Doom Part 2 - Tougher times ahead as I make my way forward
Like an explosive round or a fireball to the face!
Well that didn't work, why would I stand still and not pay attention? Must be that they spawned in front and I took my sweet time with hitting bigger creatures with the pistol's charged shot..
None the less it completely changes in the next attempt as I slaughter the enemies!
As I move forward and get to the next spot I also get some poor shooting and closer to death again. I am surely making too many mistakes in this game which is costing me greatly.
But this level eventually gets completed and I can leave the surface of Mars, to get back inside in a nicer setting, I hope!
"Hey yo explosive shot, give them a mighty BAM! and they shall go SPLAT!"
I know I know, there are a lot of the same enemies with some chunks of bigger guys coming at me and a few fireballs, but I can feel the upcoming levels having some tough enemies.. I just know because it is DOOM after all haha. "Hey look, here is a chainsaw!"
This last part is brutal where you break the heart of the spawn point for the monsters. A fireball straight to the face is never pleasant either. But I end up dying in this spot and decide this shall do for now, will have to smash out this spot and try get passed it with some hopefully, better shooting!
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