Episode 105: A Cryptoeater Conversation

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Episode 105: A Cryptoeater Conversation

Welcome back to the People's Guild. In this one, the bus picks up two returning guests, with @fatjimmy stepping in to co-host for @hepthorn, and the return of @cryptoeater.

We cover a ton of ground in this episode as we talk through some upcoming proposals, the current state of the game and what the future just may hold for us Praetorians.

It's a jam-packed show! Thanks for tuning in.


Discussing Voucher System and Economic Future

FatJimmy and Cryptoeater returned to the People's Guild to discuss the future of the company's economy and the issues surrounding the current voucher system. Cryptoeater proposed that vouchers should represent the actual SBS state of time staked or be removed altogether, as they are currently competing with the utility of DC's and not serving their original purpose. The problem of mass inflation of DC's, which is significantly below Peg, was identified as a major issue, negatively impacting the company's revenue and speculative value. The team discussed the potential of buying back into a license and the concept of soul-bound vouchers, with Cryptoeater suggesting that the removal of vouchers would ultimately increase long-term value, despite possible short-term negative impacts on license earnings. A consensus was formed on the need for simplicity and transparency in the approach, with Cryptoeater agreeing to submit both proposals and seek sponsorship to cover the associated fees.

Cryptoeater's Proposal and Project Concerns

Cryptoeater received feedback from Bjangles and FatJimmy on his proposal, with a focus on adding more details about short, medium, and long-term benefits and potential issues. The team discussed their support for Cryptoeater's vision and Matt's project, Qualus AI, while expressing concerns about the impact of venture capitalists and the market's speculative nature. They also addressed the need for stability, effective tokenomics, and community engagement to attract long-term investors and overcome the project's status as a legacy product. The discussion also touched on negative community perceptions and the potential of soul bonds as part of their future strategy.

Integrating Play-to-Earn and in-Game Purchases

Cryptoeater proposed the integration of a play-to-earn aspect in their game to increase player engagement and satisfaction. The team engaged in a detailed discussion about the psychology and economics of in-game purchases, particularly the use of soulbound items and reward cards. They debated the potential impact of these systems on player engagement, gameplay, and fairness, with opposing views on the effectiveness of a pity timer or weighted rewards for rarity. The team agreed that the ultimate goal is to make the game more engaging and fair for all players, with Bjangles suggesting the implementation of functional skins and a pity timer to achieve this.

Improving New Player Experience and Managing Inflation in Crypto Ecosystem

Cryptoeater and FatJimmy discussed strategies to improve the new player experience, increase revenue, and manage inflation in their crypto ecosystem. They explored the idea of reducing incentives for third-party markets, funneling a small percentage of transactions to the company, and making ranked rewards self-sufficient. They also debated the potential long-term impact of these strategies on the ecosystem's utility and the value of assets like cards and lands. The discussion also touched on the future goal of having everything operating at Peg and the potential for an increase in price when SPS minting ends. The conclusion was to maintain a constant burn rate of SPS to reduce inflation gradually, rather than stopping it abruptly, to prevent a loss of players and a decrease in price.

Cryptocurrency Experiences and Hive Funding

Fatjimmy and Cryptoeater discussed their experiences with cryptocurrency, focusing on the sale of meme coins and the potential of promoting their own projects. They also talked about the current state of Hive's budget, the controversy surrounding the hard fork of Hive, and the need for additional funding for Hive Engine. The team emphasized the interdependence of the success of both Splinterlands and Hive for the growth of their ecosystem and discussed improvements to the Hive engine interface. Lastly, they touched on the potential of Qalis, a defi protocol, and the upcoming auditing and launch of their own token, Qualus.

Trading Strategies and Crafting System Discussion

Cryptoeater, FatJimmy, and Bjangles discussed their trading and selling strategies for cards in the popular game, with a focus on buying at discounts and selling at a profit. They noted the shrinking market for individual collections and the rising demand for discounted deals. The group also discussed the potential for a crafting system to be introduced to the game, which would allow players to create new cards and open up new possibilities for gameplay. They agreed on the need for more focus on development and less on the CEO's role, suggesting the potential for a separate executive to take on this responsibility. The team also shared their experiences with the game and their enthusiasm for its future development.

Team Frustration, Compromise, and Staking Tokens

The team expressed frustration about the constant stream of proposals and the impact it had on Matt, who felt overwhelmed by the constant changes. Bjangles suggested the need for open dialogue and compromise to find mutually agreeable solutions. Cryptoeater proposed a system for staking tokens, which would increase power and rewards, but also allow for early withdrawal at a cost. The team also discussed a recent conflict, the challenges of moderating community discussions, and the importance of considering opposing viewpoints. The conversation ended with a lighthearted discussion about the movie Austin Powers.

PNS Token, SPS Prices, and Untamed Cards

Cryptoeater discussed the challenges and future plans for the PNS token and how its value had been affected by the drop in SPS prices. He clarified that the project was not abandoned and shared his strategy of pulling liquidity from low-earning positions to stake instead, which helped him to accumulate 37 million SPS without affecting the market. The group also shared their experiences and insights regarding the trading of cards, specifically in the context of the SPS Cryptoeater and the Untamed set. They expressed optimism about the potential long-term success of Untamed and the value of certain cards, predicting a rise in prices if the game gains widespread popularity. Towards the end, Cryptoeater confirmed that they had sold off a significant portion of a certain region, but retained around 700 plots due to low prices, with the intention to wait until prices improved before selling any more.

SPS Implementation, Market Trends, and Supporting Leadership

The team discussed the implementation of proxy voting in the SPS, the current market trends for their project, and the potential benefits of civil discourse in finding a balance between Web 2 and Web 3. They observed an upward trend in the purchase of their cards, highlighting the unique features of their project and the strong community behind it. The team also discussed the possibility of moving the company overseas due to regulatory issues, emphasizing the importance of decentralization and the potential of nodes. They addressed concerns about the potential impact on their leader, Matt, and discussed ways to support him, including facilitating better communication and implementing strategies to mitigate negative reactions.

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  • Save 70% on all market fees via instant rebate
  • 100% of proceeds are kept within the ecosystem
  • For a limited time, @aqualis.dao will be offering 100k SPS in delegations and Chaos Legion packs to the top traders! Full details available in this post
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good show, bought a heap of RF cheap Keis, thanks for the tip :)


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