The Companion - Alien:Invasion


Hi there,

In the last blog, we found our first tool - a wrench. Wrench can be used to unlock the basic doors behind which we can find story progression but nothing special collectibles. I encountered my first human at the base station however he was not alive but the only prominent thing left was the tape recorder which had a recording. The recording gave me insight that the culprits could be the administrators of this base station. The anger and discontent in the voice can be heard.

Let's progress our story and see what this game will throw next!

The upper floor was lit enough to see around and find the scrap metals and equipment.

Also, I found a calendar of the year 2132 AD.

After collecting the wrench, I unlocked every basic unit on this base station, none of them was interesting but the main gate also had a basic lock.

I collected ethanol bottles, battery scrap, and some metal stuff.

Each unit was large and covering them was taking a good time.

I came down to the ground floor and saw the giant gate, the gate number 42.

I went towards it with my wrench to unlock it.

But someone kept a revolver on my head.

Thankfully, It is a alive human, the first alive human on this base station. But the bad part was that he wanted to kill me.

He told me the past of this base station. He hinted to me what's going on in this spaceship.

I cleared my identity to him and assured him that I was no harm to him.

He lowered the gun and I proceeded to unlock the gate.

We walked inside this unit and found two people working on the elevator. I asked for help but they denied it.

I asked about the happenings but they kept their mouth shut.

Some doors that can't be unlocked have this drawn on them.

I moved further following the instructions the armed man gave to me.

We entered the elevator and that's where I asked what was going on and he said that there is a killer on this ship and the killer is an alien and not human.

He told me that the monster was venturing around and killing humans one by one. It is hard to escape this ship as very few humans are left and no incoming support is present.

We had to keep our heads low as the humans that were left on this ship were fighting with each other for survival. They were taking the weaker hostage.

We arrived at the home of this man, he lives here to be safe from the monster and since the monster is big he can't enter his way through such small vents.

He said that he had stashed important survival tools in the vents that could help us ahead in this base station. I am looking forward to more weapons this game has to offer me.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, A: I.


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There are things in this game that reminds me a lot to Metroid of the Nintendo Wii console, is impressive graphics that has and the quality of detail with which it was worked, greetings, good man

Written by lionsaturbix
