Goodbye Discord of Neoxian (eng/de)

To give a little background: I know @neoxian from the old days in 2017. I was pretty active in the comments of his posts and even became a minnow of Neoxian at some point, which got me a 1,000 HP delegation with a hive price of 2$ in the good old days.
I have a bad habbit of getting delegations and not hollaing when I'm not active on the platform. To be fair every time I left the platform it was for personal reasons and I never really made the concious choice of not being active anymore it just happened usually because I got busy in the real world. Also another sorry to @zuerich who also delegated to me when I promised to do manual delegation with that additional Power and became inactive without telling him.

The City of Neoxian

When I came back to hive in like 2021 I found @neoxian has become quite inactive but there is this thing called city of Neoxian. Cool name but I never understood what this project is about. There was also a lot of other cool stuff in the blockchain I could engage with so I kind of came accupied with other things.

I always held whatever NeoxAG came into my hive-engine wallet and lately even decided to buy some due to nostalgia. Then very rwecently I thought "what the hell is even this city and what is the big guy up to?" so I checked a recent city of neoxian post and the discord. The post said they wanted to actually participate with their talents and not just consume which I am generally up for!

The Discord of Neoxian

On the discord I introduced myself and got 3 checkmarks and magnifying glasses, whatever that means. Then it said I cant promote my posts unless I go to their school. That obviously triggered a knee-jerk reaction in me, I dont like to be treated like a child. So I went into the school channel looked at the exam question and gave some mostly ironic answers. I also mentioned the @kryptodenno drama since 5/10 questions were about giveaways. I dont like giveaways, only Denno's and that's gone...

Well I got kicked from the Discord but if people there can't handle my humor then I guess it is for the better. Maybe @neoxian will at some point become an active Hivian again and I will meet him again.


Um ein wenig Hintergrund zu geben: Ich kenne @neoxian noch aus den alten Tagen im Jahr 2017. Ich war ziemlich aktiv in den Kommentaren seiner Beiträge und wurde sogar irgendwann ein Minnow von Neoxian, was mir eine 1.000 HP-Delegation bei einem hive Preis von 2$ einbrachte.
Ich habe die schlechte Angewohnheit, Delegationen und mich dann nicht zu melden, wenn ich nicht auf der Plattform aktiv bin. Um fair zu sein, jedes Mal, wenn ich die Plattform verlassen habe, war es aus persönlichen Gründen und ich habe nie wirklich die bewusste Entscheidung getroffen, nicht mehr aktiv zu sein, es passierte einfach, weil ich in der realen Welt beschäftigt war. Auch nochmal eine Entschuldigung an @zuerich, der auch an mich delegiert hat, als ich versprochen habe, mit dieser zusätzlichen Power manuell zu delegieren und inaktiv wurde, ohne es ihm zu sagen.

City of Neoxian

Als ich 2021 nach hive zurückkehrte, stellte ich fest, dass @neoxian ziemlich inaktiv geworden war, aber es gibt da diese Sache namens City of Neoxian. Cooler Name, aber ich habe nie verstanden, worum es bei diesem Projekt geht. Es gab auch eine Menge anderer cooler Sachen in der Blockchain, mit denen ich mich beschäftigen konnte, also hab ich es mir nie näher angeguckt.

Ich habe immer gehalten, was an NeoxAG in meine Hive-Engine-Brieftasche kam, und in letzter Zeit habe ich sogar beschlossen, aus Nostalgie welche zu kaufen. Dann dachte ich kürzlich: "Was zur Hölle ist das überhaupt für eine Stadt und was hat der große Dude vor?", also habe ich mir einen aktuellen Post der City of Neoxian und den Discord angesehen. In dem Posting stand, dass sie sich mit ihren Talenten einbringen wollen und nicht nur konsumieren, wofür ich generell offen bin!

Der Discord von Neoxian

Im Discord habe ich mich vorgestellt und 3 Häkchen und eine Lupen bekommen, was auch immer das bedeutet. Dann hieß es, dass ich meine Beiträge nicht in die Postpromotion packen kann, wenn ich nicht in ihre Schule gehe. Das hat bei mir natürlich eine etwas angepisste Reaktion ausgelöst, ich mag es nicht, wie ein Kind behandelt zu werden. Also ging ich in den Schulkanal, sah mir die Prüfungsfrage an und gab einige meist ironische Antworten. Ich habe auch das @kryptodenno-Drama erwähnt, da 5/10 der Fragen sich um Giveaways drehten. Ich mag keine Giveaways, nur die von Denno und die sind weg...

Nun, ich wurde aus dem Discord gekickt, aber wenn die Leute dort meinen Humor nicht ertragen können, dann ist es wohl besser so. Vielleicht wird @neoxian irgendwann wieder ein aktiver Hivianer sein und ich werde ihn wieder treffen.


