How Much Would It Cost To End World Hunger?



Hi there everyone, TheRingMaster is back again with an awesome blog and I've got a couple of simple questions for you.

Are You Hungry?

If You do get hungry do you have the means to access food? - If the answer is "YES" then you're truly lucky.

When we live in the big cities or even modern sustainable villages and earn decent salaries or income we tend to feel that everyone else is experiencing similar lives and of course we do hear about world hunger and starvation but I honestly never took it too seriously because I didn't know for sure how big of a problem it was.

  • After doing a little research, I'm really blown away by the statistics.

We live in a world of wealth where there's an increased number of people that are millionaires and billionaires. However in this very wealthy world, it is estimated that about 9 million people die each year from hunger. This means in a decade, almost a hundred million people lose their lives because of lack of food. That's like a third of the United States population getting wiped away due to hunger.

  • When it comes to helpless little children, over 3 million of them die each year due to starvation.

This is truly a sad situation and the question of today's blog is what would it cost the world to end this so many lives are preserved?

  • However I still ponder over whether secretly, the government or world leaders want to maintain world hunger since it helps them in population control. I guess we'll never know.

Ending world hunger itself is not going to be an easy task and the funding it would require is a big deal. We are not so certain of how much would be needed to end world hunger but there are estimates.

This video discusses a little about the estimates

The estimates range from $30 billion dollars to $265 billion dollars per year. Whatever the staggering estimate may be, we need to come up with that kind of money annually. The higher estimates are not just for food supply to the hungry but enough funding to establish sustainable agricultural systems in places where people experience deaths from starvation.

Where will we get such an amount of money and how will we ensure it would be used for the right things?


Artificial Intelligence and Web 3.0 As A Solution

For about a week I've been writing blogs on AI and the inevitable future where people lose their jobs. The interesting thing is that if we don't introduce AI in the job market the right way, we might end up causing more world hunger because more people become unemployed without means of earning money to afford food, water and shelter.

I made mention in my previous blog that while AI might replace humans, it would also become a tool for people to earn money in new ways. Those that adapt quickly to the fast evolving era of artificial intelligence will sustain their incomes and those that cannot, might end up needing support from either the government through Universal Basic Income as suggested by Elon Musk or would have to be retrained to do other available jobs.

Read More About Universal Basic Income in My Previous Blog

Universal Basic Income or Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 could open up an entirely new world of earning opportunities in a decentralized manner. From content creation, to gaming, to DeFi services and cryptocurrency investments. All of this will definitely be available way of earning regardless of how far AI goes with replacing humans and causing even more unemployment.

  • How does AI and Web 3.0 become a solution to world hunger?

Well first of all, since Robots are way more effective and productive in the manufacturing industry, we can hope to see an increased supply of affordable food products.

It may cost the food manufacturing industry less capital to make food stuff and thus they would or perhaps should make food cheaper for everyone. This is relying on the fact that they decide to reduce the cost of food rather than thinking about their own higher profits and not caring what happens to the consumers.

There's definitely a chance that the food manufacturing industries will not see robots coming in as a way to reduce food costs but to increase their profits since most really don't care about consumers, it's primarily about profits to them.

This is where Web 3.0 comes into play. The reason price of goods escalate that much is because the market is a centralized one regulated by a few big players in the game.

Web 3.0 with decentralization and blockchain at its core can level the playing field by giving power to the consumers and not a few big industries. A transparent vote of agreement on pricing can be taken to ensure that industries set the price of food stuff at an affordable rate.


An Incentivized Solution

So let's assume thanks to AI robots, the cost of food has come so low that anyone that makes a little bit of money can afford it and perhaps Universal Basic Income (UBI) is set in place for some people that lost their jobs to robots. There's still going to be a staggering amount of people that may die of hunger.

We would need to evaluate and come up with a clearer estimate of how much money would be needed and perhaps giant organizations that make billions in profits all around the world can come to an agreement to take a portion of their incomes into a fund that goes to aid people or regions where people mostly die of hunger.

Now why would these organizations agree?

Well perhaps a good enough incentive can motivate them to do so. We can set their tax rates a bit lower, and perhaps a badge of honor which gives them a positive name in society. The badge of honor would probably speak for the organization saying to people; "purchasing their goods or paying for their services helps stop World Hunger!!!" and promote those companies with a good name.

I'm certain with all these incentives, most organizations would agree. Now when they do agree that a portion of their revenue or profits goes to stop world hunger, we can establish smart contracts so that the money is transfered automatically to them funding reserves using cryptocurrency.

