RE: High Costs in Nigeria's Transportation System

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Really enjoyed the post.

I was looking at the cost of a 10km trip to the bus for 200 Naira / 27cents. I'm glad I'm not the driver on that route. An average 150cc motorcycle gets about 25km/l when having a sidecar. at 580 naira/liter that 10km trip costs about 145 Naira in fuel. Add oil costs, maintenance costs and so on the driver of the motorcycle gets maybe 20-30 naira per person per trip.

10km is too far to walk though, especially in the tropic heat. When I'm in the Philippines I set my maximum walking distance at 8km and I'm usually pretty sweaty and tired after that.

Not a bad distance for a bike ride though.... But if 200 Naira is a lot of money I'll assume buying a bike is way too much money. Plus bikes get stolen.

As for horses, my father used to raise horses. The cost of the horse is cheap. Food and healthcare bills now that gets expensive!

Trains are still great for freight but not awesome for passengers these days.

Anyways, thanks for the post. Appreciate it!


200 naira isn't really fair for the drivers because of car maintainance and others that's why so many taxis are in poor condition and once you board one you keep praying for safety to get to where you are going

The citizen's can't afford any more hike in price hence everyone is struggling through it.
Though the amount is fair for bikers.


You are absolutely right. The taxi drivers aren't being paid enough and the people can't afford to pay more. Both sides are unhappy with the situation. At its core it comes down to bringing in more money into the system by more primary producers....however, I think I'll save that post for next weeks topic discussion. JOBS!!

Then again, I'll be going on vacation next week so I might have to put #Frugal on holiday mode for a week or two while I'm off at my homestead with my wife....without internet....

Will have to see how I can make things work.

Thanks for the feedback though!


Can't wait to see your homestead pictures 😄



You of all people should know what a homestead looks like in the beginning.

It's just a piece of dirt.

I'm going up to talk to the builders. When I get up there they are going to put in the foundation for the building. The actual home for the homestead won't be done until late August. I'll send pictures but it won't look like anything.

Then again, my wife will want to do some sightseeing so maybe some pictures of forest, waterfalls, mountains, cliffs, rivers, ocean and stuff like that.

Of maybe just a whole lot of mosquito's :)
