Texting Or Calling Which Do You Prefer? - Metaverse, VR and AR Impact On Communication



Hi there everyone, TheRingMaster is back again with another epic blog. Today's blog is inspired by an Inleo Thread question I made last night and I shared the same question on Ecency Waves not too long ago.

The question was : What is your preferred means of communicating, phone calls or text messaging?

The interesting thing about the response, was that it was a mix of the two, some said Texting and some said Calling.

@taskmaster4450le gave his reasons for preferring texting over phone calls and I absolutely agree. I personally would prefer texting over calls unless I have a crush on you, hehehe.

My dear friend @mysteriousroad actually responded "Phone call" in the Ecency Wave question and I was pretty surprised.

I think many people these days, prefer text messaging over phone calls, well the Gen Zs. In the old days, texting was not exactly an option since texting became a thing when phones got smarter or more advanced.

For me personally I become very reluctant when I have to pick up a call but would reply a text message anyday, anytime.

Texting is simpler and faster enabling us to communicate without exactly stopping what we are doing. Yes you can do other stuff while you make a call too but it's not like you can leave the phone to do other stuff and then come back to continue the conversation without looking rude, hehehe. Anybody want to be put on hold?

Phone call also has its benefits, like being able to hear the voice of the person you're talking to or not having the context of what you're trying to say misunderstood.

The Poll

I wanted to find out from all my friends and readers on Hive, which do you prefer; either to text or to make phone calls?

I would be more than happy for you to choose your preferred means of communicating in the Poll and also would be very excited to know your reasons in the comments below.




Our Communication Habits

Today we see the rise of futuristic technology right before our very eyes. From Artificial Intelligence to the Metaverse. These technological advancements are here to transform every aspect of our daily lives including our communication habits.

I'm sure you've seen Sci-fi movies that show examples of how the digital future would look like with Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and the whole Metaverse experience.

  • I found this video of the list of Metaverse based movies that show a bit of what our future would look like. Of course it's not going to be a hundred percent accurate but I think for the most part, this would be our future.

Movies like Tron, Ready Player One, Avatar and my favorite of all, Free Guy show a bit of how the future of communication and interaction would look like.

Most of what we see with the future of communication has to do with face to face interaction or any form and way of communicating that makes it more immersive and gets the people closer.

With the vision of Mark Zuckerberg and his company META, they want to create a new Internet where it would feel like the person is in the room with you. It's basically a much more realistic form of video calls.

  • Everything becomes virtual and the Internet becomes more augmented.



Why We Love Texting

Although video chatting and virtually seeing the person you're talking to over the phone will be super cool, I think most people would still prefer to send a quick text message instead. It's not exactly everyone you want to voice call, video call or see face to face.

Let's be honest there are probably people in our lives we're not exactly as comfortable with as our best friends. We'd prefer to text those people right?

There are actually various reasons why texting is a favorite method of communication to most people and I'll briefly talk about a few of them.


We are able to text from anywhere at any time. There are times where perhaps you may be in the midst of people and wouldn't want to disturb them by picking up a call. Texting is quieter and more secretive. It's also pretty easy to send a quick text and put your phone back into your purse or pocket.

Enough Time to Think

This is my favorite reason for preferring texting over calling. When you have to think before you reply or think of exactly what I want to say before saying it. I'll be honest, I sound and look smarter in my blogs than when I make a video of myself saying something.

While writing my blog, I can correct mistakes or even know my facts before sharing them. I'll be making videos on Hive pretty soon so I definitely have to prepare well so I look as confident in the videos as I do while writing but it's really all about the fact that there's time to think before sending a text message or replying a message and this is not the case for phone calls.

Less Pressure

Since you don't have to immediately respond while texting, there's less pressure. When you're asked a question over the phone and you take 5 minutes to answer, the person on the other end of the phone will definitely think you're lying or there's a problem. This ain't the case with texting, it's actually pretty normal experience with replying after 5 minutes because you were probably engaged in another activity. Although some people would not like to be waiting that long for your reply.

