Explaining Web3 To Newbies - It's Basically The Next Internet


Hi guys, I've been on this awesome potential of a platform for over a month and to be honest I can't wait to say "Over a year" one of these days.

Hive is basically Web3 and it's so true that not many people even know that Web2 platforms are like Facebook and Instagram are actually called Web 2.

I decided to put up a blog based on my experience and little knowledge about Web3 to explain exactly what Web3 is to anyone that just stumbled into this awesome platform.

I would be very happy if the very experienced veterans on Hive would comment down below any additional knowledge or information they might have about Web3 or Hive so as to make this more informative for all newcomers on Hive or Web 3.

Web3 is a really big deal guys and infact after learning the little I know now about it, I decided to dedicate a huge part of my day working hard to grow and connect and learn more about Hive and Web3 in general.

Web3 might actually be something that can revolutionize the way we use internet and infact it's already doing that for those on Hive..

If you're reading this and you don't have a Hive account, I would encourage you to get one because trust me, it's going to be worth more than your Facebook page, hehehe.

To be honest , Web 3 may seem highly technical but I think I may be able to make you understand it using the famous Instagram platform as an example.

Now I'm pretty certain you know a lot about Instagram and might even already have an Instagram account so just.consider how we currently use Instagram.

Instagram, which is actually considered as a Web2 platform, keeps all its information in one single server or place or headquarters if you will. In order words, under the control of Mark Zuckerberg and the big Meta stock holders and programmers.

There's a downside to all information being held in one serve and that is if anything goes wrong and servers go down, the whole platform will seize functioning. At that point, making an attempt to post your photo will only end in disappointment because it won't go through.

I quite remember when WhatsApp crashed,. literally everyone was complaining on Telegram. It affects the entire platform.

Now let us imagine the scenario which is different from the scenario I just shared with you.

Let me ask you a simple question, How about if Instagram’s data was not stored in one server? Let's say instead, it is spread across all user phones. That is the meaning of Web3 guys.

That's the primary difference between Web 2 and Web 3 which leads to one very sweet advantage, "Decentralization.

So in this new hypothetical world of Web 3 Instagra, the platform would not depend on only one server. It would rely on all of our devices. When one device stops working, others still keep the platform running. This means chances of Instagram going offline are really minimal because every phone used by its clients would have to fail at once and that is hardly ever likely making Web 3 far more secured than Web 2.

You may perhaps wonder who would control Web 3 Instagram without a central server? Well here is where it actually gets interesting. In Web3, control lies with those who use it.

Let's say this Web 3 Instagram launched its own cryptocurrency, then those individuals holding a huge number of Instagram tokens would be able to dictate the future direction of the platform. So here on Hive, it's those with very huge HP values.

So just in case you want to know why I keep powering up like crazy, Hehehe you probably got me.

Just think of these tokens as shares within a company. So the more you own implies more power to vote. This way users that have invested a lot into this Web 3 Instagram will have less reasons to harm it but rather want it up and running smoothly since they have stake in success for them thus preserving their interests while having no gains from destroying their investment in the platform thus making sure that they live towards success rather than failure

This idea well is not just about Instagram looking platform. Think of YouTube, TikTok, Uber or Twitter working in that way, it's very possible. In this situation, Instead of a few individuals at the top making decisions for everyone else, every person who uses such platforms could have a say in decision-making processes. This model is what they call Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). In DAO there is no central boss like Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook or Elon Musk for Twitter currently known as "X". Instead users decide together by voting often with assistance from blockchain technology.

If you're wondering what the witness votes are for, well now you know guys.


I really find this concept very exciting. Web3 may make the internet more equitable and robust. Instead of being controlled by a few large companies, power would be distributed to all users. Doing so may mitigate many problems we currently experience including data breaches and server outages.

I must say that Hive is still in the early stages so there's probably going to be a fear server down times here and there but developer and Frontends owners are working to improve it.

We've got an awesl Frontend like Ecency, Inleo, Peakd and Hive Blog. There's quite a few more but these are the most famous at the moment.

Secondly, DAOs ensure that anyone with some stake within the platform has a voice in its management. The community can potentially make better decisions hence guaranteeing their participation rather than leaving them to a few managers alone. Now the reason why they would definitely be interested and committed is because they will actually own these platforms they use everyday as opposed to being mere consumers of web services.

For example, YouTube becoming a DAO would allow content creators to have more power over their content and monetization. One of my favorite YouTube Bloggers called MoVlogs complained of having his video taken down by YouTube over a reason that wasn't too clear to him. This ain't happening if YouTube was like Hive, Web 3.

They would not have to be concerned about sudden shifts in policy that affect their revenues. Similarly, if Uber went decentralized, the pricing and policies could be determined by drivers and riders, of course that would have its negative side too.

But overall I think Web3 is what will define future internet. It proposes for a more democratic and genuine way of using online services. Although still at its infancy stage as many veterans on Hive would say, I think it’s worth noticing. This could not only change the way we use the internet but also how we interact with each other online.

TWeb3 offers an alternative perspective on the internet. It addresses decentralization issues allowing users to take charge again. Whether it is Instagram or YouTube or TikTok or Uber or Twitter; Web3 can make these platforms better than they are today. It’s an amazing moment and I am eager to see how everything turns out.

Well guys I hope this brief blog explains Web 3 to anyone newcomer. It's fun to be on Web 3 and I believe getting on board quickly is going to give you an advantage. I really wish I knew about Web 3 when it was being created instead of living in oblivion for years.

I entered the platform and saw so many people that have been on the platform for years, funny in enough, some users are reaching almost a decade. Those are some serious users right there, hehehehe, wish to be talked about like that one day.

Thanks for spending time to read my blog guys. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it was helpful.


Commenting to remember coming back!


Awwww thank you so much dearest 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 for all your support


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It is a bit basic, but I hope someone will read it and understand it. Such a post should be published outside the Hive because here, it is convincing those who are already convinced.


Wow really, I didn't know this, I thought that by posting it here, Google SEO may one day display it to someone reading... Ok then I believe I need to make another blog like this on a website 🥰🥰🥰 thanks so much. With the basic side, I really wanted to keep it very very simple for any newcomer to understand without any problems.. thank you so much for the the support and the lovely comments, I really appreciate this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Web3 SEO is different. Hive posts are ranked lower because you can access them from different front ends (Peakd, Ecency, Hive.blog, etc.) You'll need to think of something else.


Alright I certainly will dearest friend, thanks for the advice
