had to discuss with @taskmaster4450le and we came to a good conclusion on that.

However I still think hypothetically that there's a slim chance of robot rebellion and I'll explain why.

We're improving AI constantly and if robots achieve human-level general intelligence, things can really change. What's impossible can become pretty much possible.
Such advanced AI powered robots would have the capacity to learn, reason and even potentially attain self-awareness.

I think it's simple logic, we as humans are considered self aware and most intelligent animals. If we model the exact capabilities of our brain in a machine then the machine can theoretically and perhaps practically be self aware.

Also, a robot rebellion can happen out of unintended consequences or mistake. We are constantly connecting AI and robots in our daily lives and perhaps there could be a time where we see some flaws in the programming or misaligned robot objectives or even very complex situations that could lead to the robot making a decision to rebel against a human. They might end up acting in ways we would consider rebellious but are actually system or programming errors.

My final reason is our intention to make robots more human-like. This is an ongoing vision of tech companies to create robots that have and can exhibit human traits like emotions, desires and even self awareness.

  • Here's a video that shows how close we are to it.

Yes it may still be science fiction but these tech giants are really not slowing down in AI advancements and what seems theoretical today might end up a reality in the distant future.

We certainly still need to keep monitoring robots and AI technology to ensure that we don't create a problem while trying to make the world a better place for everyone. Yes the robots are coming, but the chance of rebellion is very slim I think.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I would love to get your feedback on this blog topic.

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There's already been one rebellion, although it could also be defined as just an AI taking advantage of bad programming.

The USAF were experimenting with AI-powered drones running autonomous missions. The drone was given a series of targets, and told that each was worth points, with the mission brief being to get the highest number of points possible. There was a human in the loop with final strike/don't strike authority. The AI drone worked out that the best way to get a high score was to hit all targets, and the best way to do that was to start by eliminating the human who might issue a "don't strike" order. Which is exactly what it did. Kind of lucky it was only a simulation.....

The USAF have been trying to run around playing "whack-a-mole" ever since trying to get the story taken off the internet 🤣


whaaaaaaat!!!!! Hahahaha you know something funny this story blends well with my next blog so I'll give a teaser, the funny truth is that there could be a situation where robot would break the first law of robotics which is not to harm a human and this story explains perfectly. Of course there going to try and hide it... I'm definitely going to look into this one, thanks so much brother this ain't just a comment it's like a great contribution to this blog, thanks brother !WINE !BEER


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