Fungifriday Challange : 24 Pictures of four Types of Mushrooms from Hunting in the Forest
Hi my friends all over the world. Special Mushroom greetings today. A very special greeting for nanny @ewkaw to the Fungi Friday community. On this occasion my contribution to the Fungi Friday Community is four types of mushrooms from the forests of Aceh on this special day.
I only get very little to be able to hunt mushrooms in the forests of Aceh. Maybe it was because of the continuous rain and my unhealthy physical condition. But I keep trying my best to be present on this very special day.
In the course of time that feels very short. Here one week has passed, Mentunya my heart to continue hunting and learning about mushroom plants in the wild. I hope that I can continue to hunt and learn about the experience and life of mushrooms, of course. From the small forest to the big forest, I will continue to hunt with struggle and prayer. Hopefully what I'm looking for can add to my knowledge. Well, I got it directly from nature and also indirectly from posts by mushroom hunter friends in the Fungi Friday community.
I got the mushroom Schizophyllum commune is a species of fungus from a member of the Schizophyllaceae family. Then the mushroom Coprinellus micaceus is a species of mushroom from the genus Coprinellus in the Psathyrellaceae family.
Furthermore, the mushroom Mycena terena is a species of fungus from the kingdom fungi with the genus mycena in the family Favolaschiaceae.
And finally the mushroom Ozonium texanum var. parasiticum is a parasitic fungus in the family Incertae sedis, genus ozogenium.
the mushroom Schizophyllum commune
the mushroom Coprinellus micaceus
the mushroom Mycena terena
the mushroom Ozonium texanum var. parasiticum
Camera Xioami Redmi Note 9 Pro
Photographer @teungkulik
Catagory Fungi Photography
Processed Mobille Adobe Linghtroom
Lens External Macro Lensbong 30mm and Macro Extrime
Location Lhokseumawe city, Aceh-Indonesia
Beautiful and strange specimens of fungi collected in your excellent photographs, with accurate specialized information. Greetings, @teungkulik.
Okay, thank you very much
Wow! Those mushrooms on the first 2 pictures are truly fascinating 🤩 I’ve never seen anything like this in my life! I also love the cute tiny ones. Great job capturing all of them so well! Keep sharing your findings with us 🥰💙
Thank you very much my friend
Very beautiful mushroom finds comrades.
They look very charming.
thanks my friend
amazingly, my friend managed to get four types of mushrooms that are very beautiful.
thank you very much my friend