Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Eight
An evolution?
This is a play through of Pokemon Blue by using RetroArch to emulate the game. I am randomising the Pokemon in areas with similar strength so it isn't completely randomised, while choosing three starters of similar types
Goliath continued to progress through Pokemon Tower and face off against the different Pokemon and trainers waiting.
One trainer had an Ivysaur in fighting condition with vines that were not hitting right.. they weren't doing a lot to Vulpix which was great, since ember managed to take out the Ivysaur to see level twenty three gained.
One of the wild Pokemon revealed by the Silph Scope is an Onix, something capable of hurting Vulpix easily with multiple binds but, the dig it was taught managed to really do some damage in between being binded multiple times.
It is lucky that there is a purified zone in this place which helps by healing the Pokemon in the party, so after some battles it would be possible to heal up as progressing the tower continued and to avoid using more items.
After one battle against a channeler's Drowzee then finding a gold nugget to sell when back at the poke mart, another channeler brought out a Rapidash for showing which is Vulpix's evolve form.
Dig was able to do the work one more to give a really good amount of experience to Vulpix while showing, just having the evolved form isn't always the stronger option right away!
Vulpix faced off against a Koffing and Exeggcute for the next trainer fight, dig and ember are doing so much damage right now that it has already reached level twenty five, but that isn't the best part yet..
Grimer defeats a Poliwhirl to enable level thirty seven to be reached. This allowed learning sludge but it gets better yet!
A spare rare candy was held in the backpack and this got used on Grimer, to reach level thirty eight and this meant, it could finally evolve into Muk and get a big boost in its stats and becoming such a greater powerhouse.
Goliath was really smashing out Pokemon Tower and nearing the top floor, where it is expected to be trouble waiting there for him. A wild Porygon revealed itself as something new, it put up a good fight against Vulpix at first.
A trip back to heal at the purified zone and then getting through the next couple of Channelers easily and some wild Pokemon.
That and finding another rare candy to save for later as he gets to the ghost that is guarding the stairs to the top floor.
The ghost that was behind all the hauntings people were experiencing, was a level thirty Electabuzz and it was a tougher fight for sure!
It started off a slow battle with quick attack being disabled and only leaving it with leer.. this gave time for Venonat to use double edge a few times only to be taken out, by some quick attacks after it was no longer disabled.
It also didn't like a Poke ball being thrown at it, that made it angrier and the reason why it took Venonat down!
Shellder was used to finish off Electabuzz with a tri attack, it grew to level nineteen and now the way is clear so Goliath is able to head on up, onto the top floor for what awaits him.
Emulator used: RetroArch with a Gameboy Colour core
ROMS: Pokemon Blue after being put through the randomiser
Saving: (Used for quick loading and for getting back to before I had all Pokemon faint, if I lose and so it is quicker.)
This was Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Eight
Stay tuned to see how I go with leveling, what team I am using and my journey as I progress through Pokemon Blue.
You can find Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Twenty Seven here
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