How Fast Can The World Change - Hope For Web 3.0



So how fast can the world change? You'd be surprised to know how quickly technology can move from 1 to 100 within the blink of an eye figuratively.

Dinosaurs roamed the earth for so long and not much changed. Now I know some are going to say well the earth was rich in nature but that was the only thing happening, nature. Don't get me wrong it was beautiful and got destroyed by asteroids because dinosaurs didn't know how to build NASA and deflect an asteroid from it's trajectoy. Then came us, the smartest living things on earth.

Quite a number of examples from history shows how fast the world can really change.

Let me give you a perfect example. Take the shift from horses to motor vehicles in the early 20th century.

A long time ago around 1910 to be precise, horses were widely used for transport in both urban and rural areas. Literally the whole economy was based on this mode of transportation. It's funny to me how our means of transportation shapes the structure of our cities.

We barely had the complicated highways until cars came.

During the era of horse riding and horse wagons, we just had buggy whip factories, carriage manufacturers, stabling companies, feed providers and farriers were all part of it. I like to see the the feed providers as petrol attendants of the old age.

From 1910 to 1930, just twenty years later, cars had completely taken over urban life pushing aside horse-driven carriages. So that means within a short duration for which this sector that used to be supported by horses disappeared immediately showed how fast technological shift could alter our society.


Blockchain and Web 3.0

I know a lot of people might look at artificial intelligence as the next era of our world and they're not wrong at all. We see AI sweeping across different industries and about to change everything. Even the all mighty Hollywood might just take a hit on this one because if we can all create our own killer movies, we're certainly going to fill media with them and attention might be taken from Hollywood movies to people's own blockbuster movies.

However I look a bit beyond what AI is doing and I see the gradual progress in the world of Blockchain and Web 3.0

One thing Web 3.0 developers should take seriously is cryptocurrency because it's going to be our night and shining armour. These days the media and even politics talks about crypto almost as much as they talk about AI.

The need for crypto will drive more people into the Web 3.0 world.

Web 3.0 despite the fact that it's still in its infant stage I believe will have profound effects on digital realm.

@taskmaster4450le writes a lot of blogs about the potential of Web 3.0 and I particularly enjoyed one blog he wrote about how Hollywood could come to Web 3.0. slowly but surely, Web 3.0 could represent a huge revolution.

In the same way we saw the entire horse industry switch in a short moment, we could see the entire Internet switch from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.

Technological advancements has a tricky way of operating. It takes a while sometimes to gather momentum and finally when the world sees it's true necessity, everyone immediately switches.


You Are already Aware of the Benefits

I really believe that Web 3.0 is the future of the internet featuring decentralized networks, blockchain technology, and enhanced user control over data as opposed to centralized platforms like Google, Facebook, TikTok and all other services that dominate the current Web 2.0. Web 3.0 on its part envisions an internet with more freedom, security and user orientation as opposed to the existing one which is dominated by centralized platforms I would not dispute if you say it ain't perfect because it really isn't.

Every innovation has its downsides. Since it's decentralized, decisions making takes a longer time because people have to agree and that's something that can take all ages of it involves some that refuse to accept a chance. Hopefully this can be effectively addressed as we make progress.

When Web 3.0 gains acceptance in the world as cryptocurrency is already gaining traction, it could have a similar disruptive effect as automobiles had on horse industry where they became irrelevant. For example, under Web 3.0 gaming, players can be able to create games where they truly have ownership of their in-game assets. Some people do think that at the moment the game dynamics of Web 3.0 games isn't that cool but hopefully developers can level that up and create something cooler to play and not just focused on earning potential.

This paradigm shift may change the gaming economy and redefine our understanding of what it means to play a digital game. In the world of finance DeFi offers a platform through which users can conduct financial transactions that do not require intermediaries thereby threatening traditional banking institutions.

Yes I agree, there are still many obstacles such as scalability, security and user adoption that need to be addressed. However see this as the stage were things look like it's not going to change and nothing will happen.

The developers are still working hard to overcome these hurdles and history teaches us that once the pieces fall into place, change can happen fast and far reaching.

  • To end this blog I'll allow for a sweet guessing game, how How do you think we have until Web 3.0 dominates a major part of Internet usage?

I remain TheRingMaster and Let's Together Make Web 3.0 Great ✊

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Just as a totally obscure historical side-note.... there's a parallel development.

The Napoleonic Wars led to the deaths of as many horses as men across Europe. While many were cavalry horses, just as many were artillery and supply train animals, used to pull loads. Farms, mines and industry across Europe had been stripped of horses. Within 30 years (roughly a horse's lifespan, coincidentally), railways were established within Europe, not just for passengers travel but (more importantly) for the movement of freight and bulk materials.

During the First World War, despite modern perceptions of it being a trench war plus early tanks, horses did the vast majority of logistic work from the rail-heads to the front line, as well as artillery movement and (especially on the Eastern Front) as cavalry mounts. Losses were terrible. Again, Europe became a continent with far, far fewer horses available. This time, within 30 years internal combustion engine vehicles filled the gap.

So sometimes, in order for a new technology to become dominant, it needs the old one to fail first, at a time when the new one is just about ready to step in.


this is deep truth you just shared and the only thing I'll say is that necessity truly is the mother of invention.

So relating to Web 3.0. we must come to a point where people see the downside of Web 2 in controlling d centralizing data to a point where Web 3.0 becomes very relevant. But should happen at a time where Web 3.0 is perfectly doing great with scalability and all other features