The need for crypto is so that all transactions become transparent. Transparency is necessary because the parties involved could decide to embezzle some of the money just like what the politicians do with taxes meant to support the nation. Also since it would be in cryptocurrency, the movement of money globally will be eased at a lower cost. Cryptocurrency donations are transmitted faster, and with less transaction charges.


Sustainable Agricultural Development

We can't exactly keep donating food supplies to hungry people each year and spending billions upon billions of dollars on it forever. There should be a sustainable way by which the hungry would get not just access to food but access to jobs or means of earning.

We could spend the first few years with a global budget to freely feed the hungry while establishing means for them to earn and I call dips on Web 3.0 as an awesome means for them to earn.

Some of those that die of hunger, adults and children alike are very talented and wonderful people. Some of them actually have good IQ and could learn quickly when given access to learning materials. The budget could be set for at least a decade to eradicate hunger and establish a sustainable agricultural system.

I'm hoping that we can create sustainable agriculture since we would have advanced AI tools to get the job done.

I think one of the most effective methods of fighting hunger is through investments in sustainable farming. This would mean training farmers on how to increase agricultural yields by employing improved practices. We could have robots involved in the farming industry to increase productivity and some of those without jobs can be trained on the farm.

Precision agriculture that assists farmers to use water and nutrients more effectively, may be employed. All of which would reduce the cost of farming and make crops cheaper to buy. The key here is to successfully increase food production without destroying our environment or creating health problems. We wouldn't want to solve one problem and create another one in the process.

The farms and famers would need support to achieve increased food production. It is possible to envisage how blockchain could enable charities to directly fund the farmers. They could access digital tokens or crypto that they may employ in procuring seeds, tools among other items they require. The whole process would be transparent so that there is no doubt that the funds are being placed rightly.


Combining Efforts

In order for all this to work to end world hunger, it would require collective effort from everyone. Governments of all countries, Business people both the great and small, and also communities have to work together.

Web 3.0 developers or tech companies can create the Blockchain systems that would effectively track and manage the funds while governments provide the funding to the right people to ensure that at the end of the day, everyone has a filled belly.

As we continue to improve our technology, I'm hopeful that we would come up with more innovative ways to not only end world hunger but solve all other major problems of our world.

Thank you so much for the time. I would love to get your feedback on the blog topic.

  • How much do you think would be needed to end world hunger?

  • Will the World Health Organization see the potential of cryptocurrency in this?

  • Will Governments and Businesses Agree to Raise the necessary funds.

Let the entire community hear your thoughts!!!

Let's Make Web 3.0 Great ✊

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There is enough food for everyone in this world. The problem is the money centered, consuming and wasting society, and the current wealth distribution.


perfectly well said friend and this is where Web 3.0 and blockchain comes in, to ensure that as we establish distribution systems, these institutions that seek to centralization the money power don't take advantage of that as well. So Happy to see your comments. I don't know when but I hope transparency, Decentralization and fairness reigns


Smaller communities, for example our cave/tent living community in the rocky semi-desert on Tenerife can do a lot in this.

Even without money.

For example nowadays we eat mostly recycled food. No longer sellable, but still edible food, which is thrown away by stores. We collect them, and we take them to the storsge cave.

And we grow some food too.

And there are food naturally in the rocky semi-desert too. For example prickly pear.


Wow that seems pretty smart but as long as the recycled is healthy though... I got a couple of comments saying that it's not a food limitation problem it's actually a good distribution problem. The money and the honesty required to distribute food to every corner of the world. I hope this changes soon though !WINE


Many people live like this since long years. Our cave/tent living community celebrated its 11th anniversary on 2024.07.11.

As I currently know, we have not had any problems with the recycled food so far.

And in addition to bakery products, fruits, vegetables, desserts, we recycle fish and meat too.


Wow then this is a great way to live, didn't even know much about this, glad you introduced me to this.... Wow 11 years, it seems very sustainable then. This is very impressive man !PIZZA


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Sometimes we are too engrossed in our own world and not know what other things are happening out there. It's saddening to read about the number of people perishing because of hunger. Your post is well thought out. The use of AI and blockchain technology could help indeed but... (I think you know the buts in businesses😅) The more money inflow, the better for them.


Well said dearest FG, that's exactly why I knew I had to mention in the blog that the businesses might not help out just because they're making more money.... I really hope aid comes to those hungry... It is apparently not a lack of food problem in the world but a distribution and lack of selflessness problem