More People At The Same Time

Another reason I personally prefer texting over calls is the fact that I can respond to more than one person at the same time. I make quite a lot of friends and you can see that even here on Hive. I engage a lot. I can't call three people at the same time, I'm not exactly a Genie, hehehe


The Metaverse

Just in case you're not familiar with what the Metaverse is; it's a computer-based virtual reality world created for interaction and socialization. It's the literal future of our world and I can't wait to see how Hive and Web 3.0 platforms take advantage of it.

The YouTube videos I shared above give great examples of how it would look like

When we combine the power of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, we create the Metaverse experience which is a more immersive internet experience. Imagine a scenario where you wear a simple headset or tech goggles to attend an international conference in a Virtual Reality office. Now that's what I'm talking about.



Will Texting Continue When Metaverse Dominates?

I believe texting is never going to end, it's just going to look cooler and more advanced but the concept will always remain because regardless of whether I can enter the Metaverse or not, I don't want to be video calling all the time and having to speak everytime I want to talk to someone who's not close by.

But then how will communication take place in the Metaverse?

I put together a few ways communication will take place and it's literally going to be added to texting and calling. So probably in the future I would have to make another Poll and ask whether you prefer texting, voice calling, video calling or Metaverse calling, hahaha.



The Virtual Avatars and Metaverse Experience

Metaverse Avatar is a project that is becoming increasingly popular. Everyone can have their very own Avatars to represent them online. It's going to be something like the Fortnite game or Ready Player One movie.

These avatars can speak, move, or even have emotional responses, of course all this controlled by us. We get to customize our avatars and can have them as NFTs to sell.

You already know TheRingMaster will create a bad ass Avatar of a Champion.

We will actually still be able to text in the Metaverse world just like how we text in the real world. This will be easily done with the help of virtual keyboards or voice-to-text technology inside the Metaverse.

The Metaverse will provide high-quality voice and video calls for those who like talking, obviously not me.

It will seem as if you are right there in physical proximity to them while speaking. I believe it's going to be so cool, some of us that prefer to text will probably end up video calling a lot and seeing our loved ones face to face all the time or whenever we want to.

Just like the scenario I gave of you imagining yourself wearing the headset and you attend a virtual meeting, these virtual meetings can easily be done in the Metaverse. It will seem like they are sitting next to you, as you can see and hear them talk.

Also in the real world (that is without the VR glasses on) AR technology could layer digital information. You may text while viewing his or her avatar right in your living room. This I believe will make the world look so different from what it is today.



Will Texting Stay Popular?

Good news to all that still prefer calling over texting, it's definitely still going to exist. Just like I explained earlier, we would have virtual keyboards in the Metaverse so we can still text. Also, we're not going to be living in the Metaverse the whole day so we'll still have our phones to send texts. People are used to texting and might prefer it in new virtual spaces too.

Overall I think the world will become better with more options. Metaverse won't replace the real world, it will simply be a second option. We're literally going to have two worlds in the future, a real one and a virtual one.

Thanks for taking the time to read,. can't wait to get your feedback in the comments.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

4.839 NEOXAG


I prefer texting over calling but I am already writing/ typing so much that there is actually a third option that I prefer:

sending voice messages.

I actually do like to talk ( I am a wordy person ) and talking things through, while still replying/messaging whenever I choose to do so, really suits me. I only do this with a select group of people though, depending on the other person, as most seem to merely text message, these days.

Nice, thorough post!

0.010 NEOXAG

Hahahaha honestly I feel it too. It gets to a point where you say what heck I'll just record myself say it hahahah thanks so much for the comment dear !PIZZA

0.000 NEOXAG

You're welcome.

I have always felt that text messages ( especially in the time before smart phones ) weren't wordy enough for me. I felt the same about Twitter (now X). I like words but typing can be pretty tiring, at times.

0.000 NEOXAG

No doubt dear, I like to engage a lot in Hive but sometimes it starts looking like some serious work hahaha

0.000 NEOXAG


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@theringmaster(2/5) tipped @vincentnijman
theringmaster tipped cryptomother (x2)

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

I can go either way but for normal everyday chatting, I am a texter all the way. I get annoyed when I text someone about something that isn't even important such as talking about how the waves at the beach were good or bad the day prior and then 2 minutes later they call me. I will often not pick up the phone call and lie and say that I am busy and can't talk. I do not enjoy the social obligations to stay on the phone a certain amount of time even though the original reason for the call was something unimportant anyway.

