1890's Life - RDR 2


Hello there,

It has been a while since I posted any blog. My personal life is getting busier day by day. I was looking for the time to get on this game again. Somehow, I lost my saved game files, so all my side quests related to progress are gone, but never mind, I will carry up with the ones that will seem new to me.

Let's put on the vintage filter and try to live a life in 1890!

I always wanted to see this game in the form of a show or series. In a vintage way, in a B&W film.

I aimed to roam around and take the pictures in the appropriate filters to give a vintage sense.

From high cliffs to running the plains, I covered whatever came in front.

When we see these pictures in B&W it looks closer to reality.

And all this infrastructure looks awesome.

Deserted railway stations look quite sober as well. I wish I could find such a place around me to chill.

Lamps were the only source of light back then as the tech was yet to be in the hands of common people. There is a cave where you can get the protection helmet with an attached torch.

From hunting animals to hunting criminals! Whatever influences our Arthur.

Forest is a weird place as you don't know what will come and chase you. The northern stretch has both animals and skinners walking around.

I shot down a giant cat chasing me. This spooked my horse and I was left with a pistol, it took me 8-10 shots.

I got the opportunity to take an awesome picture of Arthur being a cowboy.

I lost my Arabian horse but found this new horse in the game and I am bonding with her.

I remembered to take a few captures from the perspective of wallpaper. I want to replace my wallpaper and this one looks awesome to me. I can keep my social and work software shortcuts on either side of Arthur.

I crossed this block mountain and here we get to see a valley with a beautiful river meandering and cutting the region in half.

The only bad thing about rivers is that they degrade my guns. I have to keep oiling them to maintain their condition else their impact is heavily reduced making them as useless as a knife in a shooting event.

Relaxing in the game revitalizes all the core. And the ambiance sound in mid of the forest is always refreshing.

Just for a second look at this scene, for how far you can see, and identify each thing.

I found this duo working in the north region. They were preparing moonshine. I offered them herbs and they offered me the prepared moonshine.

We drank one by one to check the quality. The duo offered me free moonshine whenever I came to their camp.

And I wrap up this blog with this last picture. I liked this theme of capturing this 19th-century game in its filter.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Red Dead Redemption 2


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Wow brother

That's great to see the old theme in rdr, I have played it but never went this deep. Thanks for sharing the amazing photography


Thank you, I had this idea from a long time, just today got the opportunity to do it


How great to see you again brother, your captures are really cool, I love to see you experimenting with many of them, those effects you are adding are amazing, thanks for sharing.

Written by lionsaturbix
