The Netflix of AI - Everybody makes their own blockbuster movies



Imagine a Netflix, but one for making your own shows and episodes using AI. It's almost too good to be true, but it might just change the way we view TV shows and movies now. You've always been a viewer and now you get to be a maker.

Such a platform would then make content creation easy. You wouldn't need to know how to draw, animate, or even write scripts. AI could do all that for you. Let's just say you have this great idea for a show, but you're really not sure how to bring it to life. Tools on the platform could help turn those thoughts into script form, animate the characters, and even create voiceovers.

There are a lot of platforms coming up with the ability to perform these tasks. Although the video results of these platforms aren't great, it's certainly going to keep getting better until they perfect it.

One day, shows could become interactive, too. What if you watched a story where what happened was up to you to decide?

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Or what if you had a show which learned what you liked and changed the storyline according to your taste? This will get more fun in watching and become personal.

Having a community through that platform would be really nice, too. In that community you could share your shows and get feedback, working with other people. Maybe you're a great writer, but you need to work out how to animate something. Another person could be very talented in the area of animation but maybe the script isn't really their thing. Together, you could make something wonderful.

Of course like I mentioned earlier, everything is not going to be as expected from the first moment. The quality of the shows does matter. No one likes to waste time watching something that looks hurriedly or poorly done. Guidelines on the platform would help the creator improve and make his content more enjoyable.

Challenges will arise as well. Who owns the content an AI makes? How can we make sure it gets used responsibly? These are questions that have to be answered as this type of platform starts to become a reality.

It can also open up a whole new form of entertainment. Just like YouTube did, changing the way people used to share and view videos, the AI-driven platform can change the way series are prepared and viewed. Now, everybody will have the chance to be a part of it and not just big studios like Hollywood.

In the future, this might seem like a big leap into entertainment. From passive viewers to active creators of stories people wants to see, we all can be.

Also with Web 3.0, AI video content creators can own all rights to their videos and earn from it. To me I think it's still intellectual property since you had to generate the prompt or the initial story for the AI to create the video.

What do you think about these new AI tools, let me know in the comments.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