Now on the other hand, texting can get you in trouble with people that you really care about because tone is absolutely essential. I have ended up in deep water with someone I was dating because my texts were misinterpreted as being sarcastic or cruel, when in reality I was not being that way at all. Depending on how insane your romantic partner is, this can cause long-term damage. Therefore, when it comes to someone that I am dating, I will almost always resort to phone calls but not carry on the call for too long. I also will always call my family members unless it is just me sending a picture of my dog or something like that.

I think that texting has kind of unfortunately taken a lot of the normal social behavior out of people though and we have become more distant with one another as a species because of it. Even though that is the case, I do not enjoy phone calls unless it is inside these two very specific groups that I just mentioned.

0.006 NEOXAG

Hahahahahahha me tooooooo hahahah like for real I text someone and they call back.. if I wanted to call I would have called hahahahahaha.. but you're so right dear that's the downside of texting, the message can easily be taken out of context .... Did you and your partner resolve it? You know what I'm just going to learn from your experience and call. I'm not dating right now so when I get back in it I'm definitely going to choose to call when I want to say something pretty sensitive or tricky hehehehe... Wow thanks so much dearest friend for this comment . I absolutely appreciate your support it means so much to me

0.000 NEOXAG

I didn't read your post, but to answer your question, I'd rather talk on the phone than to text... Texting takes way too much time...

0.008 NEOXAG

Hahaha brother you're right on that though, some prefer to call because of the same reasons, that actually means you'll be very comfortable with Metaverse in the future

0.032 NEOXAG

no one can really build anything decentralized on a centralized chain LOL. Take a look at the trending page on Hive, it's full of low-quality content WTF is this? Let's be honest, no one would really come to look at that trash. There are people promoting games that don't even exist yet, and yet these posts earn good rewards WTF. We need to step back and open our eyes LOL. Don't be blind to it, wake up.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Absolutely, in short, texting is probably a waste of time

0.000 NEOXAG

no one can really build anything decentralized on a centralized chain LOL. Take a look at the trending page on Hive, it's full of low-quality content WTF is this? Let's be honest, no one would really come to look at that trash. There are people promoting games that don't even exist yet, and yet these posts earn good rewards WTF. We need to step back and open our eyes LOL. Don't be blind to it, wake up.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

no one can really build anything decentralized on a centralized chain LOL. Take a look at the trending page on Hive, it's full of low-quality content WTF is this? Let's be honest, no one would really come to look at that trash. There are people promoting games that don't even exist yet, and yet these posts earn good rewards WTF. We need to step back and open our eyes LOL. Don't be blind to it, wake up.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Interesting question, one likes to call and one likes to text, both of them have some advantages and disadvantages

In call

like it saves you time in the call, this is an advantage and when someone says something that makes you feel Anger sets in and you say something wrong in anger. And are angry. If you answer then there is loss and we also know the mood of the person by listening to his/hervoice.

Message and texting

It wastes our time but we don't recognize the mood, and we think how should I respond, and we can easily handle the situation in texting.
Am I right?
@Pocketechange @melinda010100 @nathalie-s @ifarmgirl @cryptomother

0.000 NEOXAG

You're right about that. There are different circumstances where we prefer one over the other :)

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, it depends on the circumstances💯
Thank you for comment🥰🥰

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
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[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes I totally agree with you on that one. My job is to listen to the tone of voice. And I don’t want to be available all the time.

0.000 NEOXAG

Exactly😊💯means depends on situation
Thank you for comment😊👍

0.000 NEOXAG

For me, it depends on the situation. There are times when I feel the need to talk to them through a call because they might misunderstand me if I just communicate via text.

