Month End Update on My InLeo Premium Membership

I can't believe another month has come and gone, but it has! Hive Power Up Day is coming up on Sunday once again and it feels like the last one was just yesterday... Usually on Thursdays I have been doing my toy related posts, and I have one pretty much ready to go. However, yesterday I was unable to complete my weekly InLeo premium post here on InLeo due to an update in progress. It wouldn't allow me to upload pictures so it had to wait until today.

So today I will be focusing on my continuing series of my experience using InLeo premium. I have been using the service for more than six month now and for the last two months I have been doing weekly updates so others can learn from my personal experience. For those of you who haven't read my series updates until now InLeo premium is a paid service that costs ten HBD a month or 100 HBD a year. There are some extra perks you get with the service. You can produce longer threads and edit them, as well as delete them if need be. I have used that function a few times when I left out important pertinent information. It seems to happen more and more lately!

For the entire list of features offered you can see them in the screenshot I took of my InLeo premium page this morning. There are several I keep meaning to play around with but just never seem to find the time... So I haven't taken advantage of all the features yet, I'll have to make a point to check them out this next month!

One feature that isn't on the list is that InLeo premium members get priority curation on their posts that are published on InLeo. It doesn't guarantee a curation but the curators consider all of the premium members material first based on quality. My series highlights cost vs returns while using the service, because we all like to see a return on our investments. So without further ado it's time to jump into last months numbers.

Over the last premium period which ends tomorrow I have received a grand total of $51.15 in votes from @leo.voter . Next I will remove the 55% that goes back to InLeo for use of their front end leaving me with $23.02. Then I subtract my initial investment of 10 HBD and leaves me with a net profit of $13.02 on the month. Still not enough for that wild weekend in Las Vegas, but a profit is a profit!

Last month my profit was just over $14, so it was a little less this month. But then again I haven't taken into consideration the fluctuation in the price of Hive which may account for part of that. However, once again I have profited from the service and I continue to find it worth my investment. Will I continue with the service? Absolutely! As long as it is profitable it is a no brainer, it makes sense to use the service.

So tomorrow I will be renewing the service for another month! I'll keep you all posted. Thank you for all of your support, it really it truly appreciated!

DUO Token HSBI Raffle, Last Chance To Enter

And just a quick reminder for anyone interested in entering the DUO token raffle, tomorrow is the last day to enter. Entry is very easy, just sponsor an HSBI unit to @duo-curator and leave a comment in the contest's original post indicating how many units you sponsored. There are 3 prizes of 50 DUO tokens each! It's a great way to increase your HSBI units and helps the DUO token to grow. 90% of curations received from the HSBI are returned to DUO token holders who stake at least 200 DUO in the form of liquid Hive dividends and the remaining 10% goes into permanent Hive Power.

The purpose of the token is to build enough Hive Power to help onboard and retain new Hive members! In addition it rewards token holders with curation and Hive daily dividends to those who stake at least 200 DUO. At 500 DUO staked there is also a tip bot, because we all love tipping!

If you have any questions feel free to ask and here is the contest's original post:


I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!

Header generated with

I am part of the DUO management team

DUO token

This is a brand new token from the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.

Please check out the white paper:

You can find DUO for sale here:

If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

The HOC is all about onboarding and supporting new Hive members

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You received an upvote of 78% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Please remember to contribute great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag to create another Precious Gem.


Looks like you are doing good with InLEO.


I'm sitting on the fence right now about whether I want to do a bit power up on Sunday or just stick to an average one. I will have to see what kind of mood I am in when the time comes :)


I know the feeling. Mine won't be too large because it would involve moving some more funds out of BTC which I really don't want to do right now. But if Hive is cheap enough I may have to buy another chunk...!


yeah, touching BTC is a no no for me until sometime next year if then even.


I'm with you there, keeping mine for the foreseeable future


How did another month go by so quickly, my friend?☺️
Good to see you are in the black with this premium service! Not enough for that wild weekend, but the profits keep rolling in!👍


Time flies when you're having fun, or even if your not anymore! lol A profit is a profit and I'll take that any day of the week!


Absolutely my friend!👍
A good profit, even during the summer doldrums !😇😊


!sbi status


Hi @thebighigg!

  • you have 2647 units and 1 bonus units
  • your rshares balance is 4838263644896 or 1.306 $
  • your next SBI upvote is predicted to be 0.435 $

    Have you seen our website?
    It's a great resource to check your Hive SBI levels, along with your history of who has sponsored you and what upvotes we have provided you!