I'm plenty active, and I saw your rudeness. I'm the one who kicked you out.
I did something nice for you a while back, and my reward was your rudeness.


I wrote this post because I thought it was not you who kicked me. I didn't mean to make fun of your project, but it is really hard to grasp what it is all about at least it is to me. I still think my jokes were quite harmless and I unironically think that building a community around giveaways (at least that is the impression I got from this school quiz) is no bueno.

Welp, I guess that's it- It was nice meeting you again. I apologize for wasting your delegation back then, but I wont apologize for my jokes. All the best to you nonetheless.


Well I hope you enjoy receiving whale powered flags, because that's what you are getting for a while.


dude... You were legit the 'cool dude' example I brought up when people badmouthed whales. I guess I was a fool all along. I just became really active on hive despite having a day job, but if one whale is downvoting me after I just almost got a perma downvote from another whale, I guess it was not the right decision.


All you had to do was not be an asshole, but that was beyond you.


Some people love my humor and some people can rub it in a really wrong way. I thought I was always this rather crude and crazy dude, but if it is maybe the first you heard of me in a while I can see how it left a really sour taste in your mouth.

It would be nice of you if you allowed me to exist on the platform despite that. I could promise to never interact with you again or mention your name if it could bury this hatchet.


Of first all all. Post promotion in my city is a privilege, not a right. People have to earn the right to promote their posts in my city. My discord is my house.
You rude mother fucker. Do you walk into someone's house and immediately demand food from them?

Honestly if you had chatted a bit more and hung out, I might have just exempted you from the school, but whatever.

I have a fantastic sense of humor but I don't need to be insulted in my own home.

I'd like a real and true, sincere apology for your rudeness in my discord, or yes, just fuck off from this platform.


I had my introduce yourself sitting there for weeks and got no mention whatsoever, I was actually really hyped to maybe have a different more international community I could do duties for next to my German heavy HiQ Community. That was mainly the reason I was pissed in the first place.

I'd like a real and true, sincere apology for your rudeness in my discord, or yes, just fuck off from this platform.

seeing your reaction and the thing about pissing on someones front door when you have not seen them in a while beeing true. I am truly sorry. I would not mind making a whole seperate post about it and go a little philosophical on that. But we can also meet in the discords if you prefer.


you are welcome to make another post, I'll stop flagging for now.


I'm really glad we could hash it out! I also want to say that "building a community around giveaways (at least that is the impression I got from this school quiz) is no bueno." was typed in the heat of the moment. I had a whole channel dedicated to a giveaway at some point @tgd-links.

Im looking forward to becoming a more active member of the discord channel and it is really sad that the first impression I left on the Discord of myself was so bad.


The city of Neoxian has never been inactive. It is the city where people like to enjoy learning and ask about their leisure. Sorry sir all these questions are easy, if you can't answer them or can't understand then it will be another thing.


Not sure what your jokes were about cause I didn't see them, but everyplace has its own rules and you either stick to them or leave. The city of neoxian is a generally active and lovely place and it thrives because of its rules so not sure what this post is supposed to be about.


How hilarious this sounds man, it’ says when you are in rome act like a roman, you came into a city without knowing its mode of operation and you believe it would be tolerated, oh no man, that’s not how things are done, especially not in the city, you just had to shoot yourself big time with all these words, how were you treated like a child is the question you ask yourself, anyways you are totally wrong about the neoxian city, you either stick to rules or excuse yourself man, you need to do better than this… periodt 😒


Every community has their rules and standard for doing things and if at all you ain't please with how things are done, it's best you just stay quiet than making fun of the project.

Making fun of the what's done there berate not just those who set it up, but the nitty gritty of what's done there.


Well, maybe I can’t handle humor, but trust me, you have a poor sense of humor if your think “your firstborn child” is a good way to joke around. You were rude and you got what you deserved!


The city of neoxian is home for many of us, filled with a lot of good people from different countries. And our boss Mr Dragon (neoxian) has been very supportive.
So I think if you're having a problem with the city, maybe about the school or anything, which I don't even think you should have problem with, cause I've not seen anyone complain about it but then you can just leave silently without causing drama.

Remember you can't barge into someone's house and the first thing you ask is food, it's not right.


Okay, I just checked what those “jokes” of yours were and I don’t think they were just “jokes”. Your answer to one of the questions was “your firstborn child”…like..
That’s really rude actually for someone who delegated to you sometime back?


first of all, you do not know how the city works, we are govern with rules and regulations. you cant just come to the city and give silly jokes here and there. Meanwhile I saw you talking about post promotion. Did you just want to go to someone house and collect their food? common it does not work that way. you would enjoy the city if you chat well and be patients. some of us are in that city for years.


