Episode 104: An SPL101 Conversation


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Episode 104: An SPL101 Conversation

Welcome back to the People's Guild. In this one, we divide & conquer across the Pacific, welcoming the company of Splinterlands 101's own @mattclarke and @bobaphet.

We discussed heaps from all across Praetoria including token prices, Soulbound reward cards and the current state of the game.

An exciting new proposal began to take shape in this one, with Matt putting forth the idea around allowing for extended SPS stakes (a proposal likely incoming!). Hop into the official TPG discord to add to the conversation - we'd love to hear your thoughts!

Be sure to head over to the official Splinterlands 101 YouTube and Peakd pages & check them out if you're unfamiliar

Enjoy the show!

Exploring Pricing & Soulbound Assets

In this conversation between MattClarke, Hepthorn, and Bjangles, the trio delved into the current state of affairs within the Splinterlands ecosystem. Topics ranging from SPS prices to the dynamics of soulbound cards were explored, highlighting the evolving landscape for players, the Splinterlands team, and the community at large. Amidst discussions on strategy and platform changes, the group weighed the implications of rewarding long-term players, the tradability of assets, and the future direction of the game. As they navigated through these topics, the team demonstrated their commitment to fostering a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem, where player engagement and community collaboration remain paramount.

New Strategy, Staking, and Bike-Sharing

Matt proposed a new strategy to reward long-term players with non-tradable assets and suggested a longer-term staking period for earning SPS. He also recommended being less generous with soul-bound rewards but making them easily tradable. Bobaphet introduced the idea of a pedal-powered bike-sharing system and shared his experiences of the Australian sun. The team also discussed technical difficulties with Bobaphet's presentation and engaged in a light-hearted conversation about virtual meeting equipment.

Discussing Platform Changes and Team Direction

MattClarke shared his achievement of reaching one million Research Points on the platform while also discussing the platform's recent changes, such as centralizing cards. He and Bjangles debated the balance between maintaining competition and welcoming new players in a card game setting, with Matt suggesting a focus on improving skills rather than quick progression. Bobaphet discussed strategies to maximize cards and expressed concerns about recent changes, while also emphasizing his faith in the team's leadership. Hepthorn shared similar concerns about workplace changes, committing to supporting the team's direction despite not fully understanding the changes.

Consolidating Accounts and Upcoming Wild Format Changes

Bobaphet shared his strategy of consolidating his accounts to focus on one, specifically his gold account, and discussed the challenges of encountering unfamiliar cards in the 'modern' format. MattClarke supported the current direction of the game, seeing it as a beneficial strategy for new and experienced players. The upcoming changes to the wild format were also discussed, including the introduction of a new season pass, adjustments to ranked rewards, and the costs associated with the wild pass. Bjangles suggested these changes would help balance the number of players in wild and alleviate pressure on cards.

Wild Cards, Untamed Value, and SPS

The team discussed the future of wild cards in the game Untamed and their potential increase in value. MattClarke noted the difficulty in predicting future prices due to various factors, but suggested that the extra production point value on land would act as a floor for how low the prices could go. Bobaphet mentioned a decrease in the price of Alric, a wild card, as a potential opportunity. Hepthorn and Bjangles shared their experiences and strategies regarding the purchase of cards for the game, with Bjangles focusing on acquiring SPS through buying cards, and both noting a recent rapid decrease in the price of SPS.

Card Game Strategies and Summoner Utilization

Mattclarke shared an anecdote about a recent intense battle with Magnor, while Bjangles expressed his enjoyment of playing cards. The group discussed strategies for utilizing summoners and splinters in the card game, with a focus on the new rule sets and their impact on gameplay. Mattclarke also shared his approach to acquiring new cards and his philosophy on losing, while the group criticized his lack of prioritizing certain cards. A follow-up discussion was suggested to address these points further.

Discussing Rewards Levels and Long-Term Commitments

The team discussed the idea of introducing different rewards levels for varying staking periods of SPS to enhance the game's ecosystem. Mattclarke emphasized the need for a shift in focus towards long-term commitments and reducing the frequency of rewards to incentivize more sustained efforts. The team agreed to initiate discussions for these proposals, with MattClarke considering a proposal but not actively pushing for it. They also discussed the dynamics of online gaming communities, particularly those focused on long-term commitment and stability, and the importance of reinvesting and not just focusing on short-term gains. The team agreed to continue the discussion in the People's Guild channel to find a common ground that most members would be comfortable with.

Mexican Cuisine and Cultural Comparisons

Bjangles initiated a discussion about Mexican cuisine, sharing his fond childhood memories. The group, including Bobaphet and Hepthorn, expressed their appreciation for Mexican food, particularly its vegetarian options, and shared their personal experiences with Mexican cuisine. Bobaphet, who had lived in both Australia and Mexico, provided a cultural comparison between the two countries, highlighting his observations on lifestyle, food, and police roles. The group concluded the discussion with Bobaphet's enjoyment of the cultural differences he experienced.

Bobaphet's Food Adventures and Community Involvement

Bobaphet expressed his struggles with Spanish proficiency and his love for Mexican cuisine. The group engaged in a lively discussion about the cultural significance and consumption of insects as food, with Bobaphet and Hepthorn sharing their experiences of eating witchety grubs and emerging cicadas. Bobaphet also shared his plan to re-enter Mexico via Guatemala due to visa restrictions and his interest in exploring new culinary adventures. The conversation ended with the group emphasizing the importance of community involvement, contributing ideas, and the potential for future social elements to be introduced.

Check Out Our Episodes

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We've made ourselves a Patreon and would love the chance to thank your personally. Come plebeians, come proletarians, come all! Thank you to you all for your continuing support!

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Looking for an active, competitive guild? Look no further. Hop into the official YGGSPL Discord and say hello.
Or head straight to the Brawlers community. See you there!


Check out the Aqualis Market today!

The People's Guild is sponsored by the People's Market over at Aqualis
  • Save 70% on all market fees via instant rebate
  • 100% of proceeds are kept within the ecosystem
  • For a limited time, @aqualis.dao will be offering 100k SPS in delegations and Chaos Legion packs to the top traders! Full details available in this post
Stay current with the latest contests, prizes and happenings via the Aqualis Discord

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Welcome to the People's Guild

We are always looking to hear personal journeys through Splinterlands & Hive. Whether you've got questions, comments, suggestions, epic battles or you just want to say hello, drop us a line at [email protected] or Twitter.

We drop new episodes every Thursday UTC, so don't forget to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts!

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Always a great time. How long did we talk for? Then we stopped recording and kept chatting for another 20 mins :)

MattClarke shared his achievement of reaching one million accounts on the platform while also discussing the platform's recent changes, such as centralizing cards.

Should be 'Research Points'.

Very interested to hear suggestions in discord, or below.


Ah, bloody AI. I was running the Zoom AI into Peakd whilst working :)

Edit incoming.

And, yea man, always enjoy gettin to pick your brain dude. Thanks for making it happen!


Haha, 1 million accounts, good to see all those RCs being put to good use 😎


2573 so far. So only a few hundred lifetimes to go :)


Thanks for the invite, was a blast 😍


Real glad we were able to make it happen, Bob! Thanks for making the time to hop on with us. Lotta fun!
