Rising Star Giveaway #5 for the community - Winner wins (1 rare card + 1000 starbits)

Rising Star Giveaway for the Community

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Welcome all to the weekly RisingStar Giveaway I am hosting for the community (which is being opened up to everyone now) after ending the Splinterlands weekly giveaway I was running from the @orionspeakgaming account. This will be a weekly giveaway (occasionally fortnightly) due to a busy life, to be posted on the weekend my time (UTC/GMT +10:30 hours South Australian timezone).

This is a continued way to support the community, to support those that want to participate in the giveaway whether they already play RisingStar, are still new to the game and growing or haven't played yet but want to start.


How to participate

I will be working on a gaming contest in time, that will provide a way to win a few tokens with OPG being among them as a way to potentially earn some.
If you are currently in the SWAP.HIVE:LVL liquidity pool, you can earn OPG tokens from there as I had provided 1000 as one of the rewards!

As this giveaway is now for the #risingstar community in a whole, it will require 1 things to participate:

  • Comment your interest in participating including your in-game name

It is not necessary to upvote, re-blog or follow but any support provided is appreciated and I am more than happy to be providing these giveaways for the OPG community!


Yes yes thegoliath what are the prizes we can win?

Okay so as mentioned in the title there will be multiple prizes and this is due to the giveaways only being weekly. So until I make a higher valued giveaway it will be commons for the cards as I have a nice chunk to give away.

Winner will be winning 2 cards along with 1000 starbits:
R282 MC Flow Rapper

Help cover that ego gain with a bigger boost to your skill level, this card can definitely help to sort out your ego level just that little extra to get closer to a low %.


How are the winners drawn?

Well all eligible participants will be noted down, the list will be added to a list randomiser which will be used 3 times to shuffle the list. Then the list is put into a wheel to be spun, the 1st place winner removed and then the 2nd place winner to be drawn.

No consolation prizes will be active anytime soon for this giveaway. But there is the potential for the odd bonus draws amongst the odd rare card dropped into a giveaway.

Reducing your ego

As mentioned above, you can help your ego out if you get more skill from cards as one form to reduce it. Any card with skill and no/lower fans will instantly be beneficial in the other direction..


Of course though if you have a higher fan count and ego from missions count when your level and playtime is a lot longer, then you sit at something like 32% ego and you have to get in a lot of music lessons, or skill based cards to outweigh the mission ego gained, like my just about 25k!

Luckily the game does tell you as well, when you hover over the ego bar as you can see below for what is said. This is a big consideration for maximising starbits gained in missions, due to the ego reducing earned value.



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Congratulations to the winner!
I want to participate @yeckingo1
Thank you very much for the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.