One thing I love most about the city is how everyone knows when and how to use their sense of humour for everyone to love.

I've seen your jokes in the few time you spent in the city and they are cool.
But even I didn't like how you reacted to the city rule (city school questions).

I hope you're learning from this, not just necessarily making a case out of what you shouldn't.


I think you should taken out a little time to see the city for what it truly it.. It's fun you know especially when you get to make new friends while exploring hive..

Honestly, it could do you pretty good you know?


I remember when you came to the city and you were going on and going about not being able to introduce yourself because of the timing. We kept trying to baby you and all.

Believe me, I thought you wouldn't last a minute. You managed to use your humor to prove me wrong a few minutes later.

Whatever you are getting, I saw it coming. You are self-absorbed. You are a "windbag" to put it out much more clearly.

I wish Mr. Dragon didn't kick you out so I could bring screenshots of what your first day in the city looked like.

I am beginning to think you use this humor word when other people begin to see how dumb you are. You try to cover it all up with "Some people love my humor yen yen".

3 checkmarks and magnifying glasses, whatever that means.

You are so dumb you didn't even realize the three checkmarks mean your introduction was vetted and the magnifying glass has everything to do with a detective

Then it said I can't promote my posts unless I go to their school.

If you had gone through with the school, all the things you do not understand about the city would have been made clear to you. But no, you feel you are too big to learn. How do you survive with that mentality?

Please, get out of all our faces. Next time, read the room. For your sake, I hope you don't go throwing tantrums like this when things doesn't go your way in the real world. That's fucked up if that's how you live.


Rules are rules and it's best when we do as required wherever we find ourselves. I am on different discord channels and I can boldly say that you got it all wrong about the city because it's one of the best places to have fun and learn not just about hive but life as well.

A lot of people have been through the school and it's not a big deal. It's better to know about the city than getting punished every now and then.


The neoxian city discord server has been one of the very active servers I know since I joined hive and it has thrived due to the set rules and regulations put in place for everyone to abide.

So far, I haven't seen anything wrong with how the neoxian city operates. It's left for you to stick to the rules and connect with people or decide not to.

You even remembered the good days you had with neoxian, that should have made you rethink before coming up with the joke.


If this had only contained the first part, that would have been alright - apologising...

But you didn't consider the city-school as anything important, so you disrespected everything about it, as well as Mr D and everyone. No one comes to joke in schools.

There's a fine line between humour and disrespect, and I think you now realise where you stood with the reaction you got.


You joined hive in 2017, but you deserve to be treated like a child because you have failed to understand that rules are guidance for every project. If you feel your opinions are important, go set up your own project and make your rules. You and all your family members would equally need to take loans to support your Hive power because you would be needing it for incentives.


You can call The City of Neoxian a minute replica of real life modern day city but different in some aspect. There are rules you have to abide by. It better that way to avoid a state of disorder. As far as I can tell everyone, doesn't matter who you or what you have to offer, you have to go to the city school. This is not for because anybody wants to just tell you what to do. Its basically know the city dos, donts and how to function properly in the city

That why the city school is there


I Must Say this Bold, Neoxian City Discord, is the Most Organized and Helpful Discord ever Made on Hive as. I get yo Know My Way around Hive through this dicord, the Do and Don’t of Hive. Without this discord i wouldn’t have even lasted a Month on Hive. I see Neoxian City as Not just a dicord channel but My future on Hive. This will be very Wrong for you to have gone up. I feel if you had read the rules perfectly there wouldn’t have been any problem. And Point of Correction Mr Neoxian is the Most Active Hivian i have ever seen on hive.

But Thank goodness all is settled Now, i hope you Follow the Rules This time.


but there is this thing called city of Neoxian. Cool name but I never understood what this project is about.

First of all, the city of Neoxian is a cool and interesting place to be, filled with diverse kinds of people and just like every other Discord channel created with purpose, Neoxian city is no exemption in that. When you abide by its rules, you won't have any problem whatsoever. One thing Neoxian (Mr D) shuns at is being rude to anyone.

I dont like to be treated like a child.

Sorry to say, this statement isn't right. Because no one has ever been treated like a child there. Simply abide by the rules: you know what they say that when you are in Rome, you behave like a Romans, so is the channel.

Everyone has to go through the school to know what is happening and how to not have issues later. Neoxian has been amazing and fair to us all and I don't think you should start badmouthing someone who has helped you in the past.


I think you should have went through the discord channel and the posts in City of Neoxian to know more about it rather than just passing on your views on your assumption. I myself share a lot of things from Neoxian city and we do have a lot of activities and events and our citizens enjoy the time in discord channel, we are very helpful people. Even though I am not so active but I really appreciate the time MR. D (Neoxian) give to us in the city and in Hive. I am sure that your views will be changed upside down once you will get involve in the city.