0.003 NEOXAG

Yes brother that's exactly one point I made about the disadvantage of texting. Your text message can easily be taken out of context. Thank so much for joining this question blog brother I'm super grateful

0.000 NEOXAG

You're welcome brother! I like to participate in discussions that I can relate to haha

0.000 NEOXAG

For me, it depends on who is calling, lol! There are some people I'd rather not talk with on the phone and just exchange texts😂

0.006 NEOXAG

Absolutely dear that's exactly one of the points I made hahaha, I would pick my crush's call anyday but to be honest there are people I wish I could block for real but they're family friends so I just endure the phone calls like a good champ hehehe !LOLZ

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

no one can really build anything decentralized on a centralized chain LOL. Take a look at the trending page on Hive, it's full of low-quality content WTF is this? Let's be honest, no one would really come to look at that trash. There are people promoting games that don't even exist yet, and yet these posts earn good rewards WTF. We need to step back and open our eyes LOL. Don't be blind to it, wake up.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Texting 💯

0.004 NEOXAG

I 💯 agree dearest Mel hahaha

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

𝙄 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜😊

0.005 NEOXAG

Dearest crypto mother I prefer texting as well 💯💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️❤️ wow thank you so much for commenting it means so much to me !PIZZA

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you so much to you for mentioning me

0.000 NEOXAG

it's an honor dearest !PIZZA

0.000 NEOXAG

We see people still discussing us, but all we can do is laugh because we know the truth we speak the truth, and many others do too.

Many are just afraid to speak out on Hive for fear of being downvoted.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

We see people still discussing us, but all we can do is laugh because we know the truth we speak the truth, and many others do too.

Many are just afraid to speak out on Hive for fear of being downvoted.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

I still love to call. I receive so many texts in a day it became a full time job 😂

0.006 NEOXAG

Wow really dear hahahaha.... Texting can definitely take more time no doubt !LOLZ

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

I totally relate to the preference for texting over calls. Texting lets me multitask and gives me time to think about my responses. Plus, it's way less awkward than talking on the phone, especially if you're introverted or shy.

But I do see the appeal of phone calls for certain situations, like when you need to discuss something in depth or catch up with a close friend. I'm also really excited about the Metaverse and how it might change the way we communicate.

0.005 NEOXAG

Yes dearest, the awkward part has been my problem. I seriously don't like talking to people over the phone at all. And I remember recording myself in a call, I didn't like it at all hahahaha. Thank you so much for the comment really really appreciate it !WINE

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Lol both are stressful😂😂 I wish not to be contacted😂😂

0.005 NEOXAG

hahahahahah good one dear... Sometimes we just want to be left alone. I like your vibe

0.000 NEOXAG

Nothing beats that person to person physically in the dame space communication. If we lose and continue to erode that fundamental of life, it could well be the beginning of the end and some dystopian futures proposed by Charlie Broker in 'Black Mirror' could come to pass.

Society is going all in on digital and I believe it's a grave error of judgement and a side step now back to old fashioned ways may be the best way forward...

0.000 NEOXAG

wow I really have to check the Charlie Broker black mirror thing. But I believe you're right, our foundation is person to person communication and interaction we definitely shouldn't lose that. Thank you so much for this wonderful comment

0.000 NEOXAG

Congratulations @theringmaster! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You got more than 5250 replies.
Your next target is to reach 5500 replies.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Check out our last posts:

Feedback from the July Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks so much for the notification dear @hivebuzz I'm moving on Strong

0.000 NEOXAG

That's great @theringmaster! We're excited to see your progress on Hive! We can't wait to see you achieve this next one!

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Unfortunately The Poll didn't Work Guys but would still love to get your response in the comments. Wishing anyone could give a solution to why the Poll didn't work, it was my first time, !WEED

0.000 NEOXAG

Hello, Hive Community It's crucial to examine the proposals being funded and the trending page on Hive. We have concerns about top witnesses using multiple accounts and unacceptable behaviour towards users.

Hivers we hope this isn't where you're storing life savings as you could lose it all. It's important to address governance and accountability for Hive's success.

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]

chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG


@theringmaster passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
0.000 NEOXAG

Top witnesses wield significant power, and their use of it is brutal. It's important to consider the impact on users with mental health challenges. The Hive community is more of a 'cult' than a decentralized platform. These are concerns shared by many, though not everyone feels comfortable voicing them as the downvotes will come Hive is a dying project.

We hope the downvoting us makes you feel better LOL the truth is the truth.


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Hive clowns

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

There are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

Keep up the good work. 👏🎵

Dear beloved Hive creator,

Coding poet Gudasol here to support you sharing your art + life on Hive.

As a fellow creator, I know how hard it is to get the word out there.

I built cXc.world to help creators like us get more support from the blockchain community + beyond.

Share your music on cXc.world, and copy the Markdown for a easy post includes embedded players for Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud.

That way, you can earn HIVE + stack streams on centralized platforms, as they do still matter.

Not a music creator? No problem. You can still use cXc.world to find + share music you love.

What's next?

Preview the next evolution of cXc, Tetra.earth.

Expose local music from your area!

We're helping grassroots musicians, and you can too by adding their music (no sign up or WAX account required).

how to add music on cXc.world

Join our community 🐬

Find fellow music lovers in cXc's Discord

Bad news: Saying see you later to Hive! 👋

We didn't get the needed support to continue cXc.world on Hive, as our DHF proposal lacked votes, but [Good News Everyone] cXc.world will add a Markdown copy button, allowing you to easily share your music + music you find on Hive.

For now, we're on WAX, with tools you can use to mint your own Music/Media NFT collection.

Curious about the future of Earth + ET relations? New economic systems?

Find more apps + art from Gudasol

Want to build tools like I used to share this?

I'd love to show you some tips on AI Code generation

0.000 NEOXAG

On Hive, there are users who use the DHF for personal gain, not genuinely caring about Hive's growth. Tribes may promise much but consistently fall short, leading to disappointment by many who invest time and money. It's puzzling how one can be rewarded for subpar work.

Hive's Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF) is a topic of debate. We feel it's not being utilized effectively, serving more as a resource for various Hive 'farmers'. The concept of voting gangs is also a concern, top Hive farmers and abusers are influencing the trending page.

Hive has a significant amount of unstaked coins, which could impact its price. Transparency and honesty are crucial. There's a fear of speaking up due to potential downvotes, which doesn't align with the idea of true freedom.

Let's work together to make Hive great #onelove Bilpcoin team

Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.






You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete



60 votes
slobberchops [-]
gogreenbuddy [-]
cmplxty [-]
shanibeer [-]
antisocialist [-]
azabu [-]
acram64 [-]
mypathtofire [-]
willowranger [-]
bscrypto [-]
dhedge [-]
aaronkroeblinger [-]
lichtkunstfoto [-]
memehub [-]
chekohler [-]
modernzorker [-]
carn [-]
earthsea [-]
pinkhub [-]
kaylinart [-]
and 40 more



slobberchops (81)in #life • 6 days ago

6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
Reply 3
Sort: Trending
[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating


Just going to leave my response to the one out of thousand previous comments you left today.

People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.

2 days ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)$0.00


Response 4 to themarkymark marcus, buildawhale usainvote ipomote leovoter gogreenbuddy, and over 100 of his alt accounts

Reply 2 to @eddiespino

Reply to @eddiespino

cwow stop the drink and drugs

Can't you see the problems on Hive?

Hive dropping to $0.000

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG

no one can really build anything decentralized on a centralized chain LOL. Take a look at the trending page on Hive, it's full of low-quality content WTF is this? Let's be honest, no one would really come to look at that trash. There are people promoting games that don't even exist yet, and yet these posts earn good rewards WTF. We need to step back and open our eyes LOL. Don't be blind to it, wake up.


You don't seem it. I've seen this before, it isn't good.

21 hours ago in LeoFinance by themarkymark (80)

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) yesterday · Will be hidden due to low rating
$0.00Reply Edit
[-]themarkymark (80) 16 hours ago
Please talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds. I’m worried about you.

[-]bpcvoter1 (-2)(1) 27 minutes ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
We are fine
$0.00Reply Edit Delete


Bilpcoin Gems High-risk Low-risk Super Trump (ticker: Strump) Corgi with knife (ticker: Corgi) Engines of Fury (Ticker: Fury)

Let's talk

Rider jim

Make today great

Decentralized or centralized

Bilpcoin Vibes

Tomorrow may never come, so seize the day seize the moment

Love life, be happy

Posted using Bilpcoin

0.000 NEOXAG